- Not to be confused with Expert Robes of Illusion.
Expert Robes of Destruction are an item of enchanted clothing worn by mages or wizards.
- the following people may sell this item to the Dragonborn:
- Faralda and Enthir at the College of Winterhold sell these robes, when the Dragonborn reaches Expert-level in Destruction.
- Farengar Secret-Fire sells this item upon reaching Expert-level.
- Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace – random Expert Robes on different days/visits
- It is possible to obtain the robes by killing and looting Nirya at the College of Winterhold. While doing this will get you expelled from the College, you can get back in the college by talking to Tolfdir.
- Wearing these robes allows the Alteration perk, "Mage Armor" to function when armor spells such as Ironflesh are cast on self.
- These robes can be disenchanted for the Regenerate Magicka and Fortify Destruction effect. This effect is combined; both are applied to a single piece of apparel when enchanted.
- Expert Robes of Destruction cannot be created at an Arcane Enchanter, although robes that function similar to them can be created.
Expert Robes fortifying other Schools of Magicka can also be found throughout Skyrim.