Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Eydis.

Eydis Fire-Eye is a Nord Master-at-Arms. She is Guardian of the Fighters Guild in Balmora.


Some of Fire-Eye's quests may raise a few eyebrows, though not as many as some of Lorbumol gro-Aglakh's quests. It eventually turns out she and Lorbumol are corrupt and serve the Camonna Tong, and the pair must be killed during the quest "Remove Sjoring's Supporters" if the Nerevarine chooses to side with Percius Mercius.


Eydis Fire-Eye wears a set of standard Bonemold Armor without the helm. She carries a tower shield and wields a Dwarven Mace.


Show: Balmora Fighters Guild



Egg Poachers[]


Telvanni Agents[]


Code Book[]


Desele's Debt[]


Orc Bounty[]


Alof and the Orcs[]


The Verethi Gang[]


Hunger in the Sarano Tomb[]


Show: Ald'ruhn Fighters Guild

Remove Sjoring's Supporters[]


Show: Thieves Guild

The Bitter Cup[]



Show: General

Balmora Fighters Guild (Before joining the guild) "You are in the Balmora Guild of Fighters now. I am the Guild Steward."

Fighters Guild "It's simple, Nerevarine (Character's name). The citizens give us duties and gold, and I pass some of them on to you. When you're ready for advancement, just come ask me and I'll tell you if you're ready or not."
Fighters Guild "You want to join the Fighters Guild? I'm the steward here in Balmora."
Caldera ebony mines "They're southwest of the town of Caldera, I believe. Check around when you're in Caldera. They'll give you better directions."
equipment chest "You'll find basic supplies: arrows, bolts, healing potions. If you need more healing than that, head to the temple. We're able to resupply the chest once in a while, but don't count on it."

Orders "I have a very simple contract to end an infestation of cave rats. You might be able to handle it."
cave rat (if expelled) "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."

code book "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."
debt money "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."
Dura gra-Bol "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."
egg poachers "You've been expelled, Nerevarine (Character's name). You'll have to make amends."
Orcs at a Daedric ruin "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."
Sarano Tomb "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."
Telvanni agents "You've been expelled, Nerevarine (Character's name). You'll have to make amends."
Verethi Gang "You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. Until you make amends, I cannot discuss contracts with you."
Show: Egg Poachers

egg poachers (After Egg Poachers Quest completed) "You taught those poachers a lesson, Associate (Character's rank in the Fighters Guild)."

Alveleg "He's Thieves Guild, a Wood Elf. The Telvanni prefer to hire Nords and Wood Elves when they can't get natives. I know nothing about him. But this is not a Thieves Guild job, so he has no protection."
Alynu Aralen "She's been expelled from the Fighters Guild. She stole from her Guild Steward. She's stupid, but she can fight. She joined the Thieves Guild when we kicked her out, but she's nobody important. This Caldera Mine trouble is not a Thieves Guild job."
Fothyna Herothran "She's Thieves Guild, a local Dark Elf. She's known on Azura's Coast. She could be trouble. But like I told you: this Caldera Mine trouble is not a Thieves Guild job."
Orders "Helaviane Desele owes one of our clients 200 septims. Deliver Desele's debt money to me."
Orders "We have a contract from the Caldera Mining Company to kill four Telvanni agents responsible for trouble at the Caldera Mine."
Sathasa Nerothren "She's Thieves Guild, a local Dark Elf, no one important. And this Caldera Mine trouble has nothing to do with the Thieves Guild."
thefts and disappearances "The Caldera Mining Company says they've learned a group of Telvanni agents are spying on the Caldera Mine works. There have been a number of ebony thefts, missing guards, escaped slaves, and these Telvanni agents are responsible."
Thieves Guild job "I told you. This Caldera Mine trouble is not a Thieves Guild job. Yes. They are Thieves Guild. And if you belong to the Thieves Guild, and you murder a Thieves Guild member, you get expelled. But it's only murder if the crime is reported. And you're not going to report it, are you? And, after all, I'm your Fighters Guild Steward, and I'm giving you a job to do. Don't make me wonder about where your loyalties lie."

egg poachers (Reward) "You got both of them? Good. Here's your payment. 100 septims. And we've got some extra potions from a recent raid. Take these. They'll come in handy. Just tell me when you're ready for more orders."
egg poachers "Yes. Egg poachers. May sound silly, but those kwama eggs are among the few things worth exporting from this nasty little province. Dram Bero, the owner of Shulk Egg Mine, wants to make an example of these thieves to keep other miners from getting funny ideas. The egg poachers, Sevilo Othan and Daynila Valas, are former egg miners, and long-time local troublemakers. You can handle that, can't you? Report back when the poachers are dead."

egg poachers "Have you taken care of those egg poachers yet?"
Shulk Egg Mine "The mine is a short distance southwest of Balmora, in the bluffs west of the Odai River. The old suspension bridge across the Odai is just southeast of the mine entrance. Follow the river south of Balmora until you see the bridge overhead. You're not afraid of a little swim, are you?"
Shulk Egg Mine "I already told you how to get there. And I don't like repeating myself."
Show: Telvanni Agents

code book (After Telvanni Agents Quest completed) "The code book our client wants is in the hands of Sottilde at the South Wall in Balmora. Find that code book and bring it back to me."

Alveleg (After killing him during the mission) "No loss."
Alynu Aralen "She's not a problem any more."
Fothyna Herothran "Not very tough, as it turned out. Eh?"
Orders "I need someone to return a code book that belongs to our client."
Sathasa Nerothren "She wasn't important."
Sottilde "She's Thieves Guild. I take full responsibility. And listen. I'm Guild Steward. When I say jump, you ask, 'How high?' Keep that in mind, and we won't have any problems."
Telvanni agents "You've killed the agents already, Associate (Character's rank in the Fighters Guild)"
thefts and disappearances "You took care of that."
Thieves Guild job "I told you, right? You slow or something? It wasn't a Thieves Guild job. And that's all water under the bridge, anyway."

Telvanni agents (Reward) "You got all four? Good. That'll make some people at Caldera Mining Company very happy. And here's 400 septims. The Caldera Mining Company pays well. And when your ready for more orders, let me know."
Telvanni agents "Four Telvanni agents are responsible for thefts and disappearances at the Caldera ebony mines. Their names are Alynu Aralen, Sathasa Nerothren, Fothyna Herothran, and Alveleg. They're hiding in a cave in the hills north of Caldera Mine. When the four agents are dead, report back to me. Take care, it's very likely that one of them is on lookout posted outside the mines. The quickest way to Caldera is probably to have the guild guide at the Mages Guild transport you, but it is your choice."

Telvanni agents "When the four Telvanni agents are dead, report back to me."
Show: The Bitter Cup

Bitter Cup "So you think you can bribe me to betray Sjoring Hard-Heart? Well, you might be right. If you give me the Bitter Cup, I'll pledge my support to the Thieves Guild."

Give her the cup "So be it. I take this Bitter Cup and pledge to support you against Sjoring Hard-Heart. I never liked the way the Camonna Tong was using an Imperial Guild to destroy another Imperial Guild. Tell the Master Thief to contact me when he's ready."
Bitter Cup "Yes, you gave me the Bitter Cup. I have not forgotten."
code book "Since you brought me the Bitter Cup, I'm not working against the Thieves Guild anymore. You have my word."
Keep the cup "I know that some gifts of Clavicus Vile can be hard to part with. If you change your mind, you know where to find me."
Show: Exterminator

cave rat "Go to Drarayne Thelas' house. It's here in Balmora, along the river on the east side. Ask her where the rats are coming from. Kill the rats and get your payment from Drarayne Thelas. Report back to me once you've taken care of this."
cave rat "So you killed the rats, Nerevarine (Character's name)? Not bad...for you. You ready for more orders?"
cave rat (After Exterminator Quest completed) "There's nothing more to say about that."

code book (Choice 1 Chosen for Bitter Cup quest) "Since you brought me the Bitter Cup, I'm not working against the Thieves Guild anymore. You have my word."
egg poachers "Yes. Egg poachers. May sound silly, but those kwama eggs are among the few things worth exporting from this nasty little province. Dram Bero, the owner of Shulk Egg Mine, wants to make an example of these thieves to keep other miners from getting funny ideas. The egg poachers, Sevilo Othan and Daynila Valas, are former egg miners, and long-time local troublemakers. You can handle that, can't you? Report back when the poachers are dead."
Orders "A local egg mine has problems with egg poachers. And you're going to solve those problems."

cave rat (If Drarayne Thelas dies) "Well, the first job is a bust, Nerevarine (Character's name). I've learned something unfortunate happened to Drarayne Thelas. Are you ready for more orders?"

Show: Code Book

code book (After Code Book Quest completed) "Don't go mentioning code books, Nerevarine (Character's name). It's unhealthy."

Orders "Helaviane Desele owes one of our clients 200 septims. Deliver Desele's debt money to me."

code book (Choice 1 Chosen) "Here's your 50 Septims, Nerevarine (Character's name). The guild needs more like you—obedient and efficient. If you want more orders, just ask."
code book (Choice 2 Chosen) "I'm not paying any more than 50 septims. Don't make this difficult, Nerevarine (Character's name)"
code book (Given two choices here) "You already have the code book? You have good instincts. Well, just hand it over and these 50 septims are yours."

code book "I'm glad to see that code book, Nerevarine (Character's name). Hand it over and I'll get your payment."

code book "The code book our client wants is in the hands of Sottilde at the South Wall in Balmora. Find that code book and bring it back to me."

Show: Desele's Debt

debt money (After Desele's Debt Quest completed) "I'll pass any debt collection contracts your way."

Orders "I have a bounty contract for the Orc Dura gra-Bol."

debt money (If Helviane Desele dies) "You killed Helviane Desele? Well, that's the way it is sometimes. Some people won't pay their debts."
debt money (Option 1) "Good work, Nerevarine (Character's name). Here's your share."
debt money (Option 2) "Go get it then."
debt money (Given two options here) "Do you have the 200 septims Desele owes our client?"
debt money "Helviane Desele runs a cornerclub in Suran. She owes Manos Othreleth, one of our clients, 200 septims. Bring this money to me and I'll let you keep half of it."

Show: Orc Bounty

Dura gra-Bol (After Orc Bounty Quest completed) "I don't have any more bounty contracts right now."

Orders (at Protector rank) "Alof the Easterner has seen Orc outlaws near his farm. I have a contract from Duke Dren himself to investigate the Orcs at a Daedric ruin."
Orders "I don't have orders for anyone under the rank of Protector. Find out what you need for advancement. The Guild Stewards at Vivec City, Sadrith Mora, or Ald'ruhn might have some work for you in the meantime."

Dura gra-Bol (Reward) "You already killed Dura gra-Bol? Well, then, these 250 septims are yours."

Dura gra-Bol "I heard that Dura gra-Bol is dead. Here's your 250 septims."

Dura gra-Bol "This Orc is an outlaw, living openly in a house here in Balmora. I have a contract here that says 250 septims are yours if you bring her to justice."

Show: Alof and the Orcs

Orcs at a Daedric ruin (After Alof and the Orcs Quest completed) "You made the Fighters Guild look good for the Duke, Nerevarine (Character's name)."

Orders (at Protector rank) "A distinguished client has placed a contract on the Verethi Gang."

Orcs at a Daedric ruin (Reward) "Alof says the Orcs are gone. Here's 500 septims for the Duke's contract."

Orcs at a Daedric ruin "If you already killed those Orcs, why did I get this contract? Well, rules are rules. Here's the 500 septims, your share of what the Duke paid."

Orcs at a Daedric ruin "Duke Vedam Dren himself gave us a contract to take care of the problem. Go to Alof's Farm northeast of Pelagiad and just north of the Arvel Plantation. Alof can tell you where the Orcs are and what needs to be done."

Orcs at a Daedric ruin (If Alof dies) "Duke Vedam Dren himself gave us a contract to take care of the problem. Go to Alof's Farm northeast of Pelagiad.... What do you mean Alof is dead? What were you thinking, Nerevarine (Character's rank in the Fighters Guild)? Well, the contract still needs to be filled. Apparently, our only source of information is dead, so you'll just have to search the area until you figure out which orcs to get rid of. Check for any ruins nearby; it'd be a good place for them to hide out."
Show: Hunger in the Sarano Tomb

Sarano Tomb (After Hunger in the Sarano Tomb Quest completed) "Everyone is grateful to you for clearing the Tomb of the Hunger."

Orders (at Master rank) "What can I do for you, Guildmaster?"
Orders (at Protector rank) "I don't have any more orders for you, Nerevarine (Character's name). Try asking the Guild Stewards at Vivec City, Sadrith Mora, or Ald'ruhn."

Sarano Tomb (Reward) "I am sure the Sarano family is grateful. In the meantime, here's some more tangible gratitude: 1000 septims."

Sarano Tomb "You already killed the Hunger? Then take the 1000 septims for this contract."

Sarano Tomb "A Hunger has violated the Sarano Tomb. Go to this tomb, which is over the hills southeast of Fort Moonmoth between the Ashlands and Lake Amaya, and kill the Hunger."

Show: The Verethi Gang

Verethi Gang (After The Verethi Gang Quest completed) "The Verethi Gang won't trouble anyone anymore."

Orders (at Protector rank) "There is a dangerous creature loose in the Sarano Ancestral Tomb."

Verethi Gang (Reward) "Good work, Nerevarine (Character's name). Here's the 1000 septims from the contract."

Verethi Gang "If you already killed Dovres Verethi, then I guess I ought to go ahead and pay you the 1000 septims."

Verethi Gang "Our client wants the leader of the Verethi Gang, Dovres Verethi, killed. The Verethi Gang are smugglers based in Mannammu just southeast of Pelagiad. Kill Dovres Verethi and report back to me for 1000 septims."

