Eye of Fate is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is the prologue for the Necrom chapter.
I received a letter from Leramil the Wise. She asked me to meet her in Stormhaven.
- Talk to Leramil the Wise
- Complete one:
- Go to the Hoarvor Pit
- Go to Rootwater Grove
- Go to Ondil Outskirts
- Use Book of Forbidden Secrets
- Follow Rune Trail
- Enter the Emerald Glyphic Vault
- Find the Emerald Glyphic
- Talk to Dralys Athren
- Take the Emerald Glyphic
- Use the Petrified Tentacle Talisman
- Talk to Leramil the Wise
- Discover the Shrine's Location
- Enter Mildanor's Cellar
- Search for clues
- Talk to Leramil the Wise
- Talk to Bassian Caudex
- Enter Mildanor's Cellar
- Go to Naraheida's Camp
- Talk to Dralys Athren
- Talk to Leramil the Wise
- Complete one:
- Enter the Shrine using Leramil's Entrance
- Enter the Shrine using Dralis's Entrance
- Find Leramil the Wise
- Kill Dralys Athren
- Recover the Onyx and Umber Glyphics
- Talk to Leramil the Wise
- Talk to Hermaeus Mora
- Use the Glyphics
- Exit the Shrine
Upon accepting the quest from the Crown Store, you will find a letter in your inventory from a woman called Leramil the Wise. Said letter will ask you to come to Stormhaven to meet with her, as her master Hermaeus Mora has foreseen a crisis that only you can solve.
Head to Wayrest. You will find Leramil on the street north of Lion's Crown Outfitters; speak with her and she will tell you that there is a threat that threatens both Hermaeus Mora's realm of Apocrypha as well as the mortal realm. Three glyphics are required to solve the crisis, but Leramil has already acquired two of them. Your mission is to acquire something called the Emerald Glyphic, which is in a vault that can be accessed from three locations. She will give you a book that will guide you to the vault once you are in one of these locations, as well as a talisman that will bring you back to Leramil once you have the glyph.
Once you are done talking, Leramil will open portals to the three locations that can be used to access the vault. If you go to Rootwater Grove, [?]. If you go to the Hoarvor Pit, [?]. If you go to the Ondil Outskirts, you will find yourself in southern Auridon. Use the Book of Forbidden Secrets, and a trail of runes will appear. Follow it until you find a portal just northwest of Ondil itself. This portal will bring you to the Emerald Glyphic Vault.
Proceed through the hallway to the big room; you will see the Emerald Glyph on the balcony above you. You cannot reach it from here though, so you will have to take the path to your left. You will find that these ruins are infested with enemies called Dusksabers; you will have to fight your way through hordes of these guys. Also take care to avoid stepping on the glyphs that will appear on the ground; these will hurt you. After making your way through the twisting passageways and libraries, you will reach the glyphic. A man named Dralys Athren will recognise you as fate's chosen; speak with him and he will tell you that his order, the Sodality of the Eye, foresaw that they would have to protect the Glyphic until Hermaeus Mora's chosen arrived on the scene. He will also tell you that they found a letter on the body of one of these Dusksaber mercenaries, but it is written in some sort of code.
Take the glyphic and use the talisman you got to return to Leramil. It will open a portal to Dune; Leramil will be in the building in front of you. She will tell you what the next step should be: you need to find the Shrine of the Golden Eye, which you can only find by speaking to Hermaeus Mora's faithful. The two faithful you need to speak to are both here in Reaper's March. First, head northwest to the town of Pa'alat; Mildanor has a room in a cellar there. Leramil will appear once you approach the cellar and head in before you. Inside, you will find Mildanor dead with a note in his hand. The note will describe the glyphics being important for an assault on Apocrypha. There will also be Daedric markings on the walls. Once you have investigated both, speak with Leramil. She will suspect that Mildanor was killed by a follower of Hermaeus Mora; that a traitor was involved.
Your other target is located south of the Serenity Falls Estate, on the eastern outskirts of S'ren-ja. Bassian Caudex will be alive and well; speak with him and he will tell you that he does not know the location of the shrine; whenever he goes there, he is blindfolded and led there by Naraheida. Naraheida's camp is located to the northwest of the Sleek Creek House. When you arrive there, you will find Naraheida dead, but Dralys Athren will have arrived just before you did. Speak with him and he will give you the location of the shrine. He will also express his suspicions that Leramil is in fact the traitor.
After the conversation, Leramil will arrive and have a conversation with Dralys where they both show their distrust in one another. Dralys will leave thereafter and Leramil will ask to speak to you; she has deciphered the letter. It mentions the Dusksabers being mercenaries from the Telvanni Peninsula; they wanted to use the glyphs at the Shrine of the Golden Eye to assault Mora's realm. The letter also contains directions to the Shrine that differ from those that Dralys gave you.
Head to the southwest. Both of the entrances to the shrine are located in western Reaper's March, in Claw's Strike. Dralys's entrance is directly south of the dungeon's entrance, while Leramil's entrance is in the southeastern room. Whichever entrance you choose, you will find yourself in the Shrine. If you use Dralyn's entrance, [?], but if you use Leramil's entrance, one of the Dusksabers inside will panic and say that you were supposed to use the other entrance, confirming Dralyn as the traitor. Either way, head through the tunnels to meet up with Leramil on the other end. As you progress, you will hear conversations between Leramil and Dralyn. By the time you arrive at their location, Dralys has taken the glyphics from Leramil; he will attack you on sight. Dralys can be quite powerful, so come prepared. Once he is dead, take the Onyx and Umber Glyphics from his pack and speak to Leramil about what happened. She will tell you that Dralys ambushed her, and she will thank you for stopping him.
After your conversation with Leramil, Hermaeus Mora himself will show up on the scene, and will ask you to speak with him. He will explain that he knew of Dralys's betrayal, but does not yet know which masters Dralys now served. He will also explain that if his enemies succeed at destroying Apocrypha, it will also unravel the mortal realm. He will ask you to use the glyphs to form a contract with him that you will protect Apocrypha from these enemies. To sign this contract, use the glyphs at the shrine. They will form into a contract, which you can then sign.
Once the deed is done, Leramil will create a portal to the Dune outskirts; speak with her there to finish the quest. She will tell you to await her summons when she has uncovered more about the threat.
- Unstable Emerald Glyphic
- [?]
This section is missing a journal entry.