Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Falette Normar is a Breton found in Fell's Run.


Frightened Folk[]

Falette is one of the people kidnapped by Leonce Gavendien.


Frightened Folk[]

"Praise the Eight! Did you kick that stupid thug's teeth in? I don't know what was worse—being held hostage or smelling that ruffian's breath! What about the robbery, though? Did you stop them or did they get away with the jewels?"

What jewels? "You didn't know? That's why they were holding us. Gavendien was waiting for Lauravieve Mondorie's big amethyst parcel to come in. He was holding the three of us hostage to keep the town in line."
When were the amethysts scheduled to arrive? "Hours ago. That thug Bulzog was actually going to execute us if he didn't hear from that crooked constable soon. You really came just in time. We should hurry into town and see if we can't stop Gavendien."
All right. Let's go.

