Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Falmer Servant

What appears to be the "Head" Falmer, guarded by two Servants in Blackreach.

The Falmer Servants are enslaved citizens of Skyrim that the Falmer have captured and forced to fight for their bidding.

Not much is known about them but they are confirmed to consist of Nords, Bretons, Orsimer, Khajiit, Redguards, Bosmer, and Dunmer. They can be found in Blackreach.

It is impossible to liberate them, as they seem to be completely loyal to their Falmer masters.


Falmer Servants wear Ragged Robes, and are equipped with low-level weapons such as Iron Swords, Daggers, War Axes, and Steel Maces. Occasionally, they can be found with dwarven or orcish weaponry.


