"By Y'ffre's hairy feet, you outsiders just keep showing up!"
I'm looking for my allies."You and everyone else in this forest, it seems. My clan has already declared your allies to be trespassers. You don't want to know what we do to trespassers. The Shadow Walkers will catch them. They always do."
So they're going to kill them?"Does a fuzzy newt-goat have seven toes? Don't look at me like that! It's a perfectly appropriate analogy. Anyway, I hope I reach them before the hunters do. Otherwise, your allies don't stand a chance."
Why do you want to find them?"Because I'm tired of seeing people get hurt. Things need to change around here. We've already spent way too much time talking about fuzzy newt-goats. I really need to get moving."
How are you going to find them?"Have you noticed the swords left near these campfires? I think your companions are trying to tell us something. I'm going to keep looking for them. If I can reach them before the hunters, they might just get out of this forest alive."
"This poor soldier. He didn't have to die. At least the Khajiit got away. How long can he manage to survive, though, I don't know. My clan can be very persistent."
Why is your clan hunting these soldiers?"Because we made a stupid deal a long, long time ago. We became the guardians of this forest in exchange for power and immortality. But look at the cost! Now the Shadow Walkers hunt anyone who dare sets foot in these woods."
I need to help the Khajiit."There might still be a way to save the other soldier, the Khajiit. But you need to trust me. I won't oppose my clan directly. They're my family. But I can help you find your friend. I just want to make sure no one else gets hurt."
What do you want me to do?"The Shadow Walkers use runners to search the forest. But you'll never see them. They become one with the shadows, all but invisible when the clan is on high alert. There is a way to see the runners, though."
How can I see these invisible runners?"You need to collect the bark of a spriggan. The bark's magic allows the creatures to—how should I put this—feel their way through the dark woods. Infuse the bark with the wisps of light and you should be able to spot the runners."
I need to know more before I agree to this."Your friend is out there, being hunted by my people as we speak. If you have questions, ask them quickly so we can get back to the task at hand."
Tell me about your people."My clan is ancient. Older than you could even imagine. Our Treemender tells stories of the before time. When we lived under the bright skies in the lush forests of Valenwood."
How did you wind up in Coldharbour?"According to the stories, the Daedric Prince unleashed his fury upon Valenwood. Instead of fighting back, my ancestors decided to offer their allegiance to the Prince. And here we are."
So your ancestors just gave up?"Gave up? That's one way to look at it. Another way is to see a clan that wanted not only to survive, but to gain a significant advantage. The Shadow Walkers love power. In exchange for servitude, we were promised power over our enemies."
But you're different?"I explained this to you already. I'm tired of darkness and false promises. Molag Bal gave us power, but he keeps us trapped here. What good is power if we're stuck in this realm forever? I want to see clear skies and stars in the night."
After getting the bark:
"Did you get the bark? We don't have much time left."
Here's the spriggan bark."Just scrape a bit off the top and … there. An old trick I learned living so long in this dreadful place. My friends thought it was funny to hide from me, so I'd use this to see them. It also has an interesting side effect."
Side effect?"While it allows you to see anyone hiding in the shadow realm, it also masks your presence from them. I've used this method to avoid patrols and sneak out of the forest. It really works! But remember. The effect is temporary. It doesn't last long."
So how does this work?"Touch the bark to a wisp of light and then cross the bridge. The runners are searching for the remaining soldier. When you spot a runner, follow him. He should lead you right to your friend. And if the effect runs out, just touch another wisp!"
"I know you can't forgive my clan for what it's done, but they adhere to an ancient promise that will never come to pass. I could help you, though. No one knows that tower better than I do. But I need to ask for your help in return. It's important."
What do you need my help for?"You have to help me convince my clan to break this ages-old agreement! We've guarded these woods and that cursed tower, assuming that one day Molag Bal would reward us and let us return to Valenwood. But that's never going to happen."
How can I change the minds of the Shadow Walkers?"Like me, you've been outside this forest. You know about Molag Bal's plan. You know about the Planemeld. You have to tell them that our agreement is worthless. How can we ever return to Nirn if Molag Bal destroys it?"
What about the lamia and her people?"Those monsters? We've been at war with them for ages. My people will never listen to you if you take their side. The Shadow Walkers are powerful. We would be of great help to you. But only if you aid me and convince my people."
Why should I help you and not the lamia?"You've seen my people fight. We're trained to kill. It's what we do. Maybe ... maybe if you can show them that Molag Bal has been using us, lying to us, maybe they'll see his treachery for what it is and join your cause."
I need to talk to the lamia first.
Very well, I'll help you."I knew you would help me! I'll show you how to get into the tower, but first you need to convince my people to end their service to Molag Bal. And to do that, you have to prove yourself to my clan."
"In order to help my people, you're probably going to have to do some things you may not like. You need to accomplish a deed of honor before they'll even let you near them. Otherwise, you'll be greeted by a hail of arrows."
A deed of honor?"I don't want to get into details with the lamia standing nearby. Meet me at the bridge to the east of here. We'll talk there. Just be careful. Any other lamias you meet won't be as friendly as Tzik'nith."
I'll meet you at the bridge.
At the bridge:
"Now what were we talking about? Oh, I remember! Before my people will even listen to you, you need to perform an honor deed. It has to be an act that benefits my clan. Something they would expect one of us to be able to accomplish."
What do you suggest?"To really make an impression, you need to hurt the lamias. Kill them, burn their eggs, and defeat their champion. Even our strongest warriors haven't been able to accomplish that! Do these things and that should be enough to get you an audience."
All right. I'll kill lamias, burn their eggs, and defeat their champion.[?]
[Persuade] it sounds like just defeating the lamia champion should be sufficient."Maybe. That's certainly more than any of my people have been able to do. It won't be easy, though. She's a powerful old snake! Her cave is at the highest point in the lamia camp."
At the campsite:
"I wasn't expecting any of the Shadow Walkers to be here. They haven't attacked yet, so that's a good sign. Just don't do anything to make them nervous, all right?"
Why do you think the Shadow Walkers are here?"Well, I told you that killing lamias would get their attention. You performed an honor deed. They respect that. Hopefully, that respect will last long enough for you to help me before they decide to kill you."
So what do we do now?"You stay here. I'll go see the council and give them the lamia's head. That should be all the incentive they need to agree to listen to you. In the meantime, talk to the Wood Elves here. Any information you gain is just another arrow in your quiver."
After talking to the Shadow Walkers:
"The council will see you, but this won't be easy. You have one chance to convince them, so make sure you put your best foot forward. My people ... our future ... depends on it. We can't continue to be prisoners in our own forest!"
Any last words of advice before I meet with them?"Dealing with the council can be tricky. It's a collection of individuals, each with his or her own idiosyncrasies. They are devoted to Molag Bal and our oath of servitude. It won't be easy to convince them to break those ancient promises."
So there's a good chance that i'm going to fail?"You can't fail. You just can't. Were the Shadow Walkers down here helpful? Do you need to talk to them again? When you're ready, just use the portal behind me. Present a good argument and make it count."
After speaking with the elders:
"You're back! Tell me everything! Did it go well? Were you able to convince them?"
I spoke to each of the elders. They're discussing what to do."Of course they are. That's what the council does. Sometimes I think that's all they ever do. But do you think they're going to help you?"
I told some jokes, made threatening remarks, and turned on the charm. Piece of cake!"Really? You're not serious are you? Oh, may the spirits guide me through this dark hour. Well, we're about to find out what they thought. Here comes my father now."
The council has agreed to help."Yes! You did it. You really did it. I've tried for so long to convince them, and now we can finally leave this wretched place. I can look upon a real sky! What did my father tell you to do?"
I need to go to the tower. He sent someone to open the door."When the council finally makes a decision, they act with speed and certainty. I suggest you head for the door to the ruined passage as quickly as you can. I'm going to talk to my father. I want to be a part of the group we send to help you!"
"Well? I see you asking the rest of these daintyfoots for help, but you took your time getting to me. What am I? Too short for your precious army?"
Are you sure you're ready for this?"I've spent my entire life getting ready for this, fighting in that damned forest. I want to be free and I'm willing to fight for it. And so will the rest of my clan. The Shadow Walkers aren't afraid."
The Shadow Walkers are with us?"Of course! Wouldn't have it any other way. It's going to be outstanding! We'll strike from the shadows and help your army, but I'll make sure we're nearby when you need us. I mean, if that was what you were coming to ask me, that is."
In the Planar Vortex:
"If we had known this was happening, maybe my people could have stopped it. Valenwood is part of Nirn, after all. But that's probably just wishful thinking."
Are you sure you're ready for this?"I've spent my life hiding in a dark forest. I've never seen the sky over Valenwood, or felt real rainwater on my skin. Molag Bal lied to us, and I'll never forgive him for that. I'm proud to be a part of all this."
Will your people be all right in Valenwood?"We'll adjust to our true home again in time. For many of us, it will be the first time we get to see our homeland. That will be an exciting day."
We may not survive this battle."It's better to die fighting for what you believe in, than to die fat and content. I read that in a book. It wasn't a good book, but the phrase stuck with me."
Let's try not to die, how about that?"I agree with you wholeheartedly on that! Inspiring quotes are nice and all, but living to tell our own tale is so much better."
That's a good sentiment."And I believe it, too. You showed me that there was more to life than that dark forest. You gave me hope. For that, I'll fight at your side 'til this ends. One way or another."
Tzik'nith:"I will help the Khajiit, Elf! I know the best way into the tower!"Faraniel:"Don't be ridiculous, snake! The Khajiit needs expert help, and that means I'm going to provide it."
"These swords ... they must be a clue. Now where did those fools run off to?" – At the first abandoned campfire.
"These poor creatures. Just ... slaughtered. Nothing ever changes." – At the second campfire.
"Keep your eyes open and your weapon ready. The shadows here are not your friend." – After first talking to her.
"You need to be alive. You have to be! I need you to help me." – Over the body of Captain Alphaury.
"Sorry I was delayed. It was harder to get rid of Tzik'nith than I thought it would be." – At the bridge during "The Shadow's Embrace."
"The champion is dead! Let's return to the camp where your friend was killed. There's a portal stone there that we can use to reach the council." – After killing Muiriana the Dark.
"I'll return shortly. You'll be safe here, I promise. Why not get to know a few of these Shadow Walkers while I'm gone." – Before she leaves to meet the council.
"Good news! The council has agreed to meet with you!" – After talking to the Shadow Walkers.
"You didn't think we forgot our promise, did you? Shadow Walkers, attack!" – At the Endless Stair.