Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Farkas is a lycanthropic Nord in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who is a member of The Circle, one of the most formidable and experienced warriors in the Companions. Like the rest of the Companions, he lives in Jorrvaskr in the Wind District of Whiterun. He is a Master-level trainer in Heavy Armor and serves as the Dragonborn's shield-brother in several of the Companions' quests. He is also one of the Companions who can assign radiant quests to the Dragonborn.

Upon completion of the Companions' main plotline, Farkas can be recruited as a follower and becomes a potential marriage candidate. He can be recruited into the Blades if the Dragonborn talks to Delphine while having him as a follower.


"Skjor says I have the strength of Ysgramor, and my brother has his smarts."

Farkas and his twin brother Vilkas were raised at Jorrvaskr by Jergen, who rescued them from a circle of necromancers.[1] It is unknown if he was their biological father. Jergen left to fight in the Great War but never returned.[2]

Both brothers eventually became official members of the Companions and rose to the ranks of the Circle. They were said to be the youngest members to ever join, though this may be a play on words by Vignar Gray-Mane, referring to the twins' young age during their residence at Jorrvaskr rather than the age at which their membership became official.


Farkas calls Jergen his father, and considers the Companions his family. He is especially close to his brother and follows along with his views in most situations.

Kodlak states in his journal that Farkas is "too kindhearted" to be Harbinger. Farkas is also the first of the Companions, apart from Kodlak, to be genuinely friendly and welcoming toward the Dragonborn when they join the order.

Vilkas jokes about Farkas being the more dim-witted of the two. Other Companions will also insult Farkas' intelligence by calling him "icebrain"[3] or "oaf."[4] Farkas takes the teasing from people he likes, but states that he will punch anyone else who thinks he is not smart.

He takes great pride in his physical strength, and notes that he enjoys the added strength of his Beast Form. He prefers to resolve problems through bludgeoning and leave the thinking to others if possible. He does understand there are limits to such behavior; when sending the Dragonborn on "Hired Muscle" quests, he stresses the target should be beaten but not killed. He wears a random set of steel armor minus the helmet, and carries a Skyforge steel greatsword. After the quest "Proving Honor," he carries an iron greatsword instead.

Stats at level 50
Health 590
Magicka 50
Stamina 345
Light Armor 20
Heavy Armor 15
Sneak 64
One-Handed 100
Two-Handed 25
Archery 15
Block 20
Alteration 15
Conjuration 15
Destruction 15
Restoration 15
Illusion 15
Enchanting 15
Speech 100
Lockpicking 15
Alchemy 15
Smithing 100
Pickpocket 100


Before Take Up Arms and after Glory of the Dead, Farkas can be randomly encountered in the wilds of Skyrim traveling with fellow Companions Athis and Torvar. When the Dragonborn approaches Whiterun for the first time, he can be found fighting a giant at Pelagia Farm with his shield-sisters Aela the Huntress and Ria.

Trouble in Skyrim[]

In this radiant quest, Farkas requires the Dragonborn to kill the leader in a radiant location.

Hired Muscle[]

In this radiant quest, Farkas requires the Dragonborn to brawl with a random NPC.

Proving Honor[]

To test the Dragonborn's honor and skill, Skjor sends the Dragonborn to acquire a lost fragment of Wuuthrad from Dustman's Cairn. Farkas is assigned as the Dragonborn's shield-brother and observer for this quest.

During the quest, the Dragonborn is trapped behind a gate and Farkas is surrounded by Silver Hand members. He transforms into his Beast Form to slay them, and opens the gate to free the Dragonborn. After the fragment is retrieved and brought to Jorrvaskr, Farkas stands witness to the Dragonborn's honor as they are inducted into the Companions.

Glory of the Dead[]

After Kodlak's funeral, Farkas accompanies the remaining members of the Circle to The Underforge. The decision is made for the Circle to travel to Ysgramor's Tomb and cure Kodlak's spirit of lycanthropy so Kodlak may ascend to Sovngarde.

While in the tomb, the fear of frostbite spiders that Farkas gained in Dustman's Cairn gets the better of him. He apologizes and states he will wait outside with his brother, leaving the Dragonborn and Aela to finish the quest on their own. Once the quest is complete, Farkas decides to stay at the tomb with the other Circle members for a while.


Farkas wishes to rid himself of his beast blood. To cure him, the Dragonborn must take him to Ysgramor's Tomb, throw a Glenmoril Witch Head into the fire, then kill Farkas' beast spirit.

Dragon Seekers[]

After "Glory of the Dead" quest, the Dragonborn can speak to him again for more radiant quests. Eventually, he will have the quest Dragon Seekers for the Dragonborn, indicated by the speech option "Is there any work to be done?"

Farkas will tell the Dragonborn of people coming to Whiterun with rumors of dragons, and how he would like to see one for himself. He will then give the Dragonborn the location of one of the Word Walls to travel to and kill the dragon located there. Once completed, he will elect to remain behind for a while so he can get the details right when he tells Vilkas of the battle.

The Bonds of Matrimony[]

Farkas is also eligible for marriage after completion of the Companions' questline if an Amulet of Mara is worn when talking to him:

"An Amulet of Mara. You're looking for marriage, then?"

Interested in me, are you? "Won't lie, I am. And you?"
  • I won't lie, I am. "Then it's settled. You and me."
  • I'm not. "Your choice."


Heavy Armor Training[]

Farkas can train up to level 90 in Heavy Armor, though his Heavy Armor skill is actually a low level.

If recruited as a follower, his services as a trainer are still available. Any gold paid can be taken out of his inventory afterwards, effectively making the training free.


As a follower, Farkas has no tolerance for crime. If the Dragonborn has a bounty in any hold, Farkas will draw his sword and advance on the Dragonborn, but will not attack unless provoked.

Farkas has very mismatched skills, due to his Blacksmith class.

  • His primary skills are Smithing and Speech, even though he is not eloquent and uses few words.
  • His secondary skills are Pickpocket and One-Handed, although he starts with a Two-Handed weapon.
  • He has a high Sneak skill despite being a non-sneaking character.
  • His Light Armor skill is slightly higher than his Heavy Armor skill, but he starts with Heavy Armor.


"My brother Vilkas is a better talker than me. He should be around someplace."

Where do you stand on the war? "Too confusing for me. Empire, Nords, Talos. Who cares? Just tell me who need bludgeoning."
Why did you join the Companions? "Vilkas and I have been here since we were little whelps. Our father, Jergen, raised us here. Even Vignar couldn't remember Companions younger than us!"
Who are the Companions? "The Companions are my family. We fight so that other people don't have to. We bring honor and glory to ourselves and each other."
Can I join the Companions? "Kodlak is the one who figures out who can be a Companion. So talk to him. It's out of my hands."
Show: Take Up Arms
Inside Jorrvaskr:

"Skjor and Aela like to tease me, but they are good people. They challenge us to be our best. Nice to have a new face around. It gets boring here sometimes. I hope we keep you. This can be a rough life. The quarters are up here. Just pick a bed and fall in it when you're tired. Tilma will keep the place clean. She always has. All right, so here you are. Looks like the others are eager to meet you. Come to me or Aela if you're looking for work. Once you've made a bit of a name for yourself, Skjor and Vilkas might have things for you to do. Good luck. Welcome to the Companions."

Show: Trouble in Skyrim
Inside Jorrvaskr:

"By the way, if you're looking for something to do... We've got trouble right here in Whiterun Hold. Nothing we can't handle."

What kind of trouble should I expect? "Rogue wizards. I've never trusted magic types. The College is bad enough. Destroy them."
I'll take care of it. "Excellent. Show them no mercy."
I'd rather not handle that. "Shame. But, I'm sure one of the whelps around here will take it up."

If approached again:

"Skjor says I have the strength of Ysgramor, and my brother has his smarts."

What does it mean to be a Companion? "I've never been a smart one. But the Companions welcome anyone with the heart of a warrior. When we step into battle, we fight for our own name, and the name of the Companions."

Upon completion of the quest:

"Skjor says I have the strength of Ysgramor, and my brother has his smarts."

I've taken care of the problem. "Another job well done. Your payment is secure, and you have my thanks."
Show: Trouble in Skyrim (Radiant)

I'm looking for work.

"There's some trouble in Eastmarch. Farmers getting troubled by some bad types who've built up a stronghold in the area."
"There's some trouble in Falkreath. There's always some sort of trouble down there, but now it's come to a head."
"There's some trouble in Haafingar. The Legion's too busy with the war, and they're hiring us to take care of their problems."
"We've been hired to deal with some pests in Hjaalmarch. Someone's got them riled up, and you need to put an end to it."
"There's some trouble in The Pale. We need you to go in and clear out an enemy stronghold."
"There's always some sort of trouble in The Reach, but a local warlord has raised the stakes. We have to handle the situation."
"The Rift is seeing a lot of trouble from some riff-raff. We need to head in and break them up."
"We've got trouble right here in Whiterun Hold. Nothing we can't handle."
"There's trouble up in Winterhold. I'm a little surprised anyone's complaining about it, but money is money."
What kind of trouble should I expect?
"Nothing but a bunch of lowly bandits. Cowards, who will take little effort."
"The restless dead. Not pretty, but if you don't stop them, they'll move on to the locals."
"The Falmer. There have been reports that they've been attacking people at night."
"It's a problem with the Forsworn. Unpredictable, unknowable, and dangerous. Be careful."
"It's a clan of giants. The war is driving them out of their lands, and they've started attacking settlements."
"You'll be clearing a nest of those Hagraven things. I've never faced one myself, but I hear... disturbing things about them."
"Oddly enough, Spriggans. Usually they let alone, but for some reason, this particular grove isn't."
"Bloodsuckers. Vampires. Take every precaution. One bite, and you could end up as one of them."
"Rogue wizards. I've never trusted magic types. The College is bad enough. Destroy them."
I'll take care of it.
"I knew you could be counted on. Do what must be done."
"Excellent. Show them no mercy."
"Good. Do not spare them your blade."
I'd rather not handle that.
"Unfortunate, but someone else will take care of it."
"Shame. But, I'm sure one of the whelps around here will take it up."
"I see. Well, should you change your mind, the contract will be available for a while."

After completing the quest:

I've taken care of the problem.

"And I have already received word that the client is satisfied. You have done well for yourself, and for the Companions."
"Another job well done. Your payment is secure, and you have my thanks."
"I expected no less of you. And once again, you have not disappointed."
Show: Hired Muscle

I'm looking for work.

"We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle right here in Whiterun Hold (or "over in Eastmarch", "over in the Reach", "over in the Rift", "out in the Pale", "up in Haafingar", "up in Hjaalmarch", "down in Falkreath", "all the way in Winterhold")."
"I don't know what the fight is about, and that's not our business anyway. I just need you to go out there, look tough, and scare this milk drinker into submission. No more than that. I don't want to hear about a killing, understand?"
I can handle that.
"Try not to get carried away."
"Go. Bring honor to yourself, and the Companions."
"Get to it, then."
I'd rather not do that.
"This work isn't for everyone. Maybe you're more cut out for those snowberries up in Winterhold."
"This isn't an order of cowards. I'll find someone more agreeable, I'm sure."
"Unfortunate, but someone else will take care of it."

If the target was intimidated:

I took care of the problem in Whiterun (Location).

"Kind of fun to push people around sometimes, isn't it. Good work, brother (Or "sister")."
"You seem to have a knack for this kind of thing. I'll make sure people in charge know."
"I figured you had it in you. Nicely done."

If the target was killed:

Acolyte Jenssen (Target) was killed. "Shor's bones, boy (Or "girl"). What did I tell you? I'm cutting your pay for this job. Be more careful next time. This isn't a game."

Show: Proving Honor
Inside Jorrvaskr:

"Skjor was looking for you, earlier."

What does he want? "Don't know. He just said he needed to talk to you before you do anything else. I don't like making him angry, but there is some work for you if you want it."

After speaking to Skjor:

"I hope you've readied yourself."

You're going to be my Shield-Brother? "So I'm told. Let's see if you impress."
Who was this scholar? "A smart man came and told us about a blade piece. Skjor thinks you should find it, and I'm supposed to watch you."
Why did Skjor call this my trial? "I watch you to make sure you are honorable. If you are honorable and strong, then I can call you brother."
What is Wuuthrad? "Ysgramor was the hero who started the Companions. Wuuthrad was his weapon. He came from the ancient homeland and killed all the elves. But not all of them, because some of them are still here."
I'll meet you at Dustman's Cairn "Don't delay, Shield-Brother."

Inside Dustman's Cairn:

"Looks like someone's been digging here. And recently. Tread lightly."
"Be careful around the burial stones. I don't want to haul you back to Jorrvaskr on my back."
"Now look what you've gotten yourself into. No worries. Just sit tight. I'll find the release."

After becoming a werewolf:

"I hope I didn't scare you."

What was that? "It's a blessing given to some of us. We can be like wild beasts. Fearsome."
You're going to make me a werewolf? "Oh, no. Only the Circle have the beastblood. Prove your honor to be a Companion. "Eyes on the prey, not the horizon." We should keep moving. Still the draugr to worry about."

If approached again:

"We should keep moving."

The Companions are werewolves? "Not everyone, but all in the Circle are. It's a secret to everybody."
Who are the Silver Hand? "Bad people who don't like werewolves. So they don't like us either."

After obtaining the Wuuthrad Fragment:

"We need to get back to Jorrvaskr."

Show: Glory of the Dead
Inside Ysgramor's Tomb:

"I can't go any further, Shield-Brother."

What's the matter? "Ever since Dustman's Cairn, the big crawly ones have been too much for me. Everyone has his weakness, and this one is mine. I'm not proud, but I will stay back with Vilkas. Give my regards to Ysgramor."
Show: Purity

Is there any work to be done? "Of course, there is always work. My mind is someplace else, though."

What troubles you? "I think that maybe Kodlak was right. As a werewolf, I can't be a good Nord. I want to be clean, like he was, and go to Sovngarde when I finally die."
I will help you cure yourself. "I would be honored for you to accompany me, Harbinger."
"Aela said we would need a Hagraven's head. I already have one of them, but she said it was a special kind. And that you knew where to get more. Let's go find one! (Without a Glenmoril witches' head)"
"You still have one of the witch's heads. This is good. Let's go to the Tomb. We can do the cleansing there. (If the Harbinger already held a Glenmoril head)"
This is a personal matter, and I leave it to you. "Thank you, Harbinger."

During the quest to get a head:

"Did you take the head?"

I have it. "This is good. Could you show the way to the tomb again?"

After defeating Farkas' wolf spirit:

"Is it over?"

Are you ok?
Get up. Did it work?
"It's like relaxing into a warm mug of spiced mead. I'm losing aches I didn't know I had. This is how a warrior should feel. Alive and aware. Not clouded with thoughts of the hunt. Thank you for your help. I'm going to stay in the tomb for a while. My shame kept me out before, but now I want to see it."
Show: Dragon Seekers

Is there any work to be done? "Travelers have been coming to Whiterun. They tell stories about dragons. I've heard of them, but didn't think they were real. Have you ever seen one?"

Yes, they're real. I've seen them. "You are a very brave man (Or "woman"). But I already knew that."
Maybe one day you'll see one yourself. "Not at this rate. I'll just go back to clubbing horkers and scaring the debtors."
Rumors and ramblings should be ignored. "That is the kind of thing Kodlak used to say. And he was right. But still, I'd like to see for myself."
Let's go kill a dragon. "Well, that's one way to find out if they're real. I even know where we might find one. Lead on!"

After defeating the dragon:

"Now that was a battle!"

You fought well. "Thank you, Harbinger."
Next time, try harder. "I will train better for the future."
Let's go. "You go if you want to. I've never seen bones this large, and want to make sure I remember them so I can tell the story right. Otherwise Vilkas will just say I was making it up."

"We bring honor to the Companions."


Take Up Arms[]

Skjor: "I told you, this is the whelp that Vilkas mentioned." Aela: "Ah, yes. I heard you gave him quite a thrashing." Skjor: "Don't let Vilkas catch you saying that."
[After talking to Aela]
Skjor: "Farkas!" Farkas: "Did you call me?" Aela: "Of course we did, icebrain. Show this newblood where the rest of the whelps sleep." Farkas: "New blood? Oh, hello. I'm Farkas. Come, follow me."

Proving Honor[]

Kodlak: "Brothers and sisters of the Circle, today we welcome a new soul into our mortal fold. This man has endured, has challenged, and has shown his valor. Who will speak for him?" Farkas: "I stand witness to the courage of the soul before us." Kodlak: "Would you raise your shield in his defense?" Farkas: "I would stand at his back, that the world might never overtake us." Kodlak: "And would you raise your sword in his honor?" Farkas: "It stands ready to meet the blood of his foes." Kodlak: "And would you raise a mug in his name?" Farkas: "I would lead the song of triumph as our mead hall reveled in his stories." Kodlak: "Then the judgement of this Circle is complete. His heart beats with fury and courage that have united the Companions since the days of the distant green summers. Let it beat with ours, that the mountains may echo and our enemies may tremble at the call." Aela: "It shall be so." Skjor: "It shall be so." Vilkas: "It shall be so."

Kodlak's Burial[]

Eorlund: "Who will start?" Aela: "I'll do it. Before the ancient flame... We grieve." Eorlund: "We grieve." Farkas: "We grieve." Vilkas: "We grieve." Eorlund: "At this loss... We weep." Aela: "We weep." Farkas: "We weep." Vilkas: "We weep." Vilkas: "For the fallen... We shout." Aela: "We shout." Eorlund: "We shout." Farkas: "We shout." Farkas: "And for ourselves... We take our leave." Eorlund: "We take our leave." Aela: "We take our leave." Vilkas: "We take our leave." Aela: "His spirit is departed. Members of the Circle, let us withdraw to the Underforge, to grieve our last together."

Glory of the Dead[]

Vilkas: "The old man had one wish before he died. And he didn't get it. It's as simple as that." Aela: "Being moon-born is not so much of a curse as you might think, Vilkas." Vilkas: "That's fine for you. But he wanted to be clean. He wanted to meet Ysgramor and know the glories of Sovngarde. But all that was taken from him." Aela: "And you avenged him." Farkas: "Kodlak did not care for vengeance." Vilkas: "No, Farkas, he didn't. And that's not what this is about. We should be honoring Kodlak, no matter our own thoughts on the blood." Aela: "You're right. It's what he wanted, and he deserved to have it." Vilkas: "Kodlak used to speak of a way to cleanse his soul, even in death. You know the legends of the Tomb of Ysgramor." Aela: "There the souls of Harbingers will heed the call of northern steel. We can't even enter the tomb without Wuuthrad, and it's in pieces, like it has been for a thousand years." Eorlund: "And dragons were just stories. And the elves once ruled Skyrim. Just because something is, doesn't mean it must be. The blade is a weapon. A tool. Tools are meant to be broken. And repaired." Vilkas: "Is that? Did you repair the blade?" Eorlund: "This is the first time I've had all the pieces, thanks to our Shield-Brother here. "The flames of a hero can reforge the shattered." The flames of Kodlak shall fuel the rebirth of Wuuthrad. And now it will take you to meet him once more. As the one who bore the fragments, I think you (Referring to the Dragonborn) should be the one to carry Wuuthrad into battle. The rest of you, prepare to journey to the Tomb of Ysgramor. For Kodlak."

New Weapon[]

Athis: "You might do well to learn a new weapon. Vary your style a bit." Farkas: "Tiny blades don't hurt enough. A sword needs weight." Athis: "But ten little cuts..." Farkas: "All I need is one to cut you in half." Athis: "[nervous gulp] Well, when you put it that way..."

Little Swords[]

Farkas: "You only use the little swords." Athis: "It's called a shortsword, you oaf. It's quicker. Sharper. And it can cut through a whale like a razor." Farkas: "But whales eat razorfish." Athis: "And they always come to regret it."

Hunting vs. Fighting[]

Farkas: "Relax, new blood." Torvar: "I've been hunting on my own for years." Farkas: "Fighting people is different. Smarter." Torvar: "Some of 'em, anyway."

Time to Train[]

Farkas: "Time to train." Torvar: "Enough with the training, I want to go fight something." Farkas: "No fighting, not just yet. Not 'till Skjor says so. You train now." Torvar: "Easy for you to say. You get to fight." Farkas: "But before I fought, I had to train."

Young Ones[]

Kodlak: "How are the young ones coming along?" Farkas: "Some are too happy to fight. Blood runs hot." Kodlak: "I remember when you were the same way. The more they train, the more they'll cool down." Farkas: "I hope so." Kodlak: "Just have them focus on the calm in the battle. Control the rage, don't let it control you."

Favored Weapons[]

Farkas: "What weapon do you like, Harbinger?" Kodlak: "When I was young, I favored huge swords, much like you. Hard to lift these days, but I still enjoy the heft of a good hammer." Farkas: "Big swords should always beat little swords." Kodlak: "Brave hearts beat lesser ones. That's the decider."


General Quotes[]

General Quotes Condition
"You look strong. Come to Jorrvaskr and be a Companion!" When first meeting him at Pelagia Farm
"Skjor says I have the strength of Ysgramor, and my brother has his smarts."
"Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
"You've been a good friend to me, that means a lot."
"Getting tired of hanging around talking all day."
"Thinking I need to train some more."
"I'm here to help."
When approached or passed by.
"Um... You've got no clothes. You should get some." If the Dragonborn is naked
"For Kodlak!" During "Glory of the Dead"
"Vilkas says you're the new Kodlak. I don't know what that means, but you seem honorable, so that's good." After "Glory of the Dead"
"Oh, you don't need to worry about me. I do what I'm told. Congratulations!" After being told the Dragonborn is the new Harbinger

Follower quotes[]

Follower Quotes Condition
"Let's not waste any time." When asked to follow.
"We've stopped, what is it?"
"We going?"
"Still standing here."
"I'm still here."
When speaking to him.
"Lead on, then."
"Let's go."
"Lead the way"
When closing the dialouge menu.
"Go on ahead. I'll stand guard." When told to wait.
What do you need to take? When asked to trade items.
"Fine. What?"
When asked to preform a task.
"Will do." When preforming a task.
"That it?" After preforming a task.
"What... hey! That felt good." When casing a Healing spell on him.
"By the gods, I feel like I could crush a giant's head like a walnut!" When casting Courage on him.
"Dark, scary, dangerous." When nearby a cave
"Old stonework. Gold, traps, and bones." When nearby a ruin.
"I'm heading home if you need me." When dismissed as a follower

Marriage Quotes[]

Marriage Quotes Condition
"Married. It isn't what I thought it would be, but I'm happy. Where should we live? You could always live with me." After the ceremony, before choosing a residence
"I'll see you at home, then." After choosing a place to live
"A good house. You chose well. I don't like sitting still, so I'm going to set up a small store. Buy and sell what's needed." First time greeted in Dragonborn's house
"It has. Here, this is your share, love." When asked for store's profits
"I can. Here, this is fresh. I'll have another one ready tomorrow." When asked to cook a meal
"Good to see you again, dear."
"Yes, love?"
Passing Comments
"I'll be here, my dear." Ending conversation
"Stupid dog." If the Dragonborn owns a dog

Combat quotes[]

Combat Quotes
"I've had enough of you!"
"I'm gonna crush you like a bug!"
"I'll rip you in half!"
"I'll fix you good!"
"You're making me angry!"
"That's... all you've got?"
"You're as good as dead!"
"I'll have your head!"
"Agh! Bastard!"
"Damn you!"


  • "Farkas" is the Hungarian word for wolf, as well as a given name or surname. Similarly, his brother's name "Vilkas" is the Lithuanian word for wolf.
  • His default steel armor outfit is randomized between a set with and without pauldrons. His boots and gauntlets are also randomly chosen between the different varieties of steel armor. Farkas can be given a matched set if the game is saved before he is within spawning distance (when he is first encountered at Pelagia Farm fighting a giant), and reloaded until the desired set is equipped.
  • A rare interaction may occur where Farkas asks the Dragonborn if he can keep a piece of equipment dropped nearby him. Agreeing to it makes him available as a follower, even if one has not yet joined the Companions.
  • During the events of Dustman's Cairn, a Silver Hand member will refer to Farkas' status as a member of the Circle by stating the following; "He wears that armor, he dies,", despite Farkas not wearing the Wolf Armor associated with the Circle.
  • Farkas is afraid of Frostbite spiders after the events in Dustman's Cairn, which he explains to the Dragonborn when he refuses to follow them during "Glory of the Dead." However, despite his professed fear of frostbite spiders, he has no problems engaging them in combat.
  • During the quest "Proving Honor," a chest can be found besides the word wall just behind the Fragment of Wuuthrad. Farkas may take a weapon from the chest and use it to kill the draugr. If there is a staff, he may wield it to fight the draugr.


This section contains bugs related to Farkas. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
Click to see the list of bugs encountered

Dragon Seekers bugs[]

  •  PC   360   PS3   The Dragonborn may experience this bug after the dragon is killed; nothing will happen and there will not be any new dialogue with him to complete the quest. He will continue to follow the Dragonborn everywhere and will be immortal.
    •  PC   This can be fixed by opening the console and typing setstage CR14 100. The quest should complete and the follower should be released.
    •  360   It is possible to get away from him by finishing a conversation, then as he is sheathing his sword quickly pausing the game, making the Dragonborn free to travel.
    •  360   Waiting 31 in-game days for the dragon to respawn then killing it again will help. Farkas' regular finishing dialogue for the quest starts once the Dragonborn talks to him and the quest completes.
  •  PC   360   PS3   During the quest, there may be a floating cursor at the area in which a dragon needs to be killed. However, there is no dragon to be seen, causing Farkas to follow the Dragonborn without normal dialogue options.
    •  PC   Setting the quest stage to 20 using the console command SetStage CR14 20 will cause normal dialogue options to be restored as if the dragon has been killed.
    •  360   PS3   The only known solution is to revert to a save prior to taking the quest. A temporary fix so he does not interrupt dungeons is to use the Ice Form shout on Farkas before entering. This should make him only continue following after the dungeon is exited.

Other bugs[]

  •  PC   360   PS3   If the Dark Brotherhood contract: kill Anoriath is finished before accepting the quest from Farkas about intimidating Anoriath, The Companions Guild will become unfinishable, due to Anoriath being dead. He will also continue to follow the Dragonborn and attempt to talk to them, even if they are involved in another dialogue.
    •  PC   (Save in case of accident), go to console (` by default) and type player.placeatme 13B97. This will place a living Anoriath on the Dragonborn and make Farkas leave them alone. If Farkas does not stop, target him whilst in console by clicking on him and type resetai.
  •  PC   360   PS3   After the Dragonborn releases Kodlak's soul from Hircine, each time Jorrvaskr is entered, Farkas will start following them, initiating dialogue, and unsheathing his weapon. This disrupts talking to other characters, smithing, and combat.
    •  PC   360   PS3   Clearing all bounties owed by the Dragonborn or by serving jail time may fix this. This is because Farkas and Vilkas are in the guard faction and will keep disrupting the Dragonborn until all bounties are cleared.
    •  PC   Using the console to kill him is possible by first removing his essential setting. Opening the console and typing setessential base_ID 0 turns it off. After this, typing kill with him selected.
  •  PS3   During the quest to free Kodlak's soul, he will say "For Kodlak!" and repeat it until the quest is finished, even when in combat.
    • This may be fixed by reloading a save from after Farkas first begins to follow the Dragonborn.
  •  PC   360   PS3   XB1   After finishing the Companions quest line, there may not be the option "I'm looking for work" in the dialogue with Farkas or Vilkas, and there will only be the follower request line available.
    •  PC   360   PS3   Take a few radiant quests from Aela the Huntress to fix this. Afterwords, Farkas and Vilkas will give out quests again.
  •  PC   360   PS3   If Farkas is a follower and the Dragonborn uses the spell Clairvoyance, the spell's light may only guide them to Farkas and not to the objective.
  •  PC   360   PS3   If Farkas is left in Dustman's Cairn for a long period of time, at least a month in-game, upon returning to the area, he will continually engage in conversation with the Dragonborn. This will interrupt combat. He will also follow them everywhere, including prison. Finishing the quest in Dustman's Cairn will not fix this.
  •  PC   360   PS3   Sometimes, Farkas will show up about halfway between Nightgate Inn and Anga's Mill. He will still have the same dialogue options, but will comment that he is "tired of wandering around."
  •  PC   360   PS3   If given the wolf armor, after some time it will turn into his default armor. This may happen since he was intended to wear this as his default armor.
  •  PC   360   PS3   Farkas, as with a few of the Companions, may act as if Skjor is still alive, with dialogue stating that he is. This may or may not be related to the bug where Skjor actually comes back to life, due to essential characters returning after one month of in-game time.
  •  PC   360   PS3   If Farkas is tagged as essential, he may still pursue the Dragonborn around Whiterun, regardless of his injuries. For instance, if a Dremora Lord is summoned to kill him, he may be decapitated, resulting in a headless Farkas running around the city. If he is headless, his dialogue boxes are open, but not usable.
  •  PC   Dropping armor near Farkas will cause him to open the dialogue box, asking if he can have the armor that was dropped. Even if he has permission to keep the armor, he will not pick it up. Talking to him again will make him ask for the armor once more. This continues until he is told he cannot keep the armor.
  •  PC   360   PS3   Like his brother, he also can be very difficult to recruit into the Blades, as he may initiate dialogue with the Dragonborn anytime they try to speak to Delphine, or any other time dialogue is finished.
  •  PC   360   PS3   If Farkas joins the Blades, he might still travel back to Jorrvaskr.
  •  PC   360   PS3   Farkas may set any or all armor in his possession as his starting armor, even if it is not, making it impossible to take it away from him.
    •  PC   This can be resolved by using the console commands removeitem (item ID) (count) after selecting Farkas by either clicking on him or using his ID.
  •  PC   360   PS3   After marrying Farkas, his steel armor will be sold in the shop he opens. He may not wear it when he is not a follower.
  •  PC   360   PS3   After purchasing his steel armor, he may refuse to carry anything heavy.
  • After marrying Farkas and choosing to keep on living at Jorrvaskr, he may vanish during the night.
    • A possible fix is to complete Purity. Once he returns to Jorrvaskr, he will hurry to his room.
  •  PS3   In Dustman's Cairn, if the Dragonborn accidentally hits Farkas while killing the draugr in the first room, he will continuously limp around, even at full health. Dialogue with him will be disabled and he will not help when the Dragonborn gets trapped behind the bars and the Silver Hand come in. He will not turn into a werewolf and the Silver Hand will never come.
    • This can be fixed by loading from a point previous to him limping around at full health.
  • If married to him, he may not sleep in any house beside Hjerim, where he will choose the housecarl's bed instead of the one in the master bedroom.
  • It is possible for Farkas to marry the Dragonborn if he is made a follower by dropping armor, before completing the Companions questline.
  •  360   If B is pressed during the conversation after Farkas shows the Dragonborn his room after entering the Companions, the quest "Intimidate Faendal" may not appear on the journal, nor will Farkas or anyone else will give another Companions' quest.
  • After being killed, he may still follow the Dragonborn and can still be talked to. This can be fixed by fast traveling somewhere.
  •  360   Sometimes, if given an Orcish battleaxe, he will equip it like a one-handed axe after fast traveling.
  •  360   Both Farkas and Vilkas suffer from a bug that will sometimes prevent them from entering combat. They will still shout combat dialogue, but will not enter the fight until they are made to yield, after which they will stand back up and enter the fight. Letting hostiles attack the Dragonborn first will sometimes break the bug.
  •  PC   XB1   When Farkas' transformation into a werewolf is witnessed by the Dragonborn for the first time, he may sometimes transform back wearing Wolf Armor instead of his usual Steel Armor.
  •  360   Farkas may try to initiate dialogue with the Dragonborn repeatedly, even if the player closes the dialogue with him.
    • This can be solved by completing quests for the Companions, which will eventually allow him to cease initiating dialogue.
  •  PC   Farkas may continue following the Dragonborn before joining the Companions if the Dragonborn gets a bounty in Jorrvaskr, even after paying the bounty.
    • This can be fixed by going to another hold, but fast-travel will not be an option.



  1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Prima Official Game Guide
  2. Dialogue with Vilkas
  3. Dialogue with Aela
  4. Dialogue with Athis