Fatahala is a Dark Seducer in The Elder Scrolls Online posing as an Altmer found at The Manor of Revelry in Coldharbour.
While being a Dark Seducer, she states that she was in the Hollow City when it was plunged into Coldharbour. During "What the Heart Wants," she mentions that the three Dark Seducers that rule the Manor of Revelry wanted her to become on of them.
What the Heart Wants[]
Fatahala asks the Vestige to help Stibbons, whom she claims is in mortal danger.
- What the Heart Wants
At the start of the quest:
"I can't bear to watch someone die again. Oh, Stibbons, that poor, poor man!"
- Is someone in trouble here? "This manor, it's not what it seems. And now poor Stibbons has been caught in its embrace. Without help, he will surely die, just like the others. It will be dangerous, but perhaps you can go inside and convince him to leave before it's too late."
- I'll speak to Stibbons.
After being asked to attend the banquet:
"Be careful. Your eyes will play tricks on you in this place and you'll need to pay attention to save Stibbons."
- Who are you and why do you care about Stibbons? "I was in Meridia's city the day she plunged it into Coldharbour. Like many, I was lost and alone in the wilderness. Then I found this manor. When the sisters discovered that I was a servant of Meridia, they decided to torment me for eternity."
- How do they torment you? "The sisters find it amusing to watch me fret over their meals. But Stibbons has a good heart. He doesn't deserve the fate they have planned for him. The sisters hope to turn me to their side eventually, but they never will. My faith is too strong."
- What do you mean? "You need to keep your wits about you. Stibbons has already accepted the illusion and slipped beyond reason.
Pay attention and you may save him yet."
After the banquet:
"There is something different about you. I knew it! You saw through the illusion, didn't you?"
- What do you mean? "Nuzara, Rayyaima, and Shayaifa rule here through the use of deception and illusion. You saw though the illusion, at least briefly. You're different from Stibbons. You can save him!"
After speaking with Shayaifa at the bath:
"Shayaifa is trying to deceive you. If you listen to me and do exactly what I tell you, I'll help you see through their illusions."
- How can you help me? "Take these Cleansing Reagents and go to the pools. Place the reagents in the basin. They will break through the illusion and let you see the manor as it truly is. Once this occurs, you will be in mortal danger. The sisters prefer their meals happy and deceived."
After breaking the illusion:
"Did it work? Yes, I can see it in your eyes! Now you can see things as they really are."
- What happened to you? "You can see though [sic] [Do not change this to through. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] the illusion now. This is how I actually appear. For all their power, the sisters couldn't truly harm me as long as I serve Meridia."
- What happened to Stibbons? "Stibbons went up to the manor hand-in-hand with Shayaifa. I tried to warn him, but he ignored me. You've got to save him!"
What the Heart Wants[]
Stibbons: "Thank you. Now just give me a moment to deal with my nakedness situation." Fatahala: "Stibbons! Thank the Radiant Mother you're all right. When I saw Rayyaima with your jewels, I feared the worst!" Stibbons: "All right? How can you say that? They have my dear Lady Laurent's jewels! She will be quite distraught if I don't retrieve them." Fatahala: "At least you're alive. That's something! I know a secret tunnel by the pools. I can lead you there while our friend fetches your lady's jewelry. What do you think?"