Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I am Felisa Ulessen, the Mouth for Mistress Therana."
―Felisa Ulessen[src]

Felisa Ulessen is a Dunmer mage serving as Mouth for Therana. She can be found in the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora and is a quest giver for House Telvanni.


New Clothes[]

Bring a skirt to Therana in Tel Branora.

Slave Rebellion[]

The Nerevarine must put an end to a slave rebellion in the Abebaal Egg Mine.


Show: New Clothes

"What brings you here, Nerevarine (Player name)? Do you want chores?"

chores "Mistress Therana has requested that someone deliver her new clothes to her. I will pay 10000 drakes to anyone willing to deliver her new clothes."
Mistress Therana "She is my patron in House Telvanni, and I am her Mouth. She can be... difficult at times. Be very careful if you must speak with her."
new clothes "Take this skirt and deliver it to Mistress Therana. She lives in Tel Branora and can be... eccentric at times. Take these ALMSIVI Intervention scrolls. Don't hesitate to use them if Therana becomes... difficult."
Tel Branora "Tel Branora is Therana's tower. It's near the southeast tip of Azura's Coast on an island. I will mark it on your map. I believe you can take a boat there. That's probably the best way."
new clothes "I gave you the skirt. Deliver it to Mistress Therana in Tel Branora. You have to deliver it to her personally, not just put it somewhere in Tel Branora."

After delivering the skirt:

"Did you bring Mistress Therana her new clothes?"

new clothes "I trust you did not have any trouble... Well, in any case, I owe you 500 drakes for the delivery. Perhaps I could also teach you how to Mark and Recall if you don't know how already."
Teach me Mark and Recall. "Fine, you must set a Mark. Then you can use Recall to return to that Mark at any time. [Felisa teaches you how to cast these spells.]"
Nevermind. "Your choice, Nerevarine (Player name)."
new clothes "I do not have anything else for you to deliver to Mistress Therana."
Show: Slave Rebellion

"What brings you here, Nerevarine (Player name)? Do you want chores?"

chores "Mistress Therana is concerned about a slave rebellion in one of her holdings."
slave rebellion "The slaves have revolted in the Abebaal Egg Mine. Go there and put an end to this rebellion before it spreads to Mistress Therana's other holdings."
Abebaal Egg Mine "First go to Tel Branora. Then head north up the small peninsula. Cross to the next island to the northwest. The mine is on the northern corner of that island."

After killing all the slaves:

"Have you put down the slave rebellion?"

slave rebellion "The rebellious slaves are dead? Very good. Mistress Therana asked me to give you these if you killed the slaves."
slave rebellion "The slave rebellion is no more."
chores "I do not have any chores for you. Speak with the other Mouths if you need chores. Or you could speak with Mistress Therana again, though I would not recommend it."

After killing just the slave leader:

"Have you put down the slave rebellion?"

slave rebellion "The leader of this rebellion is dead? Very good. Mistress Therana asked me to give you this ring if you killed the leader."

After helping the slaves escape:

"Have you put down the slave rebellion?"

slave rebellion "You say the slaves have escaped? Hm. I suppose I will have to hire someone else to track them down. If you ever have holdings of your own, you'll want to be able to command them forcefully. I can teach you a spell that might help with this if you want."
Teach me to command slaves. "So be it. [Felisa teaches you spells of command.] May your slaves be more obedient."
Nevermind. "Your choice, Nerevarine (Player name)."


  • "Mistress Therana is an... unwise choice for a patron." – When asked about "patron" when on the rank of Lawman

