Fell's Run is a town situated in the region of Rivenspire, High Rock. It eventually becomes the town of Normar Heights.
- Mayor's House
- The Run Inn
- Constabulary
- Sabir's General Goods
- Stones that Sparkle
- Gavendien House
- Ravenhurst (Player's House)
Notable items[]
- Fell's Brigade Orders
- Note from Sagabar – In The Run Inn during "Frightened Folk"
- Sagabar's Orders – During "Frightened Folk"
- The Story of Princess Eselde – Inside the Mayor's House
Quest items:
- Banekin trinket
- Bailiff Sagabar
- Bailiff Togbrig
- Beaunois Edette
- Bezhefah
- Brigibeth Chauvry
- Bulzog (to the south)
- Caronique Lavedan
- Constable Agazu
- Constable Gavendien
- Culydil
- Dran the Trickster
- Droka gra-Morad
- Dulkhi
- Dunimond Gedanis
- Falette Normar
- Gaillard Laussac
- Gaspard Spletis
- Georgia Matine
- Ghak gro-Urish
- Ginus Maryon
- Girninan
- Grahuar
- Harza gra-Urish
- Hierot Belland
- Imrazon
- Jacquebeth Favret
- Lauravieve Mondorie
- Leonce Gavendien
- Mayor Orrard
- Menwirchel
- Mirina
- Rubyn Mondorie
- Sabir
- Undugar
- Urdboga
- Victrice Belland
- Mill Worker
- Cut files indicate the village was synonymous with Normar Heights and the mayor's surname was also Normar, and Magharz gro-Thorkan was having a dispute with him over alleged necromancy in the Ruined Steppe of the nearby mountains (of which Thorkan was innocent). A remnant of this remains as Falette Normar's surname, confirming the connection.