Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Faydra Shardai is a Daedra Lord and the leader of Shardai Clan. Her Oathfather is Mehrunes Dagon. Her Oathkin include Xivilai Moath and Imago Storm. Her incantory neonymic is "Nepehkweh-kodo." It can be used by the Apprentice from the Battlespire to banish her to the Void.


Show: Level 6

"We are pleased you have come to us. You have proven your worth. We are prepared to grant you what you ask in return for your service. Only be careful... ask wisely, and receive our blessing."

I wish only to serve you, my Queen. "No other answer could so please me. Swear an oath to the Powers to serve me, and I shall render your substance proof against time, and your rewards shall be no less than the boldest of my lieutenants."
By the Great Powers, I so swear to serve you, my Lady.
You are too generous, my Lady. Allow me to withdraw to seek a present fitting the honor you would do me. "That does not please me. I HAVE TOLD YOU WHAT PLEASES ME. NOW DO IT, OR YOU WILL MAKE YOUR LADY VERY, VERY ANGRY."
By the Great Powers, I so swear to serve you, my Lady.
I will not, and you can't make me. So there. And so long.
You don't scare me. I banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. Now perhaps you'll wail in frustration and despair while I revel in my triumph. Hah-hah-HAH! (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm)
I wish only the life of my friend Vatasha Trenelle and our safe return to Tamriel. "Well. You would forsake me and the pleasures of my realm for your little man and a quaint life in Tamriel. You disappoint me. VERY, VERY MUCH! No. You shall swear to my service before the Great Powers, right now, or contemplate the CELESTIAL SPLENDOR OF MY FURY!"
By the Great Powers, I so swear to serve you, my Lady.
I will not so swear, you rat-faced witch. You smell like a goat, and you got fat thighs.
I flap my ears and bubble my lips at the celestial splendor of your fury, you sorry sack of scamp spit. I banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. Maybe you can lose a couple pounds roasting in the Furnaces of Torment, tubby-butt. (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm)
I wish only the key to the gate to Lord Dagon Hunting Lodge, and safe passage there, where I might parlay with Lord Dagon for the life of my companion Vatasha and our safe return to Tamriel. "So. You ask for much... But I am generous to my servants. Then swear to my service before the Great Powers, and you shall have what you ask."
By the Great Powers, I so swear to serve you, my Lady. "Excellent. Here is the gatekey, and I shall give orders straight away that you are not to be molested. Return to me when you have spoken with my Lord Dagon, for I shall have pressing need of your service."
Thank you my Lady. Now I take my leave.
Actually, if you don't mind, I'd first like to hear the terms and conditions of my service.
You are more generous than I might have imagined. Excuse me while I withdraw to contemplate my good fortune, and give thanks.
By the Great Powers, I so swear to serve you, my Lady.
Goodness. I sense your disapproval. Well. I guess I'll just have to risk it. Sorry, but I won't be swearing service to you. Goodbye.
Remember. You brought this on yourself by being so mean to me. So. I hereby banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. Bon voyage, pruneface. (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm)
Please forgive me. I've been treating under false pretenses. Actually, I will not serve you, but I want the gatekey and safe passage, which you will grant me, because I possess your neonymic. So there. (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm) "YOU DARE DEFY ME? IN MY OWN THRONE ROOM? ARGGH! SEIZE HIM! AND PULL HIM VERY MUCH APART!"
And who do you think GAVE me your neonymic? Your ally, Xivilai Moath. He said you'd be upset. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to report back to Lord Moath and tell him all about our little interview. "Xivilai gave you my neonymic? What? Well. If it's WAR he wants, it's WAR he'll get. To arms, my minions! Defeat and destruction to Xivilai and all his clan! AND BRING ME THE MORTAL'S SKIN!"
Since my skin is busy holding the useful parts inside, I guess I'd better get it out of here.
Oh, well. You leave me no choice. I hereby banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. Give my regards to all the other immortal souls writhing in torment.
I hate myself. The temptation is just too great. So. I banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. I know it's bad form to gloat, but -- well -- nyah-na-nyah-nyah. (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm)
You are both generous and wise, and I only wish I could serve you, but previous oaths of fealty bind me. I propose instead to bargain with you on my own behalf. For I have your neonymic, and would gladly forego the perilous trial of attempting to banish you, if only you could grant me the loan of the gatekey to Lord Dagon's Hunting Lodge. (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm) "What? WHAT? You filthy mortal. I'll give you the gatekey. RIGHT IN YOUR EYE! SEIZE HIM! I WANT HIS HEAD TORN OFF! AND EVERYTHING ELSE! RIGHT NOW!"
And who do you think GAVE me your neonymic? Your ally, Xivilai Moath. He said you'd be upset. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to report back to Lord Moath and tell him all about our little interview. "Xivilai gave you my neonymic? What? Well. If it's WAR he wants, it's WAR he'll get. To arms, my minions! Defeat and destruction to Xivilai and all his clan! AND BRING ME THE MORTAL'S SKIN!"
Since my skin is busy holding the useful parts inside, I guess I'd better get it out of here.
Oh, well. You leave me no choice. I hereby banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. Sorry for all the fuss. Give my regards to all the other immortal souls writhing in torment.

If Shardai is mad:

"I was afraid you wouldn't come back. Because I PERSONALLY WANT TO WATCH YOU TORN LIMB FROM LIMB! SEIZE HIM!"

Did anyone ever tell you you're lovely when you're mad? Maybe some other time would be more convenient. Until later.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I have other plans. I hereby banish you, Faydra Shardai, Nepehkweh-kodo, to the Wells of Oblivion. Don't forget your woolens. (Only after having spoken to Imago Storm)

If agreed to serve Shardai under the right options:

"I thought you had pressing business with my Lord Dagon."

Oh. Yes. Right. Don't know how that slipped my mind. Excuse me.
Actually, there appears to be some sort of confusion among your followers. You did issue an order of safe conduct for me, didn't you? "Certainly. Can you doubt it? Perhaps the message may have come late in some quarters. The orders will go out again immediately with the highest priority."
Ehr. That sounds wonderful. Thanks.

