Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Final Justice is a quest in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The next target of the Dark Brotherhood is an Argonian named Shaleez, who can be found in the Flooded Mine.


Head over to the Flooded Mine and enter. Most of the mine is flooded but there are a few areas above the water. The Hero may want to take a spell or potion along for breathing underwater, while it's not required, it makes getting around some sections of the mine easier.

During the day Shaleez wanders and swims throughout the cave and at night she sleeps, but the cave is small so she's easy to find. Try and stay out of the water when she has discovered she isn't alone. If the Hero doesn't have any spell or enchanted jewelry for water breathing, it's easier to kill her when on solid ground.

When Shaleez has been killed, the reward and next contract will be in a coffin outside of the ruins of Fort Redman.


Journal Entry
  • Update: Upon receiving the quest:

I have picked up my next contract from the dead drop beneath the Old Bridge. I have been ordered to kill an Argonian hunter named Shaleez, who is holed up in the Flooded Mine. She is a wanted psychopath, so I should be cautious. After killing Shaleez:

  • Update: Upon killing Shaleez:

Shaleez is dead. I must pick up my reward and next contract at the dead drop located in the coffin just outside the ruins of Fort Redman.

  • Update: After picking up reward and next contract:

I have picked up my reward and received my next contract.

  • Quest complete


  • Once Shaleez is killed, one can find a chest with a lockpick and 120 Gold inside the cave.


Dark Brotherhood
Dark Brotherhood Quests A Knife in the DarkThe Renegade Shadowscale (optional)Darkness Eternal (optional)
Vicente Valtieri Quests A Watery GraveAccidents HappenScheduled for ExecutionThe Assassinated Man
Ocheeva Quests The Lonely WandererBad MedicineWhodunit?Permanent Retirement
Lucien Lachance Quest The Purification
Dead Drop Orders Quests Affairs of a WizardNext of KinBroken VowsFinal JusticeA Matter of HonorThe Coldest SleepA Kiss Before DyingFollowing a LeadHonor Thy Mother
Epilogue Quest Whispers of Death