Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Fire Damage MW
For other uses, see Fire Damage.
Main article: Magic Effects (Morrowind)
"This spell effect produces a manifestation of elemental fire. Upon contact with an object, this manifestation explodes, causing damage."
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Construction Set[src]

Fire Damage is an effect in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind that is a member of the Destruction school of magic, governed by Willpower. Its base Magicka cost is 5.00 points.


The following spells consist of a Fire Damage effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Fire Damage Spells
Name Type Cost
Range Area Gold Base ID
Almalexia's Wrath TR Spell 150 100 100 5 Target 40 almalexia's wrath
Barenziah's Fire TR Spell 0 50 50 30 Target 25 fireball_bar_uni
Burning Hand Power 0 50 50 Instant Target 0 burning hand
Burning Touch Spell 3 1 25 Instant Touch 0 burning touch
Cruel Firebloom Spell 7 10 16 Instant Target 10 āœ“ burning touch
Fire Bite Spell 6 15 30 Instant Touch 0 āœ“ fire bite
Fire Storm Spell 23 1 10 10 Target 10 āœ“ fire storm
Fire Trap Spell 3 2 20 3 Touch 1 trap_fire00
Fireball Spell 5 2 20 Instant Target 5 āœ“ fireball
Firebloom Spell 26 1 25 5 Target 10 firebloom
Firefist Spell 11 10 24 Instant Touch 0 firefist
Five Fingers of Pain Spell 5 3 5 Instant Touch 0 five fingers of pain
Flame Spell 2 1 15 Instant Touch 0 flame
Flamebolt Spell 24 10 50 2 Target 10 flamebolt
Gedna's Damage TR Spell 10 100 200 Instant Target 8 relvel_damage
God's Fire Spell 135 11 60 10 Target 10 āœ“ god's fire
Gothren's Gout Spell 23 2 2 5 Touch 0 Gothren_gout
Greater Fireball Spell 10 2 40 Instant Target 10 āœ“ Fireball_large
Hand of Vivec Spell 188 50 50 3 Touch 0 hand of vivec
Hroldar's Death Blast BM Spell 0 1 1 Instant Touch 30 hroldar_death
Master Fire Trap TR Spell 3 20 30 10 Touch 1 trap_fire_killer
Projectile Trap Spell TR Spell 5 10 20 5 Touch 20 proj_trap_spell
Proximity Mine Fire TR Spell 33 50 200 Instant Touch 10 prox_mine_fire
Shalk's Fire Bite Spell 5 3 6 Instant Touch 5 shalk_firebite
Vivec's Wrath Spell 28 10 20 Instant Target 0 vivec's_wrath
Werewolf Transformation BM Spell 0 1 1 Instant Touch 30 werewolf_ritual_ring
Wrath of Vivec Spell 94 50 50 Instant Target 0 wrath of vivec
Gold = Available for purchase from a spell merchant.


The following spell merchants are purveyors of one or more spells consisting of a Fire Damage effect:

Fire Damage Merchants
Name Faction MS Location Spell
Arrille None 20 Seyda Neen: Arrille's Tradehouse Fireball
Erer Darothril None 40 Sadrith Mora: Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub God's Fire
Estirdalin Mages Guild 10 Balmora: Mages Guild Fire Bite
Felen Maryon Telvanni 7 Tel Branora: Upper Tower, Therana's Chamber Fire Storm
Greater Fireball
Fevyn Ralen Telvanni 10 Vivec, Telvanni Canton: Telvanni Waistworks, Mage Fire Storm
Heem-La Mages Guild 10 Ald'ruhn: Mages Guild Greater Fireball
Jeanne Andre TR None 9 Mournhold: Great Bazaar, Magic Shop Fire Storm
Malven Romori Mages Guild 10 Vivec, Foreign Quarter: Mages Guild Cruel Firebloom
Greater Fireball
Salver Lleran * Telvanni 10 Vivec, Telvanni Canton: Telvanni Waistworks: Sorcerer Fireball
Urtiso Faryon Telvanni 10 Sadrith Mora: Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer Fire Storm

* This person's services are available to faction members of a sufficient rank only.


The following items consist of a Fire Damage effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Apparel and jewelry[]

Enchanted Apparel and Jewelry
Item Type Magnitude
Area Item ID
Arobar's Amulet Amulet 5 15 5 3 Exquisite_Amulet_Arobar1
Cruel Flamebolt Ring Ring 8 16 Instant 0 cruel flamebolt ring
Dire Flamebolt Ring Ring 5 11 Instant 0 dire flamebolt ring
Firestone Ring 1 25 Instant 0 firestone
Flamebolt Ring Ring 1 4 Instant 0 flamebolt ring
Ring of Fire Storm Ring 1 50 10 20 ring of fire storm
Ring of Fireball Ring 1 25 Instant 20 ring of fireball
Ring of Fireballs Ring 1 25 Instant 20 ring of fireballs
Ring of Firefist Ring 5 12 Instant 0 ring of firefist
Ring of the Five Fingers of Pain Ring 3 5 Instant 0 ring of the five fingers of pai [sic] [Do not change this to ring of the five fingers of pain. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.]
Ring of Wildfire Ring 6 15 5 0 ring of wildfire
St. Felm's Fire Ring 11 60 Instant 0 st. felm's fire

Potions and scrolls[]

Potions and Scrolls
Item Type WeightIcon Gold Magnitude
Area Item ID
Pyroil Tar * Potion 1.00 100 20 20 60 0 pyroil_tar_unique
Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire ** Scroll 0.20 161 40
15 sc_elementalburstfire
Scroll of Fiercely Roasting Scroll 0.20 73 18 81 5 100 sc_FiercelyRoastThyEnemy_unique
Scroll of Hellfire ** Scroll 0.20 151 10
10 sc_hellfire
Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher Scroll 0.20 74 35 60 Instant 5 sc_taldamsscorcher

* Unique key reagent for the quest that is called The Blade of Nerevar.
** Inflicts two simultaneous Fire Damage effects when used.


Weapon damage varies by attack type (chop, slash, or thrust). Refer to individual articles for detailed information.

Enchanted Weapons
Weapon Type Magnitude
Item ID
Arrow of Wasting Flame Arrow 1 4 Instant arrow of wasting flame
BanHammer Blunt 2H 1 4 Instant banhammer_unique
Cruel Flame Bolt Bolt 3 7 Instant cruel flame bolt
Cruel Flamearrow Arrow 3 7 Instant cruel flamearrow
Cruel Flameblade Short Blade 1H 3 7 Instant cruel flameblade
Cruel Flamestar Thrown 3 7 Instant cruel flamestar
Cruel Flamesword Short Blade 1H 3 7 Instant cruel flamesword
Dire Flamearrow Arrow 5 11 Instant dire flamearrow
Dire Flameblade Short Blade 1H 5 11 Instant dire flameblade
Dire Flamebolt Bolt 5 11 Instant dire flame bolt
Dire Flamesword Short Blade 1H 5 11 Instant dire flamesword
Eltonbrand Long Blade 1H 10 30 Instant katana_bluebrand_unique
Felen's Ebony Staff Blunt 2H 3 7 Instant ebony staff caper
Firebite Club Blunt 1H 3 5 Instant firebite club
Firebite Dagger Short Blade 1H 3 5 Instant firebite dagger
Firebite Star Thrown 3 5 Instant firebite star
Firebite Sword Short Blade 1H 3 5 Instant firebite sword
Firebite War Axe Axe 1H 3 5 Instant firebite war axe
Fireblade Short Blade 1H 1 25 Instant fireblade
Flame Arrow Arrow 1 4 Instant flame arrow
Flamebolt Bolt 1 4 Instant flame_bolt
Flamestar Thrown 1 4 Instant flamestar
Glass Firesword Long Blade 1H 5 11 Instant glass firesword
Goldbrand Long Blade 1H 10 30 Instant katana_goldbrand_unique
Hellfire Staff Blunt 2H 4 15 Instant we_hellfirestaff
Her Dart TR Thrown 5 5 5 her dart
Iron Flameblade Short Blade 1H 1 4 Instant iron flameblade
Iron Flamecleaver Spear 1 4 Instant iron flamecleaver
Iron Flamemace Blunt 1H 1 4 Instant iron flamemace
Iron Flamemauler Blunt 2H 1 4 Instant iron flamemauler
Iron Flameskewer Spear 1 4 Instant iron flameskewer
Iron Flameslayer Long Blade 2H 1 4 Instant iron flameslayer
Iron Flamesword Long Blade 1H 1 4 Instant iron flamesword
King's Oath TR Long Blade 2H 20 20 3 King's_Oath_pc
Last Rites Axe 2H 1 25 Instant last rites
Light of Day Blunt 1H 4 20 Instant lightofday_unique
Maryon's Staff Blunt 2H 3 7 Instant ebony_staff_tges
Silver Flameaxe Axe 1H 3 7 Instant silver flameaxe
Silver Flameblade Short Blade 1H 5 11 Instant silver flameblade
Silver Flameskewer * Spear 3 7 Instant silver flameskewer
Silver Flameslayer Long Blade 2H 3 7 Instant silver flameslayer
Silver Flamesword Long Blade 1H 5 11 Instant silver flamesword
Silver Staff of War Blunt 2H 5 11 Instant silver staff of war
Stalhrim Longsword of Flame BM Long Blade 1H 5 10 5 BM ice longsword_FG_Unique
Steel Firesword Long Blade 1H 3 7 Instant steel firesword
Steel Flameaxe Axe 1H 3 7 Instant steel flameaxe
Steel Flameblade Short Blade 1H 3 7 Instant steel flameblade
Steel Flamecleaver Spear 3 7 Instant steel flamecleaver
Steel Flamemace Blunt 1H 3 7 Instant steel flamemace
Steel Flamemauler Blunt 2H 3 7 Instant steel flamemauler
Steel Flamescythe Long Blade 2H 3 7 Instant steel flamescythe
Steel Flameskewer Spear 3 7 Instant steel flameskewer
Steel Flameslayer Long Blade 2H 3 7 Instant steel flameslayer
Steel Flamesword Long Blade 1H 3 7 Instant steel flamesword
Steel Staff of War Blunt 2H 3 7 Instant steel staff of war
Trebonius' Staff Blunt 2H 7 15 Instant ebony_staff_trebonius
Trueflame TR Long Blade 1H 30 30 Instant nerevarblade_01_flame
Veloth's Judgement Blunt 2H 4 10 10 daedric warhammer_ttgd
daedric warhammer_ttgd_x
Wild Flameblade Short Blade 1H 1 20 Instant wild flameblade
Wild Flamesword Short Blade 1H 1 20 Instant wild flamesword

* There are two distinct weapons that are both named Silver Flameskewer. One has the item ID "silver flameskewer" and inflicts Fire Damage, the other weapon's ID is "silver shardskewer" and inflicts Frost Damage.



Weakness to Magicka does not affect Fire Damage. Instead, Weakness to Fire must be used to increase one's susceptibility to this effect (it can also be used to counteract resistance, or even immunity if cast with a magnitude of one-hundred or more). Altmer have an innate fifty percent weakness to Fire Damage, as do Frost Atronachs.


Fire Damage is not affected by Resist Magicka. However, it is resisted by both the Resist Fire and the Fire Shield effects (the latter also inflicts ten percent of the effect's magnitude). Dunmer have an innate seventy-five percent resistance to Fire. An otherwise unremarkable Bosmer merchant named Berwen who resides inTel Mora is the only humanoid who is immune to Fire Damage.

See also[]

