- For other uses, see Fort Amol.
Fort Amol is a location that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online, in the province of Eastmarch. Jarl Ivannar rules the fort.
The Vestige arrives at a crowded Fort Amol as Jorunn the Skald-King holds council with the rest of the Pact delegates within the keep.
Location Quests:
- Alchemical Analysis
- Best of the Best
- Dear Cousins
- Do Kill the Messenger
- Proving the Deed
- Lifeline
- Victory at Morvunskar
Notable items[]
- Skyshard – Under the main bridge
- Alchemy Report – Inside the Marla's House
- Confessions of a Bold Alchemist – Inside The Uncanny Alembic
- Ice Elves: Fact or Fiction? – Inside Deldwine's Inn
- Jofnir's Journal – Inside the Jofnir's Quarters
- Jomund's Research Notes – At the river, during Alchemical Analysis
- Letter to Betra – Inside the Deldwine's Inn
- Letter to Dhalen – Inside the Jarl's Manor
- Note from Magister Osanne
- Note to King Jorunn – Inside the Jarl's Manor
- Orcs: Monsters or Misunderstood? – Outside Deldwine's Inn
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part 2 – In the camp south from Jofnir's Quarters
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part 3 – South from guilds, next to the inner lake
- The Quiet Room – Inside the Jarl's Manor, quest-related
- Treatise on Metallurgical Anomalies – At the river, during "Alchemical Analysis"
- Uggissar's Diary – After completing the quest "Dear Cousins"
- Aelif (During Quest)
- Aleeto
- Baar-Taeed
- Belvin Redoran
- Bemfola Songbird
- Borogilmith (Fighters Guild)
- Bottild (Fort Amol Barracks)
- Captain Vari Warhammer (Deldwine's Inn)
- Commander Yjarnn
- Countess Hakruba (Fighters Guild)
- Dedalor Fish-Catcher
- Deldwine Antler-Fur
- Dethis
- Dhalen
- Dohna Indoril
- Eirma
- Elpa the Helpful
- Erekka (Fort Amol Barracks)
- Fenus Marethi
- Firon
- Fjar Moonstrike
- Follows-the-Sun
- Furoni
- Furu Marys
- Gelds Indoril
- General Flaminius Auctor (Fighters Guild)
- Gin-Wan
- Golden-Heart
- Hloenor Chill-Owl
- Holsorr the Tuneful
- Hokurek
- House Indoril Retainer
- Hrasvard Axe-Bearer
- Idirfa
- Itman
- Kragfarr (Fort Amol Barracks)
- Jofgrieda Brewmistress
- Jorunn the Skald-King
- Lord Vurlop
- Lucia Portius (Mystic)
- Mamir
- Marla
- Merfa Redblade
- Murela Beleth
- Muril
- Muslabliz (Guild Trader)
- Naris Davor
- Naryu Virian
- Nimble-Hands
- Odrasa Saram
- Odyna
- Oryla Heryon (Merchant)
- Pact Guard
- Pact Sentry
- Prince Irnskar
- Ra'zaym Iron-Ear (Fighters Guild)
- Raki (Fighters Guild Steward
- Rennilde Silver-Axeconfirmation needed (Weaponsmith)
- River-Swimmer
- Rogrydda
- Rorngrek the Booming
- Royal Bodyguard
- Runs-With-Quickness
- Saegar
- Salanius Campano (Alchemist) (The Uncanny Alembic)
- Sergeant Haldric Three-Boots (Fort Amol Barracks)
- Sergeant Vkor
- Scout Maryl
- Scout Grins-at-Cats
- Sentry Thod
- Steady-Hand
- Svalkmar the Crude (Fighters Guild)
- Swift-Light
- Thane Harvald
- Thane Jeggi Gap-Tooth
- Thane Oda Wolf-Sister
- Thelman
- Thralof
- Vestord (Armorer)
- Vicecanon's Sentry
- Way-with-Words
- Yrning Earth-Turner
- Covenant Nightblade ("Marla")