Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"He's in charge of the garrison here in Ebonheart. You can find him in the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison."
Frald the White dialogue topic[src]

Frald the White is a Nord warrior who can be found in Ebonheart. He is the commander of the Hawkmoth Legion.



Frald uses or carries the following:


Frald uses the following:





Show: Courtesy
Inside the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison:

"Greetings. Citizen Nerevarine (Player name). I'm Frald the White. Can I help you. This your first visit to Ebonheart? Is there some specific place you seek?"

Orders "The Buoyant Armigers claim we have no courtesy."
courtesy "Salyn Sarethi, a Buoyan Armiger at the Tower of Dusk in Ghostgate claims that we have no courtesy. Go best him in a duel of wit and poetry. You might want to find the Red Book of Riddles first."
Salyn Sarethi "He said we have no courtesy. Just like them to think that."
Red Book of Riddles "I believe a former Champion in the Legions, Codus Callonus, has a copy. His bookstore is in Ald'ruhn."

If approached again:

"Have you restored our courtesy?"

After restoring the Legion's courtesy:

"Have you restored our courtesy?"

courtesy "Yes, I heard. You won a poetry riddle contest against Salyn Sarethi, the best of the Buoyant Armigers. What I wouldn't give to be at the Tower of Dusk right now... Ah, but since you are not a simple warrior, perhaps you would appreciate this book."
courtesy "You won the duel of courtesy. Perhaps the Armigers won't be so quick to judge us from now on."
Salyn Sarethi "He said we have no courtesy. Just like them to think that."
Show: Honthjolf the Traitor
Inside the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison:

"I see from your outfit that you have wealth and taste. Can I help you?"

Orders "Find the traitor Honthjolf."
Honthjolf "Honthjolf was once a member of the Order of Ebonheart. He turned our backs on us and works as a guard for Llarusea Andrethi in Aharnabi, a foul den of sorcerers and Daedra worshippers on the far southeast corner of Azura's coast, near the Shrine of Azura. Find the traitor and kill him."

If approached again:

"Have you found the traitor Honthjolf?"

After killing Honthjolf:

"Have you found the traitor Honthjolf?"

Honthjolf "So Honthjolf is dead. It is always sad when someone betrays the Legions, but we cannot allow such traitors to live."
Honthjolf "The traitor is dead."
Show: Suryn Athones' Slanders
Inside the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison:

"I'm well, Citizen. What can I do for you? Are you looking for services here in Ebonheart?"

Orders "An Ordinator is spreading lies about the Order of Ebonheart. Stop Suryn Athones' slanders."
slander "The slanders are being spread by Suryn Athones, an Ordinator at the Justice Offices in Vivec. Find him and silence his lying mouth with blood."
Justice Offices "They are in the Hall of Justice, in Vivec."

If approached again:

"Report on Suryn Athones' slanders."

After killing Suryn Athones:

"Report on Suryn Athones' slanders."

slander "So you found Suryn Athones and silenced him. Good. We want good relations with the Ordinators, but we can't tolerate slanders on our character."
slander "You already silenced Suryn Athones' slanders."
Show: Saprius Entius
Inside the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison:

"Of course, Nerevarine (Player name). It would be an honor, and a pleasure. How can I help you?"

Orders "A member of our Order is a murderer. Find Saprius Entius before the Ordinators do."
Saprius Entius "He is a fellow Knight of the Order of Ebonheart. Alas, he is also a murderer. I know a way to get him to the mainland where he will be tried with Imperial justice. The Ordinators are too prejudiced to give him a fair trial. I believe he is hiding somewhere in Vivec City. Find him before the Ordinators do and bring him back to me."

If approached again:

"Report on Saprius Entius, Knight of the Garland."

Saprius Entius "Saprius Entius is hiding somewhere in Vivec. Find him and bring him here. We protect our own, Nerevarine (Player name)."

After returning Saprius Entius:

"Report on Saprius Entius, Knight of the Garland."

Saprius Entius "I'm glad you both got here safely. I'll find a way to get him out of the city. This helm (Helm of Graff the White) was my father's when he served in the Legions. He had it enchanted and gave it to me. Now I'm giving it to you."
Saprius Entius "He's safe for now. In a few days he'll be on his way to Cyrodiil."

