Free the Slaves is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Jobasha told the Nerevarine that the Khajiti slaves in the Ascadian Isles and Caldera suffer.
- Talk to Jobasha.
- Free the Khajiti slaves throughout the Vvardenfell.
- Return to Jobasha.
Once the Nerevarine has freed any thirty slaves, even the quest related ones, found throughout the world, then engaging in a new dialogue with most of the freed slaves and selecting the "go free" topic, it should trigger a new dialogue option called "Twin Lamps," which will lead to the slave giving the code word "they light the way to freedom."
Afterwards returning to Jobasha, the "Twin Lamps" topic will be available, and he will offer the Nerevarine three skill books as a reward.
Free the Slaves – MS_JobashaAbolitionist | |
ID | Journal Entry |
10 | Jobasha told me that the Khajiti slaves in the Ascadian Isles and Caldera suffer.
100 | Jobasha gave me some books for helping free the slaves.