Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Fuldir is a Nord warrior found at the Baandari Trading Post. He was ambushed by Ra Gada bandits while on the road and lost his shield and is seeking help in retrieving it.


A Nord in Need[]

Fuldir lost his shield in Dead Man's Drop. The Vestige can find it there and return it to him.


A Nord in Need

"What truly makes a Nord, I ask you? Well, his weapon for one. His drinking prowess, certainly. But his shield—that's his true companion! Blast it all, where's that thrice-cursed shield of mine!"

I found this shield in Dead Man's Drop—is it yours? "That's my shield all right! You must be one of those Ra Gada who jumped me! Now you don't have your buddies to back you up. Prepare for a pummeling!"
I think you must be mistaken. I'm not with the Ra Gada. "Not Ra Gada? Ha! That's exactly what a Ra Gada would say! I'll leave your broken body as a warning to the rest of your friends. They will fear the name of Fuldir!"
I'm not even a Redguard. (If the Vestige is not a Redguard) "Hrm. True enough. But this could be some Ra Gada trick! Tell you what. Hand over my shield and I'll let you off the hook. This time."
Take it, then. "Ra Gada or not, I owe you a debt for returning my shield. Don't think I'd be able to show my face in Windhelm without it! I've been in this tiny village long enough. It's about time I get back out there and knock in a few heads!"
[Persuade] You're just going to have to trust me. [?]


  • "Where'd I put that blasted shield?" – When approaching him after finding the shield

