Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"General Malivus is Molag Bal's chief enforcer in the Imperial City. He's a Xivkyn, which is to say he's a comically evil blowhard. But he's a skilled warrior, and a master tactician. Almost caught me a few times. He's tenacious. And very, very tall."
Drake of Blades[src]

General Malivus is a Xivkyn general and the leader of Molag Bal's forces in the Imperial City. He can be found in the Dragonfire Cathedral. He serves as the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial City.


The Sublime Brazier[]

General Malivus and his troops will try to destroy the Sublime Brazier


The Sublime Brazier

Upon reaching the Dragonfire Cathedral:

Drake of Blades: "Malivus. He's already here! Damn." General Malivus: "Take that door down!" Drake of Blades: "They didn't skimp. Malivus brought his entire elite guard. I hope you brought more than planks and nails, Caudex." Father Egnatius: "They haven't breached the doors yet. Akatosh is with us." Captain Caudex: "I sent soldiers ahead to barricade the doors. They'll hold. I'm just not sure for how long." Father Egnatius: "We must begin the ritual at once. Hurry, inside."

At the start of the ritual:

Captain Caudex: "I sent my soldiers outside to cause some havoc—keep the Daedra off-guard. I'd bet they're doing just that." Father Egnatius: "The time has come, my friend. You must kneel before the Brazier." Drake of Blades: "Right. To show humility … obedience. I can do obedient. Just watch me." Father Egnatius: "Lord Akatosh, Dragon-God of Time, a faithful supplicant kneels before you. She has served you for many lean years. Let her service now be everlasting! Grant her your divine power. Bless her with the strength to defend this holy cathedral, and the will to endure a life of seclusion. Drape your exalted wings around her, and your works will be-" Captain Caudex: "Hurry it up, Father. Molag Bal is knocking." Drake of Blades: "Don't rush the man, Captain. But yes, Egnatius, you really should hurry this up." General Malivus: "Assault the Cathedral! Destroy the Brazier! Leave none alive!" Father Egnatius: "This ritual cannot be interrupted! You must hold the Cathedral until it is complete. Go!" Captain Caudex: "Follow me. Let's go send these Daedric beasts back to Oblivion!"

Before sending in the Daedroth:

General Malivus: "Useless fools! Send in the beast!" Captain Caudex: ""The beast?" By the Eight … Daedroth! Get down!"

When he enters the battlefield:

General Malivus: "Useless churls! Must I handle everything myself? Your souls are forfeit. Face the wrath of Molag Bal!" Captain Caudex: "This is all the wrath that Molag Bal can muster? I'm not impressed." General Malivus: "Filthy wretch! Kneel, and I may favor you with a quick death!"

Upon slaying him:

General Malivus: "Gah! Send the rest!" Captain Caudex: "It's time, Egnatius. Finish it now!" Father Egnatius: "Lord Akatosh, we beseech you! Grant this mortal warrior your blessing, that she may keep watch over this holy place! Now, my child …." Drake of Blades: "Lord Akatosh, I am yours! I pledge my blades and my soul to your service! I am your shield and your vengeance, now and for all time! Oh. That's different." <The Drake of Blades is teleported to the middle of the brazier and doused in flames> Drake of Blades: "Aaaaaaaaagh!" <The Drake of Blades transforms> Drake of Blades: "I can … I can see everything. More Daedra? No. You are not welcome here." Father Egnatius: "Eight protect us …." <The Drake of Blades blasts a horde of daedra apart> Drake of Blades: "That's the last of them, yes? Good riddance."


  • "Faster, you miserable worms! Put your backs into it!"
  • "Ready your weapons! We attack as soon as the door is breached!"
  • "Slaughter the mortals! Destroy the Brazier!" – When starting the attack on the Sublime Brazier

