Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Gentleman Jim Stacey.
"If you don't wear the gloves of the Bal Molagmer, how can you show these Dunmer that thieves are not wholly evil?"
―Gentleman Jim Stacey[src]

Gentleman Jim Stacey is the Redguard Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild in Vivec City. He can be found in the back of Simine Fralinie's shop, in the Vivec, Foreign Quarter Canalworks.


He works to protect the Guild from the Camonna Tong, a rival crime faction with far less morals than the Guild. Many of his missions are centered around rooting out and eliminating their influence.

He also has a very high opinion of the Bal Molagmer, a faction of thieves devoted to justice by stealing from the unjust and giving to the poor. Per his dialogue, this faction vanished early in the Third Era, and he believes it is time for them to return. If the Nerevarine joins the Thieves Guild, he will recruit them to "rekindle the fires" of the Bal Molagmer.

Missions and assignments[]

He will only give Thieves Guild missions to those ranked Captain and above. However, to those who have proven themselves, he is willing to assign Bal Molagmer quests, aimed at fighting injustice across Vvardenfell.


Show:Thieves Guild quests[?]

Find Brother Nads[]


Speak with Percius[]


The Bitter Cup[]


Hrundi's Lover[]


The Brothers Ienith[]


Kill Hard-Heart[]


Show: Bal Molagmer quests[?]

The Hlervu Locket[]


Yngling's Ledger[]


Land Deed[]




Brallion's Ring[]


Books for Vala[]


The Dwemer Goblet[]


Show: Fighter Guild quests[?]

Kill the Master Thief[]



Show: Find Brother Nads

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "A fellow thief and member of the Guild has gone missing. Would you track down Nads Tharen for me?"
Nads Tharen "He used to hang out at the Elven Nations Cornerclub here in Vivec's Hlaalu Compound. He was supposed deliver a key to me. Find out what happened to him. If he's dead, as I fear, find his key and bring it to me."

After recovering the key:

"Were you able to locate Nads Tharen and his key?"

Nads Tharen "So you found Nads Tharen and got the key."
Give him the key "Yes, this is the right key. This buys us some time in our war with the Camonna Tong. Keep an eye on Arvama Rathri. I believe she may be working for the Camonna Tong herself. And here's a little something for you."
Keep the key "I'm not sure you understand who's in charge here."
Show: Speak with Percius

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "The Fighters Guild is betraying the Empire for Camonna Tong gold. Percius Mercius, the old guildmaster in Ald'ruhn, might be willing to help us fight."
help us fight "Percius Mercius is the Steward of the Guild of Fighters in Ald'ruhn. He used to be the Master of the Fighters Guild before the Camonna Tong got involved. I believe he will help us fight the Camonna Tong. Go speak with him and listen to what he has to say. Report back to me with any information."

After speaking with Percius:

"I sent you to speak to Percius Mercius and see if he was willing to help us fight."

help us fight "Well it sounds like Percius came through after all. I can already think of a way to make use of this In the meantime, here's some clink for your pockets."
Show: The Bitter Cup

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "Based on what Percius Mercius told you, I think we can win over Eydis Fire-Eye if we can find the Bitter Cup."
Bitter Cup "Percius Mercius told us that Eydis Fire-Eye worships Clavicus Vile. Perhaps she would betray Sjoring Hard-Heart for the Bitter Cup, and artifact sacred to Clavicus Vile. The Bitter Cup was lost in the ruins of Ald Redaynia, which is on an island north of the Urshilaku Camp."
Sjoring Hard-Heart "We'll get back to him another time. For now, concentrate on your tasks at hand."
Urshilaku Camp "The Ashlander Urshilaku tribe has a permanent settlement at Urshilaku camp on the northern coast of Vvardenfell, north of Maar Gan village. Ald Redaynia is north of there. Here, let me mark it on your map."

After delivering the cup:

"Were you able to retrieve the Bitter Cup and bring it to Eydis Fire-Eye?"

Bitter Cup "So Eydis took the Bitter Cup. Good. She's likely to betray us, too, but only if she thinks we think she won't. Anyway, I found some good lockpicks the other day and thought you might could find a use for them."
Show: Hrundi's Lover

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "Based on what Percius Mercius told you, Hrundi might join our cause and betray his leaders in the Fighters Guild. If that doesn't work, we could put pressure on Hrundi's woman."
join our cause "Talk to Hrundi. If you can convince him to join our cause, you won't have to track down Hrundi's woman."
Hrundi's woman "Like Percius Mercius said, Hrundi has a Dunmer lover. If you can find out who she is, you can pressure Hrundi to join our cause. You can find Hrundi in the Sadrith Mora Fighters Guild. I'm sure you can find out something by asking around town."

After speaking to Hrundi:

"What is the situation with Hrundi? Will he join our cause? Have you found Hrundi's woman?"

join our cause "Did you talk him into joining? Good. We're making progress, Nerevarine (Player name)."
Show: The Brothers Ienith

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "The Camonna Tong's best enforcers are Navil and Ranes Ienith."
Ienith "Navil and Ranes Ienith can be found on the Dren Plantation. The Thieves Guild won't be safe from the Camonna Tong until their best enforcers are dead. Kill them and report back to me."

After killing the brothers:

"Were you able to get rid of the brothers Ienith? I know they are powerful does, but they are a great strength of our enemy."

Ienith "So Navil and Ranes Ienith are dead? Good work, %PCName. Their deaths, along with the inproved defenses at our Guild halls, will keep the Camonna Tong off our backs, but the Fighters Guild is still a problem. Oh, and I found a ring you might like."

If the brothers were already killed:

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "The Camonna Tong's best enforcers are Navil and Ranes Ienith."
Ienith "You've already killed Navil and Ranes Ienith? Good work, %PCName. Their deaths, along with the inproved defenses at our Guild halls, will keep the Camonna Tong off our backs, but the Fighters Guild is still a problem. Oh, and I found a ring you might like."
Show: Kill Hard-Heart

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

jobs "You've made progress getting the Camonna Tong off our backs, but we can't rest until Sjoring Hard-Heart is dead."
Sjoring Hard-Heart "He's the head of the Fighters Guild here in Vvardenfell. We've tried bribes, blackmail, and even diplomacy. Sjoring has some personal stake in this. I don't know what, but even without the Camonna Tong's backing, he's already planning an attack on all our Guild halls. Go to the Fighters Guild here in Vivec. Kill Sjoring Hard-Heart and report back to me."

After killing Sjoring:

"Does Sjoring Hard-Heart still live?"

Sjoring Hard-Heart "So Sjoring Hard-Heart is dead. Whatever his personal vendetta, he won't trouble our Guild again. The remaining leaders of the Fighters Guild are more sympathetic to us. Since you've saved the Thieves Guild here in Vvardenfell, I think you deserve this. It's the Skeleton Key--the most perfect tool ever created for lockpicking. I found it when I lived in Hammerfell. Use it wisely. Now, I have new jobs for you to do."
jobs "Actually, this is the final job I'll give you. Take care of the Guild. You've done great things, Nerevarine (Player name). With you here, I think it's safe for me to take a little vacation. Maybe go back to Hammerfell, see the old family. Until I get back, I'm leaving the Guild in your capable hands."

Bal Molagmer[]

Show: The Hlervu Locket

"I may have jobs for you, but you might be interested in something a bit different: the Bal Molagmer."

Bal Molagmer "There is a legend abbout "Stone Fire Men" who brought the light of justice to the land. Though the Bal Molagmer were thieves, they stole only from the unjust and gave to those in need. They vanished early in the Third Era, and have not been seen since. I believe it is time for the Bal Molagmer to return. Here--these gloves were used by the Bal Molagmer to carry their burning stones from the Red Mountain. When you are ready to rekindle the fires of the Bal Molagmer, wear the gloves and speak with me again."
Bal Molagmer "If you don't wear the gloves of the Bal Molagmer, how can you show these Dunmer that thieves are not wholly evil?"

After equiping the gloves:

"What is it, Ringleader (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "I've chosen something simple for the first mission of the reformed Bal Molagmer. I need you to return the Hlervu Locket."
Hlervu Locket "Braynas Hlervu is a poor, retired egg miner. He gave his family's treasured locket to the taxmen this year. The locket is now being held in Venim Manor with the rest of the taxes. Wear the gloves I gave you and pay a visit to Venim Manor in Ald'ruhn. Find the Hlervu Locket and return it to Braynas Hlervu in the name of the Bal Molagmer."
Venim Manor "Look in Ald'ruhn, in the Manor District. Locals can tell you more."

After retrieving the locket:

"You were to return the Hlervu Locket, Ringleader (Rank)."

Hlervu Locket "Good. Justice has been done. And if you kept a little something for yourself, I can certainly understand. I know something else the reformed Bal Molagmer might do if you're interested."
Show: Yngling's Ledger

"What is it, Ringleader (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "You did well with the Hlervu Locket. For the next appearance of the Bal Molagmer, I want proof of Yngling Half-Troll's corruption."
corruption "Yngling Half-Troll is corrupt. Many know this, but no one dares act. The Bal Molagmer bring justice to those who think themselves above justice. Go to Yngling Manor in Vivec. There you will find a ledger with proof of his corruption. Bring that ledger to me."

After obtaining the ledger:

"The Bal Molagmer must end Yngling Half-Troll's corruption. Have you found the ledger?"

corruption "Yes, this is the ledger I was looking for. Give it to me now so that I can publish the truth about Yngling Half-Troll."
Give Stacey the ledger. "I knew he was misusing some of the money, but it looks like he took almost all of it. Why, Yngling Half-Troll is a bigger thief than any of us!"
Keep the ledger. "If you don't give me that ledger, I can't show everyone the truth about Yngling Half-Troll."
Show: Land Deed

"What is it, Ringleader (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "A poor widow needs our help. A Hlaalu Councilor is trying to steal her land with a forged land deed."
forged land deed "The Hlaalu Councilor Velanda Omani wants Indrele Rathryon's land. Velanda Omani forged a land deed and placed it in the Library of Vivec. Without our help, Velanda Omani's bribes will prevent justice, and allow the forged deed to stand. Go to the Library of Vivec, find the deed, and deliver it to Indrele Rathryon in the name of the Bal Molagmer."
Indrele Rathryon "She is a poor widow who lives in Seyda Neen. Her husband, a Legionnaire, was killed by Camonna Tong thugs. She is a Dunmer, but she grew up in Cyrodiil and belongs to the Imperial Cult, so the Tribunal Temple will not give her charity."

After delivering the deed:

"Did you recover the forged land deed, Ringleader (Rank)?"

forged land deed "I heard you gave the land deed to Indrele Rathryon. Maybe Velanda Omani will leave her alone now."
Show: Enamor

"What is it, Ringleader (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "One of our brothers stole from the wrong man. I need someone to return the blade Enamor."
Enamor "This is Enamor. A Guild member stole it from Salyn Sarethi, a noble and generous Bouyant Armiger. The blade was a gift from Vivec himself. We do not want the Thieves Guild to be blamed for this kind of theft. Take this blade and this note. Put them in Salyn Sarethi's chest in the Tower of Dusk in Ghostgate."

After placing the dagger:

"Enamor must be returned to its rightful owner. Is this done?"

Enamor "So, the blade and note are in Salyn's chest? Good work. I hope you didn't have too much trouble."
Show: Brallion's Ring

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "Unlike most Dunmer, the Bal Molagmer opposed slavery. I want you to steal Brallion's ring."
Brallion's Ring "Brallion has the ring, naturally. He's a slave trader in Sadrith Mora's Great Market. Steal the ring and then deliver it to Ilmeni Dren, a secret abolitionist and the daughter of Duke Vedam Dren."
Brallion "You'll find him in Sadrith Mora, in the Great Market."
Ilmeni Dren "Ilmeni Dren lives here in Vivec in the St. Delyn Canalworks South-One. Be courteous with her, Nerevarine (Player name). The last thing we need right now is trouble with the Duke."
Vedam Dren "He's not bad. He keeps the bad crime in line, but doesn't give us nearly as much trouble as he could. I think he knows we're all that's keeping the Camonna Tong in check."

After delivering the ring:

"You were to steal Brallion's Ring and deliver it to Ilemni Dren. Tell me your status."

Brallion's Ring "So you delivered the ring. Good. I hope Ilmeni Dren puts it to good use."
Show: Books for Vala

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "Everyone in Caldera is corrupt. Rather than act directly, I want you to steal Odral Helvi's history books."
history books "Odral Helvi in Caldera has all four volumes of "A Brief History of the Empire." They are personal treasures of his, bound with gold and delicately printed. Family heirlooms. I want you to steal all four of these books and deliver them to Vala Catraso at the reading school at the Guild of Mages in Ald'ruhn. The school always accepts books as donations, but I want you to donate Odral Helvi's books in the name of the Bal Molagmer. You'll find Helvi and the books in the Governor's Hall in Caldera."

After delivering the books:

"Did you deliver those history books in the name of the Bal Molagmer?"

history books "Good work, Nerevarine (Player name)."
Show: The Dwemer Goblet

"What is it, Mastermind (Rank)? Are you here looking for jobs, or are you ready for advancement?"

Bal Molagmer "The Ordinators have been harassing Danso Indules, an honest but poor priest. I want you to steal a Dwemer goblet and donate it to her cause."
Dwemer goblet "There is a Dwemer goblet in Berel Sala's office in the Hall of Justice. Steal this goblet and donate it to Danso Indules, who is usually outside the High Fane."

After donating the goblet:

"Were you able to bring the Dwemer Goblet to one more worthy of its value?"

Dwemer goblet "Good. Danso Indules can sell that goblet and do more good than Berel Sala and the Ordinators ever will."
Bal Molagmer "Now you know as well as I do what the Bal Molagmer should do. I will trust your judgement."

