Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Gogron gro-Bolmog is an Orsimer assassin and a member of the Dark Brotherhood. He loves massacring people, and is not too keen on using stealth. As a result, he usually forfeits the bonuses that require subtlety and tact to accomplish, and instead charges in, kills everyone in sight, and then runs out.


"You know what they say -- Home is where you hang your enemy's head...."
―Gogron gro-Bolmog[src]

He is often a counter to the members of the Brotherhood who counsel to employ stealthy tactics or actions. He focuses on the core issue, killing the target, and would rather forgo a bonus and openly kill the target instead of using quieter means. Despite his violent nature, he is immensely friendly. In addition to his non-stealthy nature, he wears leveled heavy armor instead of shrouded armor like most of the Brotherhood assassins.

He apparently has an ongoing romance with Telaendril. When asked about rumors, he says he possesses a set of her undergarments.


When asked about the Hero of Kvatch's current contract, he offers advice like the rest of the Dark Brotherhood.

The Purification[]

Gogron was killed along with the other assassins in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary by the Hero.


Show: Welcome to the Family
In the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary:

"Welcome! Welcome to the family! I'd hug you, but Ocheeva told me not to."

Lucien "I once saw Lucien deal with an insubordinate Brother, someone who had broken one of the Tenets. It took me a week to get the blood off my boots."
Night Mother "I don't know who the Night Mother is but she pays me to kill people. My own mother should have loved me so much."
Rumors "Hey, I don't like to tell stories, but Telaendril and me... you know. Don't believe me? I've got her undergarments to prove it! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Sanctuary "You know what they say -- home is where you hang your enemy's head."
Sithis "Truthfully? I've never really understood who or what Sithis really is. As long as I obey the Tenets and fulfill my contracts, I guess he's happy."
Show: Contract advice

Disposition over 70:

"I know what you're thinking! Gogron, he's too big to be sneaky! Well you're right! Me, I like to just go in and hack my targets to pieces. Ha!" (If the Hero is an Orc: "You and I, we've got to stick together, eh? The others, they don't understand. Orcs may not be quiet, but can anyone kill as well as us? Never!")

Disposition 30–70:

"Yes, Brother (Or "Sister")? What can old Gogron do for you?"

Disposition under 30:

"You. What do you want?" (If the Hero is an Orc: "We are kin, yet I cannot help but despise you. Leave my sight, before I do something I regret.")

A Watery Grave

Disposition at or over 30:

"So, your first contract. No chance for a bonus, huh? That's all right, you're better off! Who needs magic items when you've got raw skill? And the great thing about killing a target up close and personal is you can talk to 'em before you do it! You know, say something scary! For example, this one time I had a contract to kill a little Nord girl at her birthday party. She asked me if I was the jester! So I said to her. "No, I am a messenger of death." You should have seen the look on her face! Ha ha ha ha! Anyway, she won't be seeing age six!"

Disposition under 30:

"What's the matter, can't handle the pressure? Or maybe you're just... weak."

Accidents Happen

Disposition at or over 30:

"The manservant's name is Gromm, you say? Sounds like a Nord. Probably a big one. If he catches you, get ready for a serious fight."

Disposition under 30:

"What's the matter? You can't kill an old man? Want Gogron to hold your hand? You make me sick!"

Scheduled for Execution

Disposition at or over 30:

"Infiltrating the Imperial Prison is no small matter. Those guards are heavily armed and professionally trained. If discovered, don't be a fool. Flee!"

Disposition under 30:

"I can only pray that you break the Tenets and surrender to the guards. I will beg Lucien for the right to kill you."

The Assassinated Man

Disposition at or over 30:

"What? Fake a death? And you can't even kill the enforcer? I don't envy you, friend. But a contract's a contract. Just do what you've got to do."

Disposition under 30:

"What a pathetic contract. Play acting and running, but no actual killing? I can see why Vicenti [sic] [Do not change this to Vicente. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] gave it to you... coward."

The Lonely Wanderer

Disposition at or over 30:

"Now this is what I'm talking about! You kill him up close, face-to-face, and you still get the bonus! I wish all the contracts were like that."

Disposition under 30:

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! By Sithis, you are an idiot! Ocheeva has sent you on a suicide mission! Phillida's men are going to cut you to pieces!"

Bad Medicine

Disposition at or over 30:

"What do you mean nobody can see you? Where's the fun in that? Damn the bonus, I say! Just walk in there and stab him!"

Disposition under 30:

"Oh, this is going to be funny! You're going to be the first assassin in Dark Brotherhood history who couldn't even kill an invalid! Ha ha ha ha ha!"


Disposition at or over 30:

"If you really plan on killing the guests one by one, make sure that when you strike, you strike hard. Don't want anyone running for help, do you?"

Disposition under 30:

"What's the matter, five targets too much for you? If Vicente gave me that contract I'd be home before supper."

Permanent Retirement

Disposition at or over 30:

"Hmm. Don't get me wrong, that magic arrow sounds nice and all, but it seems to me like you don't even need to use it to get the bonus. As long as you cut off his finger and leave it in that desk, you'll get your bonus. Sounds to me like you can kill the old sod anyway you'd like. So what if he's wearing armor! You think that Imperial Legion scrap can stop a well-forged claymore? Not bloody likely! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Disposition under 30:

"You're going to kill Adamus Phillida? You? Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, it'll be a retirement, all right. Yours!"

The Purification

"Lachance gave me a special assignment once. Had to go all the way to Sumerset [sic] [Do not change this to Summerset. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] Isle for that one, killed me about thirty Elves. Ah, good times..."


Disposition over 70:

"Happy hunting, my Brother (Or "Sister")!"

Disposition 30–70:

"Later, then."

Disposition under 30:

"Damn the Tenets! I'll cleave you in two if you don't get out of my face!"


Welcome to the Family

Gogron: "But why, Sister? What is the point? Why should anyone bother with all that sneaking and skulking?" Telaendril: "My dear Gogron, you are a life-taker for the Dark Brotherhood! Our very existence relies on shadow and deception. Do you not value our secrets?" Gogron: "Yes, yes, of course I value our secrets, and I have never betrayed them! But using stealth to kill... It's just so... weak." Telaendril: "But Brother, what of the contracts that require subtlety! You must at least strive to earn the bonuses that are offered?" Gogron: "Bonuses? Ha ha ha ha ha! Useless, I say! Gold and magical trinkets are no substitute for the freedom to slaughter anyone I please, at any time!" Telaendril: "Oh, Gogron! He he he he. Your methods may be crude, but your heart is always in the right place."


