Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Gorinir is a Bosmer and one of the joint leaders of the second Blacksap Rebellion, along with his brother Lorchon.


The Blacksap's Hold[]

Gorinir is one of the remaining leaders of the Blacksap Rebellion.


The Blacksap's Hold

"Are you with the Vinedusk Rangers? The Justiciars? The Fighters Guild? It doesn't matter. I know why you're here."

I'm here to bring you to justice. "Justice? Queen Ayrenn invaded our land and killed our people, all in the name of the false King Camoran Aeradan. The only justice is in the soil, where her Jade Butcher slaughtered our people. And now that very soil will rise up to take back what is rightfully ours!"
What are you talking about? "Our constructs already rise to take back Cormount. Those who follow the Green Pact will see the forest rise against the Dominion invaders. Fitting revenge for the Jade Butcher's work."
Why are you doing this? "Y'ffre's children loathe the outsiders who pick away at the Green. Until the Blacksap sit on the throne in Elden Root, Grahtwood itself will rise against the invaders. They weep for Gelthior. The death of my father drove them to this."
Tell me how to stop the constructs. "You can't stop anything, it has already begun! The Dominion camps will know the pain and fear General Endare brought us, one long bloody year ago. I only regret one thing. I'd hoped to end the Jade Butcher myself. To honor the memory of my father."
[Intimidate] I defeated General Endare. Surrender, or I'll show you exactly how I did it. "You're the one who did it? Tell me. When she fell to you, was it swift? Or did she linger?"
Does it matter? "No. I suppose it doesn't. I'll surrender to you, but it won't end the attacks on the Dominion camps. Once unleashed, the constructs are beyond our control."
How can I stop them? "Here, take this bottle. My soldiers drink it to steady their nerves before battle. Perhaps it will help with the constructs. Now, where is my father?"
Put on the ring. I'll lead you to your father.
Your father still lives. I can bring you to him. [?]


Lorchon: "Gorinir, stop your relentless pacing! It's giving me a headache." Gorinir: "Bite your tongue, Lorchon. Your lack of commitment is the reason we're here. Maeroth: "If you won't stop bickering, I'll gag you both. Ah, come in! Good work out there."


  • "Guards, stand down! If the intruder made it here, you'll just be another notch on the scabbard." – When approaching his location
  • "All right, lead me to my father. A trick!" – Upon putting on the ring

