Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Template:SkyrimNPCs Grosta is an Nord female that owns and operates the Heartwood Mill. She lives there with her husband Leifnarr and son Gralnach. She is generally warm towards the player, but ultimately comes off as hardened by the disappearance of her husband. She expresses little discernible emotion as she matter of factly states that the mill will go under in a few seasons without him.

She will buy any firewood you bring to her.

She seems to think that her husband has left the mill to be with another woman so she is very curt in her referring to him, though she still wants to find out what has happened to him.


  • Fight or Flight - Help Grosta at Heartwood Mill locate her missing husband, Leifnarr.


  • This is a commonly broken objective and Grosta's state seems to be bugged. Current details are not known about the true quest flow for the object, but her husband Leifnarr's corpse can be found in a secret room at Broken Helm Hollow. The corpse is an unnamed Nord and will give the player the objective to Report Leiffnar's Death to his family. Talking to either Grosta or Gralnach about finding him is not an option. There are two work arounds and this is a very common issue amongst players.

Bug Work Arounds:

  • Enter
CompleteAllObjectives 000E3EA5

into the console command (PC Only). This forces the quest to be completed.

  • Enter
SetStage E3EA5 30

into the console command for Grosta (PC Only). This will set her to correct state and allow you to notify her of his death.
