Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Guard icon (Legends)
For other uses, see Guard.

Cards with the Guard keyword come into play with a golden barrier around them. Enemies in the same lane must attack and defeat all cards with Guard keyword before attacking other cards or the opponent.


The following list includes cards with the keyword itself, as well as any cards that are related to it:

Name Attributes Power Health Cost Type Subtype Rarity Text
Icon legends neutral Neutral 5 Support Ongoing Rare Treasure Hunt – Three Icon legends neutral cards: Sacrifice Abandoned Imperfect to summon an 8/8 Awakened Imperfect with Guard and Breakthrough to the lane of your choice.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 1 3 Creature Wood Elf Unique legendary Prophecy, Guard
Immune to Silence.
Last Gasp:
Adoring Fan will return.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 2 5 4 Creature Dwemer Rare When Ageless Automaton attacks a Guard, it gains +3/+0 and Breakthrough this turn.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 3 3 6 Creature Khajiit Legendary Guard
Summon: Consume
a creature to summon a Flame Atronach. If you consumed an Atronach, instead summon a Storm Atronach.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 1 3 Creature Khajiit Rare Wax: Summon an Alfiq Illusionist in the other lane.
Wane: +1/+2 and Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 0 Action Common Give a friendly creature Drain and Guard.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 0 4 2 Creature High Elf Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 3 2 Creature Undead
Common When you summon a Dragon, summon a 1/1 Draugr Sentry with Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 Action Common Prophecy
Summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in each lane.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 7 Action Rare Steal an enemy creature. It loses Guard, and is permanently Shackled.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
3 6 6 Creature Ash Creature Rare Guard
At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, reduce the cost of all creatures in your hand by 1.
Icon legends strength Strength 6 6 9 Creature Werewolf
Legendary Summon: Choose one:
Strength: +6/+6 and Guard.
Gains Charge.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 1 1 2 Creature Factotum Common Assemble: +0/+2 or Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 5 7 8 Creature Daedra Legendary Guard
When Auroran Sentry is dealt damage, you gain that much health.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 8 8 8 Creature Automaton Rare Breakthrough, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
8 8 11 Creature Defense Epic Guard
Immune to Lethal.
Summon: Summon an Ayleid Guardian in the other lane.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
6 Action Epic Summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane and give them Guard.
Empower: +1/+1.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 6 4 Creature Grummite Common Guard
Icon legends neutral Neutral 3 3 5 Creature Daedra
Unique legendary Summon: Choose one:
Stay: Gains +1/+1 and Guard.
Fetch: Put a random Daedra into your hand.
Roll Over: Gains Charge.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 3 3 3 Creature Animal
Common Summon: Give a creature Guard.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 3 3 4 Creature Dark Elf Rare Summon: Give other friendly Icon legends intelligence creatures +1/+0 and Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 3 2 Creature Undead
Rare Drain, Guard
Icon legends neutral Neutral 5 Action Unique legendary Each player fills both lanes with 1/1 Recruits. Give all creatures Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 3 5 Creature Undead
Legendary Guard
Secretly choose an enemy creature.
Last Gasp: Destroy the chosen creature.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 1 1 Creature Dwemer Common Prophecy, Guard
Gain 2 health.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Wood Elf Rare Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 5 5 Creature Redguard Rare Guard
Give a creature in the other lane +1/+1 and Guard.
Icon legends strength Strength 5 7 5 Creature Dragon Legendary Blood Dragon ignores Guards and can attack creatures in any lane.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 2 4 Creature Undead
Common Prophecy, Guard
+1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 5 5 5 Creature Khajiit Epic Guard
Summon: Consume
a creature. Draw a creature with the same name from your discard pile.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 1 1 4 Creature Breton Epic Ward
After Breton Conjurer's Ward is broken, summon a 5/5 Frost Atronach with Guard.
Icon legends strength Strength 0 Action Common A friendly creature ignores Guards and can attack creatures in any lane this turn.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 2 4 3 Creature Breton Common Guard
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 2 4 3 Creature Breton Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends strength Strength 2 5 4 Creature Nord Rare Charge, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 0 2 1 Creature Argonian Unique legendary Guard
Immune to Silence.
Permanently Shackled.
Move at the end of your turn.
Last Gasp: The Treasure Hunters win.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 5 5 Creature Imperial Epic Guard
Give your Activated supports an extra use.
You may Activate your supports an extra time each turn.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 3 2 Creature Imperial Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 9 Action Legendary Summon a 4/4 Cliff Racer with Charge in each lane. Your opponent summons a 0/1 Target with Guard in each lane.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
4 4 6 Creature Imperial Unique legendary Other friendly creatures in this lane have Guard.
At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 3 3 3 Creature High Elf Common Guard
Exalt 3:
Icon legends neutral Neutral 4 4 5 Creature Dragon Epic Summon: If Clockwork Dragon is in the left lane, +2/+0 and Drain. Otherwise, +0/+2 and Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 2 2 Creature Imperial Common Guard
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 1 2 6 Creature Redguard Common Summon: Summon a 5/5 Frost Atronach with Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 Item Common Prophecy, Mobilize, Guard
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends endurance Endurance
7 Item Epic Mobilize, Breakthrough, Regenerate, Guard, Ward
Icon legends strength Strength 3 Item Common Prophecy, Mobilize, Guard
Icon legends neutral Neutral 4 4 3 Creature Khajiit Epic Guard
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
8 8 12 Creature God Unique legendary Breakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Ward
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 5 3 Creature Undead
Common Guard
When your opponent draws a Prophecy from a rune being destroyed, draw a card.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 2 4 7 Creature Dreugh Common Prophecy, Guard
Gain 4 Health.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 7 7 8 Creature Daedra Epic Guard, Drain
Dark Seducer Drains on both turns.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 6 6 5 Creature Animal
Epic Guard
Death Hound's power is equal to its health.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 1 Creature Dark Elf Epic Guard
creatures damaged by Deepwood Trapper.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 Action Epic Costs 2 less for each friendly creature with 5 or more health. Give friendly creatures +1/+1 and Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 4 4 Creature Breton Common Guard
Last Gasp:
Gain max magicka equal to Determined Supplier's power.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 2 1 1 Creature High Elf Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 1 1 Creature Undead
Common Guard
Icon legends strength Strength 6 3 6 Creature Daedra Epic Summon: All enemy creatures lose Guard.
Icon legends strength Strength 5 5 10 Creature Daedra Legendary Guard
Double a creature's power and health.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 5 5 5 Creature Dark Elf Common Guard
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 3 4 4 Creature Dark Elf Rare Guard
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 4 4 4 Creature Dark Elf Rare Guard
Other friendly creatures are immune to Shackle.
Icon legends strength Strength 3 3 4 Creature Orc Epic Guard
Deal 1 damage or destroy an enemy support.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 6 8 7 Creature Dwemer Epic Breakthrough
When Dwarven Centurion is dealt damage, draw a 0/3 Dwarven Spider with Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 2 1 4 Creature Dwemer Rare Summon: Give another Icon legends neutral creature +3/+3 and Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 3 0 Creature Dwemer Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 4 3 Creature Imperial Common When you summon another creature with 5 health or more, give it +1/+1 and Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 8 8 5 Creature Imperial Rare Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 Support Activate Rare Activate: Give a friendly creature Guard.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 0 4 2 Creature High Elf Common Prophecy, Guard, Ward
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 4 4 Creature Imperial Unique legendary At the end of your turn, give the top creature of your deck +1/+1 and Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends endurance Endurance
4 5 4 Creature Imperial Epic Guard
Gain 3 health.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 1 1 2 Creature Breton Rare Guard, Ward
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 3 3 Creature Daedra Rare Guard
Summon: You gain 1 health for each enemy creature.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 4 2 Creature Orc Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Argonian Common Prophecy, Guard, Lethal
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 4 4 Creature Imperial Rare Guard
You may discard a card to summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in the other lane.
Icon legends strength Strength 5 4 5 Creature Orc Common Guard
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 5 5 5 Creature Daedra
Rare Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 5 5 2 Creature Gargoyle Legendary Guard
Icon legends neutral Neutral 1 1 1 Creature Dwemer Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon all Gearwork Spiders in your discard pile.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends endurance Endurance
2 2 6 Creature Imperial Unique legendary Summon: Summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in each lane. When a friendly creature is destroyed, General Tullius gains +1/+1.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 1 3 1 Creature Dark Elf Rare Guard
Exalt 3:
Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 4 6 Creature Daedra Rare Guard
If you have more health than your opponent, summon a copy of Golden Saint in the other lane.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 2 4 4 Creature Khajiit Common Wax: Draw a card.
Wane: +1/+1 and Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 5 5 Creature Spriggan Rare Guard
If Greatwood Elder is in your hand at the start of your first turn, gain 1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends strength Strength 4 1 2 Creature Wood Elf Epic Prophecy, Guard
At the end of your opponent's turn, if they have a full lane and Green Pact Ambusher is in your hand, summon her to that lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 4 Creature Wood Elf Rare Guard
+2/+2 if there is a Wounded enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends strength Strength 5 5 7 Creature Grummite Epic Guard
Your opponent discards the highest cost action in their hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Dark Elf Common Summon: +1/+1 and Guard if you have an Animal.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
1 2 2 Creature Argonian Rare Prophecy, Guard
Draw a card.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 6 Support Ongoing Epic Summon: Put a 0/3 Dwarven Spider with Guard into your hand. Friendly Dwemer have +3/+0.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 3 5 Creature High Elf Rare Guard
Creatures you summon this turn are transformed into random Daedra.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 6 4 Creature Kwama Rare Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 Action Common Prophecy
Summon a 0/5 Illusory Wall with Guard in each lane. Sacrifice them at the start of your turn.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 0 5 1 Creature Defense Common Prophecy, Guard
Sacrifice this at the start of your next turn.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 3 1 Creature Argonian Common Guard
When Imbued Argonian is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 Support Ongoing Rare Summon: Put a 1/2 Septim Guardsman with Guard into your hand.
Friendly Guards have +1/+0.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 5 5 5 Creature Dark Elf Epic Guard
Exalt 1: Your opponent can't target Indomitable Ordinator with actions.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 6 6 8 Creature Dark Elf Legendary Guard
Last Gasp: Indoril Archmage deals 6 damage to all enemy creatures in this lane.
Icon legends strength Strength 1 Action Common Enemy creatures lose Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 12 12 12 Creature Daedra
Legendary Breakthrough, Guard, Regenerate
Your opponent can't target Iron Atronach with actions.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 8 9 12 Creature Dragon Unique legendary Guard
Summon the Halls of Colossus.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 6 3 Creature Dark Elf Rare Rally, Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 3 3 Creature Dark Elf Epic Rally
Put a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard into your hand.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 3 5 Creature Imperial Common Prophecy, Guard
You gain 3 health.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 3 2 Creature Imperial Common Guard
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 8 8 7 Creature Daedra
Epic Breakthrough, Guard, Ward
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 3 2 Creature Animated Item Rare Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 Item Rare Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 5 4 Creature Imperial Common Guard
If you have another creature in each lane, +0/+3.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 2 5 Creature Nord Epic Prophecy
Give a creature +2/+2 and Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 1 Action Epic Wax: Put a 3/3 Cathay-raht into your hand.
Wane: Put a 4/4 Dagi-raht with Guard into your hand.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 6 5 Creature Undead
Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 8 5 Creature Nord Unique legendary Guard
Lydia guards both lanes.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 2 0 Creature Defense Common Guard
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 Support Epic You start the game with a 0/4 Altmer Protector with Guard in each lane.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 6 6 10 Creature Mantikora Epic Guard
Summon: Destroy an enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 1 1 Creature Imperial Common Summon: Put a 0/2 Makeshift Defenses with Guard into your hand.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 2 3 Creature Imperial Common Prophecy, Guard
Give a creature in your hand Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 2 2 2 Creature Nord Common Prophecy, Guard
Last Gasp: Reduce the cost of a random Dragon in your hand by 1.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 Action Rare Prophecy
Summon a 2/2 Colovian Troopers with Guard in each lane.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 5 4 Creature Undead
Legendary Summon: Choose an enemy creature.
At the start of your turn, if the chosen creature is alive, summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in its lane.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 4 3 Creature Imperial Common Treasure Hunt – Guard: Give the Guard +1/+2.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 3 4 Creature Nord Common Guard
Put a random Guard into your hand.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 3 4 Creature Khajiit Rare Wax: Give a creature in your hand +2/+2.
Wane: Guard and Ward.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Dark Elf Rare Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent.
Slay: +1/+1
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 4 4 Creature Dark Elf Epic Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent.
Slay: Draw a card. If it's an action, reduce its cost to 0.
Icon legends strength Strength 2 2 3 Creature Orc Common Prophecy, Guard
Give a creature +2/+0.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 6 6 6 Creature Giant Rare Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Dark Elf Common Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 2 Creature Dark Elf Epic Last Gasp: Your opponent summons a 2/1 Mournhold Guardian with Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Goblin Rare Guard
Give an enemy creature -1/-1.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 5 3 Creature High Elf Epic Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 7 7 7 Creature Dragon Unique legendary Guard
Your opponent can't target Nahagliiv with actions.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 6 6 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent in each lane.
Friendly creatures have "Slay: +1/+1 and Lethal."
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 2 4 Creature Breton Rare Summon: Summon a 0/4 Northpoint Herald with Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 0 4 2 Creature Breton Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 0 5 2 Creature Breton Rare Guard, Regenerate
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends endurance Endurance
3 3 2 Creature Dark Elf Epic Guard
Exalt 3:
Ordinator of the Almsivi is permanently Shackled unless you have an Exalted creature in play.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 Action Common Prophecy
Give a friendly creature in each lane +0/+2 and Guard.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
5 5 5 Creature Nord Epic Guard
and Veteran: Consume a creature. Pact Outcast uses the consumed creature's veteran ability.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 5 6 5 Creature Imperial Rare Guard
When your opponent draws a Prophecy from a rune being destroyed, put a 1/2 Septim Guardsman with Guard into your hand.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 4 4 4 Creature Daedra Epic Guard
Choose a card in your opponent's discard pile.
Banish all cards from your opponent's discard pile and deck with the same name as the chosen card.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 0 3 2 Creature Defense Common Prophecy, Guard
When Pointy Wall of Spikes takes damage from a creature, it deals that much damage to that creature.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 9 5 Creature Defense Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends strength Strength 4 7 7 Creature Khajiit Rare Guard
Wane: Charge
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 5 0 Creature Defense Common Guard
At the start of your turn, give Dwarven Colossus a random Keyword.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
5 3 5 Creature Khajiit Epic Ward
While Prankster Mage has a Ward, he has Guard.
When Prankster Mage's Ward is broken, he gains Cover.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 4 4 Creature Argonian Epic While you have 7 or more magicka, Preserver of the Root has +2/+2 and Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 4 4 Creature Trap Common Guard
Last Gasp:
It's a trap!
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 5 3 Creature Imperial Epic Summon: Equip an Amulet of Mara to an enemy creature and another friendly creature without Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 1 1 Creature Dark Elf Epic Exalt 5: Fill this lane with 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Animal
Common Guard
Icon legends strength Strength 3 2 2 Creature Nord Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
4 4 5 Creature Khajiit Epic Drain, Guard
When you gain health, Protector of the Mane gains +1/+1.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
6 3 4 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary Drain
Give all other friendly creatures in this lane Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 4 4 Creature Dragon Common Guard
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends willpower Willpower
2 2 2 Creature Nord Epic Summon: If you have less health than your opponent, +0/+2 and Guard. Otherwise, +2/+0 and Breakthrough.
Icon legends strength Strength 3 3 3 Creature Redguard Common +0/+3 and Guard while equipped with an item.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 9 9 7 Creature Fabricant Common Guard, Ward
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 1 1 Creature Undead
Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 3 3 Creature Undead
Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 Action Common Betray
Summon a 3/3 Risen Horror with Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 6 3 Creature Khajiit Rare Guard
Move Riverhold Escort to the other lane.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
4 2 4 Creature Dark Elf Epic Guard
Last Gasp:
Summon a 2/1 Mournhold Guardian with Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 5 5 5 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary Guard
Can't be damaged or targeted by Cliff Racers, Cliff Hunters, and Cliff Striders.
Icon legends strength Strength 7 4 6 Creature Khajiit Common Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 7 6 Creature Animal
Common Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower 1 2 0 Creature Imperial Rare Guard
Icon legends strength Strength 4 4 5 Creature Ash Creature Common Summon: If you have a creature with 5 power or more, +2/+2 and Guard.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 2 4 3 Creature Fabricant Common Guard
If you have a Icon legends neutral card in play, put a random action into your hand.
Icon legends strength Strength 2 Item Common +2/+2
Summon: An enemy creature loses Guard.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 8 8 8 Creature Daedra Epic Guard
When your opponent summons a creature, reduce its power to 0 until the start of your turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 4 2 Creature Animal
Rare Prophecy, Guard
Move a friendly creature to this lane.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 5 5 8 Creature Dragon
Legendary Guard
Give all creatures in your discard pile +2/+2.
Last Gasp: Draw a random creature from your discard pile.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 4 4 Creature Undead
Epic Guard
Summon: Give other friendly Skeletons +1/+1.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 5 5 Creature Imperial Common Guard
Summon: +1/+1 if you have another creature with Guard.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 0 5 1 Creature Undead
Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends endurance Endurance
5 5 5 Creature Daedra Epic Guard
Last Gasp:
Deals 5 damage to the enemy player.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 2 3 4 Creature Dwemer Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 3 3 Creature Argonian Common Summon: +0/+2 and Guard if the top card of your deck is Icon legends endurance.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 Action Common Prophecy
Give a creature Guard.
Draw a card.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 Support Activate Rare Activate: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for you or your opponent.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 6 6 5 Creature Dwemer Epic Summon: Give all enemy creatures in this lane Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 5 2 Creature Khajiit Rare Guard
Another friendly creature ignores Guards this turn.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 1 1 Creature Khajiit Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 5 5 Creature High Elf Unique legendary Guard
Your opponent can't target other friendly creatures with actions.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 6 6 5 Creature Daedra Unique legendary Guard
Only one creature in this lane can attack each turn.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 2 Support Activate Unique legendary Activate: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent.
Once 20 enemy creatures have died, deal 20 damage to your opponent, gain 20 health, and draw up to 10 cards.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 5 5 8 Creature High Elf Common Guard, Ward
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
2 4 5 Creature Argonian Epic Guard
Gain +1 max magicka.
Gains +1/+0. when your max magicka increases.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 2 Item Rare Guard
Summon: Shackle the wielder.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 5 6 5 Creature Imperial Common Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 1 3 Creature Argonian Common Guard
Gain +1 max magicka.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 1 2 Creature Trap Common Guard
Last Gasp:
It's a trap!
Icon legends agility Agility 2 4 3 Creature Argonian Common Plot: Lethal and Guard.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends willpower Willpower
5 4 4 Creature Nord Unique legendary Prophecy, Breakthrough, Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 6 3 6 Creature Unique legendary Guard
When Umaril the Unfeathered leaves play, summon him in the other lane Silenced.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 4 Creature Wood Elf Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 3 Creature Dark Elf Common Guard
Last Gasp:
Draw a card.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 5 4 3 Creature Undead
Epic Guard
Vigilant Ancestor is permanently Shackled.
Icon legends strength Strength 8 8 8 Creature Giant Legendary Breakthrough, Guard
Draw a card.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 4 4 4 Creature Nord Epic Summon: +4/+4 and Guard if you have an action, item, and support in your discard pile or in play.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 4 5 Creature Imperial Rare Summon: Give all friendly Guards +1/+2.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 (Human Form)
6 (Beast Form)
4 (Human Form)
6 (Beast Form)
5 Creature Nord
Rare Beast Form: +2/+2, Guard, and Regenerate.
Guard, Regenerate
Icon legends neutral Neutral 5 6 7 Creature Animal
Legendary Guard
Draw a card if you have 4 runes. Draw an additional card if you have 5 runes.
Icon legends strength Strength 2 4 4 Creature Nord Common Guard
Icon legends neutral Neutral 0 4 1 Creature Defense Common Guard
Upgrade a Shout in your hand.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends endurance Endurance
4 4 7 Creature Breton Epic Summon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Slay: Summon a 2/2 Worm Thrall with Guard.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 2 2 Creature Undead
Common Guard
Icon legends strength Strength 3 3 4 Creature Daedra Common Charge, Guard
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 Item Rare Guard
+1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.