Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Guild Listings is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online that is meant to introduce the player to Guilds.


I found a notice about the opportunity to join a guild of like-minded adventurers.


  1. Talk to Guild Herald Amsaad
  2. Review the Guild Listings
  3. Talk to Guild Herald Amsaad


In Belkarth, near the Guild Traders, you may find a note titled Which Guild is for You?. This note will direct anyone looking to join a guild to Guild Herald Amsaad, ho is standing nearby. Amsaad will tell you to examine the Guild Listings on the noticeboard next to him if you are looking for a guild to join. These listings can be used to find a guild that is to your liking; you can sort it by categories such as Trading, PVP and Roleplaying. Once you have examined the board, talk to Amsaad again to finish the quest.



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