- "You're looking for work, yeah? Good. We can use you. Folks around here have all kinds of problems that a good sell-sword can solve. These contracts are piling up and my crew is booked solid. So what do you say? Want to get your hands dirty?"
- ―Guruzug[src]
Guruzug is an Orsimer daily job broker found at the Clan Longhouse in the stronghold of Morkul, Wrothgar. He is a member of the Dragonstar Caravan Company.
Breakfast of the Bizarre[]
Fire in the Hold[]
Free Spirits[]
Getting a Bellyful[]
Parts of the Whole[]
The Skin Trade[]
Show: Out-of-quest dialogue |
What are you doing here? "Huh. Sometimes I ask myself the same question. I'm a contract broker for the Dragonstar Caravan Company. We've been drowning in contracts ever since Kurog started his little home decorating project. We just don't have the manpower to keep up."
Show: The Skin Trade |
Sure. What do you have for me? "Got a strange one for you. Says here that our client is looking for high quality werewolf pelts—from Argent Mine, no less. Word 'round the campfire is you've been there a few times. I figure you're right for the job."
If spoken to before finishing the quest: "Look who's back! Doesn't look like you got gnawed up too bad. The company has already taken its cut. Menninia will give you the rest. Good work." |
Show: Parts of the Whole |
What do you have for me? "That daft artificer, Raynor Vanos, has put a contract with the company. He wants us to collect information on some rusty old Dwarf junk down in Zthenganaz. Says its going to "further his experiments." Don't much like the sound of that."
- "Ah, look who's back! I've got a whole new batch of contracts here if you're looking for work. What do you say? Interested?" – If spoken to after completing at least one quest