Hadolids are a multi-limbed bipedal crab-like creature in The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle. They are seafaring creatures, found on High Isle with other creatures such as the Vulk'esh.[1]
- Hadolids were first datamined as GreyFallen in 2015, are a type of bipedal arthopodic Daedra assosciated with the Daedric Prince Mephala. They were intended to be part of the Spiral Skein zone, but were ultimately never implemented as the DLC was scrapped.[source?]
has 10 limbs whileGreyFallen_Melee_Basic
has 8 limbs, which was retained by the Hadolids.- However, their heads were made to look less arachnid like and more crab-like, and their belts were changed from loincloths to chitinous plates.
- The Elder Scrolls Online (depreciated)