- For other uses, see Hagraven.
Hagravens are bird-like humanoid creatures that appear in The Elder Scrolls Online. They are sometimes known to ally themselves with the Reachmen.[1] This is backed up during the quests in Northwind Mine, where the Stonetalon Clan actively helps the Hagravens.
- Flare:
- Firebomb:
- Raven Storm:
- Teleport
- Cambray Hills Region, Glenumbra
- Blackheart Haven, Bangkorai
- Coldperch Cavern, Wrothgar OR
- Crow's Wood, Stonefalls
- Jackdaw Cove, Bangkorai
- Kynesgrove
- Magdelena's Haunt, Rivenspire
- Northwind Mine, The Rift
- [?]
- Crow Bringer (Crow's Wood) [2]
- Dyta (Northwind Mine)
- Jadwiga (Northwind Mine)
- Keeper Ormi (Kynesgrove)
- Kraala Birdsong (Coldperch Cavern) OR
- Kloavdra (mentioned only) [3]
- Magdelena
- Matriarch Kasmira (Northwind Mine)
- Mother Murk
- Roost Mother (Blackheart Haven)
- Uela (Jackdaw Cove)
- [?]
- Hagravens are mentioned in A Life Barbaric and Brutal [3], and in The All-Beneficent King Fahara'jad [4]
- A Diet of Eyes specifically references events that take place in Northwind Mine during the quest "Scouting the Mine."[5]
- Update 4: Update 4 fixed an animation issue when killing Hagravens.[6]
- Update 6: In Update 6, it was easier to see the telegraph for Hagraven heavy attacks.[7]
- Update 9: Hagravens' "Briarheart" resurrection now has a 2-minute cooldown, and Hagravens will not resurrect the same Reachman multiple times.[8]