Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Hall of Judgement.

Hall of Judgment is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.



  1. Talk to Malkur Valos
  2. Destroy the Elemental Crystals x3
  3. Find the Key
  4. Talk to Malkur Valos
  5. Enter the Hall of Judgment
  6. Enter the Holding Cells
  7. Collect the Cage Key
  8. Rescue Tarrami
  9. Rescue Dithis Romori
  10. Rescue Denthis Romori
  11. Meet the Mages Outside
  12. Defend the Mages
  13. Exit the Hall of Judgment
  14. Meet the Mages Outside
  15. Talk to Malkur Valos


When approaching the Court of Contempt in Coldharbour, the Vestige will ecounter a Dunmer named Malkur Valos. Speak with him, and he will tell you that he and his fellow contingent of mages were ambushed when they arrived in Coldharbour. His friends were all captured, but he managed to avoid that fate. He will ask you to help get into the Court of Contempt and rescue his friends.

To dispel the barrier blocking your entry into the Court, you'll need to destroy three elemental crystals. You'll also need to collect the gate key to get inside. You can do these things in any order. For the Air Crystal, head into the ruins from the west, then turn south. Don't forget to pick up the skyskard just east of the crystal, behind the collapsed wall. The crystal will be in the tower, up a few stairs. The earth crystal is found on the southeastern end of the ruins, once again in a tower. Finally, you'll find the fire crystal in the west of the ruins, north of where you entered. Your last target is the gate key, which is in the northern section of the ruins, in the northwest. Take care though, as this area is guarded by quite a bit more daedra than the rest of the ruins and the chest containing the key is guarded by a powerful dremora called Kyngogurth.

Once you've destroyed the crystals and obtained the key, meet Malkur in front of the Hall of Judgment, in the eastern part of the ruins. Don't be alarmed by the flame atronachs; they are friendly. Speak with Malkur and he'll tell you that his companions have been given the death sentence, and are currently being held in the dungeons as the preparations for their execution are being made. Head inside and face off against Magistrate Bogtro, then make your way into the holding cells. Grab the key from the pack on the table and rescue the prisoners, tell Tarrami that Malkur will cover their escape. Head outside, and you'll find that the way out of the hall has been blocked by a magical barrier. You will be set upon by several waves of daedra while the mages deal with the barrier. These can overwhelm you if you're not paying much attention, so take care.

Once the barrier has been dealt with, head out of the hall. You'll find that the daedra in the rest of the ruins are distracted by Malkur's flame atronachs, so you can leave safely. Outside the ruins, you'll find the mages standing by a portal to the Hollow City. Speak with Malkur to finish the quest.


Arbiter's Vambraces


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.

