Hammerfell Garb is a type of clothing typically worn by some Redguards in Skyrim, such as Alik'r.
- Alik'r warriors wear these clothes.
- Can be purchased from Radiant Raiment in Solitude.
- During the quest "In My Time of Need," if Saadia is sided with.
- One set in a knapsack in the Frostflow Lighthouse.
- Killing Velehk Sain during the quest "Forgotten Names."
A unique set called Redguard Clothes can be found on Nazir, but they can only be obtained during the "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!" quest or with the Pickpocket perk Perfect Touch.
- During the loading screen, a Redguard can be seen wearing this and holding a grand soul gem.
- The Hammerfell Garb is one of the few items in Skyrim that comes with a cape, along with Nightingale Armor and the Vampire Royal Armor (only available with the Dawnguard add-on), but both result in problems with the Argonians' and Khajiits' tails.
This section contains bugs related to Hammerfell Garb. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- PC 360 PS3 When worn on an Argonian, Khajiit or Redguard, the Dragonborn's wrists become invisible giving the appearance of "floating hands" in first person.
- PC 360 PS3 An Argonian or Khajiit character's tail will be visible through the cape, rather than the cape fitting around it. The Nightingale Armor has the same problem.
- PC 360 PS3 The garb appears as the female variant while viewed in the inventory screen or when dropped even if the player is male.