Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Template:SkyrimRuins Hamvir's Rest is an outdoor tomb located on the south side of the mountain range between Whiterun and Morthal. Nightshade grows in abundance among the gravemarkers.

There is a chance to encounter a Headless Horseman Ghost elsewhere in the game. If followed, he will lead the Dragonborn to this graveyard.

Notable Loot

  • There is commonly a Master level Chest to be looted in one of the altars.
  • There is also some loot put beside the tomb at the left, which can possibly be a piece of armor (i.e. an enchanted helmet), a weapon, and a skull which is not takeable. The skull is most likely the Headless Horseman's, but this is purely a theory.
  • At least five Nightshade plants can be found in and around the cemetary.


  • There is a leveled Draugr and a few of skeletons that the Dragonborn might encounter.

