- "Undaunted! Undaunted! We ate ... err ... are ... eh. What the blazes are you? Fresh meat, I see. Come to impress and slay, and drink wine and spill blood. Harken to my words, young one. You will never achieve half the things this old sword has."
- ―Hel Ra'Lala[src]
Hel Ra'Lala is a Redguard residing in Wayrest, Stormhaven. She is first met at the Cloudy Dregs Inn, not far from the north gate in the city. The Vestige will get their map updated with a mark, where they can go and find a treasure, when they talk to her. Later on, they may find Hel Ra'Lala at the nearby Undaunted enclave.
Hel Ra'Lala is, in fact, called Hel al-Ragath, and is the mother of Maj al-Ragath.