Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For the Tribunal armor, see Her Hand's Armor.

Her Hand Armor is a set of heavy armor in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition that is a part of the Ghosts of the Tribunal Creation Club content. There are two variants of each armor piece, which are identical in appearance and name. However, one variant is enchanted while the other is unenchanted and can be crafted.



Her Hand Armor requires the [?] perk to create. Pieces can be forged at any blacksmith's forge with the following components:

Both variants of Her Hand Armor can be upgraded with a Chitin Plate at a workbench.

Attributes by piece[]

The following table contains the attributes of the unenchanted armor variants:

Piece ArmorIcon WeightIcon Gold Netch Leather Ebony Ingot Gold Ingot Chitin Plate ID
Her Hand Armor 43 36 1,600 2 2 1 6 xx00081c
Her Hand Boots 16 6 300 1 1 1 4 xx00081b
Her Hand Gauntlets 16 6 300 1 1 1 3 xx00081d
Her Hand Helmet 21 8 300 1 1 1 4 xx00081e
Total 96 56 2,500 5 4 4 17

The following table contains the attributes of the enchanted armor variant:

Piece ArmorIcon WeightIcon Gold Enchantment ID
Her Hand Armor 43 36 2,152 Fortify Heavy Armor by 25 points xx000b80
Her Hand Boots 16 6 942 Fortify Stamina by 70 points xx008ce4
Her Hand Gauntlets 16 6 1,573 Fortify One-handed by 40 points xx000a4b
Her Hand Helmet 21 8 1,110 Fortify Block by 40 points xx000e6e
Total 96 56 5,770


See also[]

  • Indoril Armor, a very similar set of armor that can also be found in the Tribunal Armory and worn by the Ordinators in Ashfall's Tear.

