Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Hircine.

Hircine is a Daedric Prince and Master of the Hunt.




The Heart of the Beast[]

Talk to Hircine's Statue and defeat his aspect of guile, strength, or speed.

Hircine's Gift[]

Gain Hircine's blessing to become a werewolf.

The Senche[]

Hircine will congratulate the Vestige after they slay The Pale Senche.

A Father's Promise[]

Firwin will pray to Hircine to cure her lycantrophy. After she finds out there is no cure for her, she offers him her father's blood to cure her mother.

The Great Hunt WH[]

Hircine speaks with Balorgh and later Hanu in his realm. An enormous version of him can be seen in this distance.


The Heart of the Beast

After placing the heart into the bowl:

"You are not mere prey, mortal. Yet you aid the Wyrd who still lick their wounds of defeat. Their fall to Brinarch and his reachmen lost them my favor. To earn it back, you must prove yourself a true hunter."

What do you have in mind? "To start: a hunter's challenge of skill. Hunt my aspects within my Hunting Grounds: a shade of this realm and my own. Prove yourself worthy of my favor. Only then will you earn the chance to retake the grotto for the Wyrd."
How do I get to your Hunting Grounds? "I will place you there. When you've won—if you've won—return to the shrine. I will be there as the Spirit of the Hunt. We'll discuss your prowess and your final task for the grotto when the hunt is over."
All right. I'm ready to face the aspects.

After defeating his aspects (as the Spirit of the Hunt):

"So you've succeeded. Impressive. Few best the aspects."

Yes. What do I need to do to win the grotto? "Already you yearn for the next hunt! I've two hunters and one grotto. To the victor goes the spoils. Find Brinarch and rip the briar heart from his chest. Prove yourself the true hunter and he, the prey, and the grotto is yours."
I'll do it. "Should you prove yourself the victor, bring the Reachman's fledgling briar heart back to the altar. I will speak to you one last time, if you succeed."
All right. "I look forward to your final show of prowess."

After offering Brinarch's Briarheart:

"Ah, the proven hunter. I see you have the briar heart, torn from the chest of the Reachman. His punishment for failure is to roam the Hunting Grounds as prey. His chest, a gaping hollow, a reminder of his weakness."

Yes, here's the briar heart. "Consider it returned. The grotto belongs to the Wyrd once again, but more importantly, to you. I'll be watching you, mortal. A larger hunt looms in your future, one I'll watch with great interest."
Hircine's Gift

"Do you accept my power?"

<Bow to Hircine> "Once a pup, now a wolf. Once prey, now a hunter. The blood of the true hunter, and the pack, is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance. Hunt well."
A Father's Promise

Another comes for my blessing? Drink deep, and let the beast behind your eyes take hold. Ah, but is that fear I smell? The young Bosmer fears what the future holds. Her flesh is weak, but not for long.

What have you done to Firwin? How ungrateful the little Elf is! She took the gift willingly, and now she wishes to turn away. Her flesh and blood are mine, but I am not without mercy. Perhaps she can save someone … her mother … from the same fate.
What fate? What do you mean? The Elf child must take the heartblood from her sire. If her mother drinks of it, she may yet be saved. But there is no redemption for the child. She is mine.


The Heart of the Beast[]

Statue of Hircine: "A worthy offering. What is it you seek?" Wyress Linnae: "My Prince, we seek to know why—" Statue of Hircine: "Silence, prey! I speak not to the weak, but to the one who took the heart."


  • "Heed me, pup. You stand now in my hunting ground. You desire power, but have you the will? The God of Schemes has tasted your soul. You've come back tainted. Wrong. Hunt. Seek a tribute worthy of your pack. Bring it down, then howl for your brothers and sisters. If the pack accepts you, they will feed, and you will join them. Now, experience my power!" – When praying at the shrine during "Hircine's Gift"
  • "Enough! The pup has become a wolf. Bow to me, hunter, and receive true power." – After feeding on the troll during "Hircine's Gift"
  • "A most unexpected end. But such a magnificent hunt! My Hounds will sing of it for ages. Now, return to Haras. Tell him he may rest." – After slaying the Pale Senche
  • "Ulthorn, I thought you knew better. Seems you are unworthy after all!" – If the Vestige chooses the wrong item during "The Ties that Bind."

