Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I'm Holgunn, the Nord commander here in Davon's Watch. My men are the spine and strong arm of the Ebonheart Pact."

Holgunn One-Eye[1] is a Nord member of the Ebonheart Pact. He is the commanding Pact officer in Davon's Watch, having gained his rank from being a veteran of the Akaviri Invasion. He is heavily involved in the Stonefalls questline. Later on, he joins the Alliance Expeditionary Force to Coldharbour.


Ebonheart Pact quests[]

Warning Davon's Watch[]

The Vestige, after aiding Bal Foyen against the Daggerfall Covenant's attack, must warn Holgunn that the Covenant forces are on the move for Davon's Watch.

Legacy of the Ancestors[]

Holgunn directs the Vestige to Tanval Indoril, and they must find the relic that Tanval seeks to claim.

Delaying the Daggers[]

The Covenant has began a shoreline invasion of Davon's Watch, and the defense is led by Holgunn. The Vestige must help Holgunn in squashing the Covenant's siege engines.

City Under Siege[]

Holgunn, along with Garyn, fight with the Vestige in the House Indoril Inner Crypt to protect Tanval during his summoning ritual.

City at the Spire[]


Climbing the Spire[]


The Coral Heart[]


Sadal's Final Defeat[]


The Coral Heart[]


The General's Demise[]


To Fort Virak[]


To the Tormented Spire[]


Securing the Pass[]


Coldharbour quests[]

The Citadel Must Fall[]


Show: Warning Davon's Watch

"Have you come from Bal Foyen? What news do you have?"

We've repelled the Covenant attack there. Did the signal fires work? "Yes, soldier. Thank you. We're giving the Covenant a good fight. Without your warning, Davon's Watch would be in their hands. Feels good to save a city, doesn't it?"
Show: Legacy of the Ancestors

"I'm Holgunn, the Nord commander here in Davon's Watch. My men are the spine and strong arm of the Ebonheart Pact. I've heard good things about you. Let's see if they're true."

What do you need me to do? "The Covenant is attacking Davon's Watch. The devils bombarded the northern district. Now they're ashore, preparing to attack. I need every able hand in the battle to come."
I'll stand with you, Holgunn. "Then you'll stand where you're needed. Right now, Grandmaster Tanval Indoril's at a manor in the north of the city. He's got a smart plan, but he needs help."
Let's go. "Follow me or meet me there. Your choice."
I have some things to do. I'll meet you there. "You'll find the manor along the north city wall. I'll be there with Tanval."
I'll walk with you. I'm ready to go whenever you are. "Excellent. Let's get going."
What can you tell me about Davon's Watch? "This port's the key to Stonefalls. That's why these Covenant bastards are attacking. They're keen to take this city, but we aren't going to let them. The Nords are here to defend the Pact."
Show: Delaying the Daggers

"I've been reviewing our defenses. It's not good. The Covenant is bringing up ballistae and siege ladders. Time to show them what we've got!"

What should I do? "Do? Burn those ballistae. Same for the ladders. Burn them to ash. I'll be leading a sortie from the gate. Meet us when you're done. It'll be glorious!"

"Burn the ballistae and ladders outside the gate. That'll set those bastards back. Look for me when you're done."

After burning down the siege engines:

"I heard the horns. I saw the flames. Are you done?"

I burned down their siege gear, as you requested. "The damn skeevers tricked us, though. This was only a feint."
Show: City Under Siege

"The Covenant's inside the city! Let's hope your blade is thirsty."

How'd they get into Davon's Watch? "They scaled the cliffs like damn mountain goats. Takes guts, I'll give them that."
Where do you want me? "Get to the tombs. Tanval's in there, performing his ritual. He has no idea what happened. Guard him until he's done!"
I'll protect him.

"Tanval's at the tombs. Guard him! I've got invaders to repel."

"You face a Nord now, scum! Ysgramor!"―Holgunn, at the House Indoril Inner Crypt

"You fight like the great hero Ysgramor, my friend. You've done the Pact a great service this day."―Outside Indoril Manor

Show: Quiet the Ringing Bell
"You've fought like a true Nord. The skalds will remember your deeds in story and song. And I'll remember you. Holgunn always remembers his friends."―Outside of Indoril Manor
Show: Securing the Pass

"Leading the charge as always, eh?
We've lost many soldiers trying to take these caves. The Worms wield barrels filled with a flammable liquid. If you see barrels ahead, be wary."

I was told you have aid to offer me. "To help you clear Trolhetta, you'll need the battle prowess of a Nord warrior. Say the word and my best is yours!"
Sounds good to me. "Excellent. Good hunting!"
I'll get back to you on that. "Take your time."


Legacy of the Ancestors
  • "Let's get going."
  • "The Covenant's been bombarding the city for days."
  • "If Davon's Watch falls, all of Stonefalls is in danger."
  • "I came to fight with my old comrade, Tanval."
  • "Poor bastard. Didn't even get a soldier's death." – When passing by the body of a deceased citizen
  • "Damned Covenant! Will this bombardment ever stop?"
  • "We're here."
  • "Troll's blood! Do you need an invitation? Speak to Tanval." – If interacted with at the manor
The Citadel Must Fall
  • "Nice work! They'll think twice before they try to get down here again. I'll stand guard while you restore the mages' portal." – after securing the gate to the upper city



