Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Imperial Legion (Morrowind)

Honthjolf the Traitor is an Imperial Legion quest given by Frald the White in Ebonheart to the Nerevarine in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.


  1. Speak to Frald the White at Hawkmoth Legion Garrison in Ebonheart about Orders
  2. Travel to Aharnabi
  3. Kill Honthjolf
  4. Report back to Frald and report your success




Journal Entry
Frald the White told me that Honthjolf, a former Knight Errant of the Order of Ebonheart, has made a pact with the Daedra worshippers of Aharnabi, which is on the far southeastern shores of Azura's coast, near the Shrine of Azura. Honthjolf is a traitor to the Order and must be killed.
  • Quest accepted
Frald the White thanked me for killing Honthjolf, the traitor to our Order.
  • Quest completed

