Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Ulf the Bleaker settled here before Rayno Dalvilu and his family arrived. But the families have long lived together in peace"
―Hrol Ulfgar[src]

Hrol Ulfgar is a Nord warrior residing in his house in the village of Bleaker's Way north of the Imperial City.

Villagers of Bleaker's Way will occasionally say in regard to Hrol, "He leads the Ulfgar clan. He is slow to anger, but fierce with his axe. All the clan values his leadership and judgement."



Hrol must be slain and the Dalvilu Ceremonial Dagger must be planted on his corpse in order to cause the feud between the two families.



"Welcome to Bleaker's Way, stranger. What can I do for you?"

Bleaker's Way "Ulf the Bleaker settled here before Rayno Dalvilu and his family arrived. But the families have long lived together in peace. Nivan Dalvilu and I lead the community, and have done so for many years. It is an excellent arrangement."
Hrol Ulfgar "I am Hrol Ulfgar."
Nivan Dalvilu "He leads the Dalvilu family. He is a wise man, and a powerful wizard."

