Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Imperial Dragon Armor.

Imperial Dragon Armor is a set of heavy armor in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition that is a part of the Civil War Champions Creation Club content.




Imperial Dragon Armor can be upgraded with a steel ingot at a workbench.

Attributes by piece[]

Piece ArmorIcon WeightIcon Gold Enchantment ID
Imperial Dragon Armor 49 50.00 7,601 Resist Fire 30%
Resist Frost 30%
Resist Shock 30%
Imperial Dragon Boots 18 10.00 1,745 Regenerate Health 10% faster
Resist Fire 20%
Imperial Dragon Cloak 0 5.00 500 N/A xx00084b
Imperial Dragon Gauntlets 18 6.00 1,250 Increases melee damage by 10%. xx00084d
Imperial Dragon Helmet 23 15.00 3,200 When low on health, has a chance to give the wearer Ebonyflesh, increasing defense. xx000848
Imperial Dragon Shield 36 15.00 3,708 Doubles damage from bashing.
Fortify Block 20%
Resist Fire 10%
Total (with shield, without cloak) 144 96.00 17,504
Total (without shield and cloak) 108 81.00 13,796
Total (with shield and cloak) 144 101.00 18,004
Total (without shield, with cloak) 108 86.00 14,296

