Imperial Light Bracers are a piece of light armor and part of the Imperial Light Armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
They can be found in abundance during the civil war questline, as they are worn by many Imperial Soldiers.
Fixed locations[]
- During the quest "Unbound," one can be acquired from one of the first two Imperials encountered after choosing to follow Ralof.
- One can be acquired upon joining the Legion and asking the blacksmith Beirand for Light or Medium armor.
- Rexus wears a pair.
- One pair can be found in Fort Neugrad if the Empire reclaims it after "Season Unending."
- Another pair can be found in the Fort Neugrad prison.
- Two pairs of Imperial Light Bracers can be found in Fort Frostmoth.DR
- Worn by Captain Valmir if impersonating an Imperial officer.
- A full set of Imperial light armor can be taken from the corpse in the Fort Greenwall Cave.
Imperial Light Bracers require a Smithing level of 20 and the Steel Smithing perk to forge. They can be crafted at a blacksmith's forge with the following components:
- 2 × Leather Strips
- 1 × Leather
- 1 × Steel Ingot
They can be upgraded with a piece of leather at a workbench and also benefits from the Steel Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement.