Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Iron Greatsword.

The Iron Greatsword is a two handed greatsword that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is the first type of two-handed sword available to craft in Blacksmithing skill line. The iron greatsword is the appropriate greatsword for levels 1-15.


Both enchanted and non-enchanted can be found throughout the world. Locations include:


The iron Greatsword is made with iron ingots and a crafting style stone. The amount of iron ingot used is determined by the level of the sword. Its appearance depends on the style stone used during Crafting. It can be crafted at level 1 since the first rank of Metalworking is granted to all players. Its rarity can be upgraded with tempers.

Attributes by piece[]

Level Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary Material Used Sell Price Gold
1 198 240 282 324 366 5 Iron Ingots 10
4 254 296 338 380 422 6 Iron Ingots 18
6 296 338 380 422 464 7 Iron Ingots 22
8 324 366 408 450 492 8 Iron Ingots 26
10 352 394 436 478 520 9 Iron Ingots 28
12 380 422 464 506 548 10 Iron Ingots 30
14 408 450 492 534 576 11 Iron Ingots 32




