Ishalga is a Khajiit and the current grand champion of the Thizzrini Arena.
The Champion Division[]
Ishalga is the reigning grand champion of Thizzrini Arena. The Vestige must challenge her for this title.
- The Champion Division
When first speaking with her:
"This one never thought you could best Tholbor, Zara, and Malarel. She is looking forward to ending your lucky streak."
- I offocially challenge your position as Grand Champion. "Nothing would please Ishalga more. You are aware that it is her right as defending champion to set the rules?"
- What do I need to do? "First, you must bring Ishalga a gift of skooma. This is a banned substance produced from pure Elsweyrian moon-sugar."
- Where can I get skooma? "Feluni's staff confiscated some recently. It's in her private quarters."
- You want me to steal from Feluni? "The Grand Champion has spoken her terms. You are free to do as you wish."
- Where can I get skooma? "Feluni's staff confiscated some recently. It's in her private quarters."
- What do I need to do? "First, you must bring Ishalga a gift of skooma. This is a banned substance produced from pure Elsweyrian moon-sugar."
Upon returning with the skooma:
"You again? You are like dung Ishalga cannot shake from her boot."
- Here. Take your skooma. "You got it? But how did you—? Never mind. Ishalga is just surprised you got it so fast."
- The thugs you sent to kill me were surprised, too. "How dare you accuse this one of such dishonor? \n\nYou will pay for such insolence! Ishalga will see you in the arena!"
- The Swordmaster Division
Ishalga: "Zara, my dear. Allow me to make our friend a little easier to kill!" Zara: "Ishalga, my lovely! You honor me!"
- "Malarel, why don't you call one of your friends to help you? I'll allow it." – During the fight with Malarel in "The Sorcerer Division"
- "Tholbor, I can't let this whelp defeat you! I think it's time for you to get a second wind!" – During the fight with Tholbor in "The Summoner Division"
- "Your winning streak is over! Ishalga will paint these walls with your blood!" – When initiating combat
- "Let this one make things a bit more interesting." – During combat
- "This one needs a quick refresher, then she will have your head!" – During combat