The Isle of Summerset, Isle of Sumurset,[1] Summerset Isle,[2] the Blessed Isle[3] or simply Summerset is the largest island out of the province of the Summerset Isles. Summerset is the largest region in the entire continent of Tamriel, with rolling hills throughout the land, and rugged mountains all over the coast. It is the birthplace of modern civilization in Tamriel, as well as the modern race of the Elves.
By game[]
- "Not a single isle at all but an archipelago of two major islands and a dozen smaller ones, the land called Summerset is the birthplace of civilization and magic as we know it in Tamriel. On its idyllic sea-kissed shores live the Altmer, the High Elves."
- ―Imperial Geographic Society[src]
Northern Summerset[]

The Direnni Acropolis overlooks the Eastern Valley and the Upper Auridon Strait.
The lands of Northern Summerset are very diverse, from the wetlands in the west coast to the rugged hills in the eastern Diren Valley. This region more or less surrounds the mountains of Eton Nir. Areas in the east and west are not directly connected, with the only paths being through the scenic King's Haven Pass and the not so scenic and more dangerous, Karnwasten. The most notable settlements are the cities of Cloudrest, which resides in the highest summit of Eton Nir, and Lillandril, on the western end of the wetlands that looks towards the Sea of Pearls. Beyond that, the legendary forest of Ebon Stadmont sits on the rim of Eton Nir, just before the central vineyards.
Central Summerset[]

Russafeld vineyards are famous throughout the Isles, from Lillandril to Skywatch.
The Plains of Central Summerset, also called Kingdom Fields,[4] stretch from the western bay to the eastern coast, in this large stretch of open land, are the vineyards of Russafeld, perhaps the most famous winery in southwest Tamriel. To the southeast of the area are several ruins, including the Keep of the Eleven Forces and the ruined estate of Tor-Hame-Khard. The largest settlement in the central plains is the city-state of Shimmerene, which has earned the nickname of the City of Lights. On the other side of the region is the center of Summerset's theatre culture, the township of Rellenthil has been the home of the House of Reveries for many years, being well-renowned throughout the island.
Southern Summerset[]

The Colossal Aldmeri Grotto is hidden among the southern mountains.
Southern Summerset, unofficially known as Varyllis[Notes 1] is largely mountainous, with most of it inaccessible due to the perilous alps. Along the coastline is various ruins and caves, one notable here is the Colossal Aldmeri Grotto, a vast cove utilized by the pirates of the ocean. The largest settlement is the city-state of Alinor, which is the capital of the province, which is situated on the Oleander Coast. On the other side of the mountains is the city-state of Sunhold, which is equal in size as Alinor, serving as the home of the province's strongest navy. The city-state of Dusk is located on the eastern coast, overlooking the sea south of Auridon. This city anchors the region along with Alinor.

Indriks are magical entities with ties to Jephre.
The Indriks are a type of animal that can only be found in a place like Summerset. These creatures are found all throughout Summerset, primarily in Southern Summerset near the heights of Archon's Grove and the forests leading towards Sunhold. The Indrik can be very protective of their territory, utilizing magicka attacks to defend their grove. This can be seen when their feathers and fronds light up in specific colors. To move fast between areas, Indrik can teleport and even leave trails of fire. The Indrik have strong ties to Jephre, the God of Nature to the Elves. It is said that their souls do not leave for Aetherius, Jephre instead plants them into the soil, so that they can grow into a newborn fawn. Within the vaults on Artaeum, there is a rare artifact called the Heart of the Indrik, which is a crystallized heart of an Indrik, that was bathed in water for roughly one-hundred days. A regular heart is even valued by the artists of Summerset.[5]
The Welwa were among the original inhabitants of the Summerset Isles but like the Ilyadi and the Ghaeteus, the Welwa were wiped out by the Aldmer colonials. But unlike the other creatures, the Welwa were not completely gone, being known to roam freely in the region of Craglorn, in the province of Hammerfell. The Welwas in Craglorn are akin to common fauna, having long streaks of fur in brown and white, as well as razor sharp claws and piercing horns. Welwas travel in packs and are found primarily throughout the plains of Central Summerset and the wetlands near Lillandril. Depicts of Welwa seen in the Crystal Tower are of holy beasts of horns and teeth, which is not far from reality. Welwas are capable of being tamed, being the hounds of Craglorn. The Iron Orcs of Craglorn utilize them as battle-pets while in Summerset, they are capable of being researched by the Sapiarchs. Sometime in 2E 583, Ambolisse, the Sapiarch of Zoological Studies, was able to bring back the Welwa into Summerset. For the first time in years, packs of Welwa had begun to appear in Summerset, near Shimmerene and Russafeld.[6]
Reef Viper[]

Reef Vipers are utilized by the Maormer of Pyandonea, being seen on Wasten Coraldale.
The Reef Vipers are serpentine-winged creatures that are common all throughout the Eltheric Ocean, primarily everything south of Khefrem in Hammerfell, looking towards the Sea of Pearls. Reef Vipers are large creatures that reside in alcoves along the coast, from Sea Keep to the island of Wasten Coridale. Reef Vipers can glide along the air, unlike most serpents. They disperse venom in various ways, through the typical bite, or excreting fumes of it. Egg clusters are found all throughout their nest. Typically, the Reef Viper, along with the Sea Serpent are utilized by the Maormer of Pyandonea, as battle-pets/mounts. These creatures are an inspiration of the Sea Elves armor and equipment. Their ships have serpent figureheads, and their armor itself has fins and wings reminiscent of the Reef Viper.[7]
Gheateus & Ilyadi[]
Among the original inhabits, the Gheateus and the Ilyadi were the most prominent. Both creatures are as legendary as the Welwa were depicted in Ancient Altmeri lore. Both creatures are categorized as Faerie, which have lived on Tamriel, before the earliest of records. Faeries are unpredictable by nature. The Gheateus are known to be a group of men, that are formed from the earth itself, similar to the Hollow found in Greenshade. Gheateus are considered godlike and are known to host a minor Sylphim, which are another variant of Faerie, seen beyond the Gheateus in a hierarchical system known as the Faerie Chain Theory, which originates from Ahrtabazus in 2E 456. Though technically, Faeries are neither followers nor leaders. Meanwhile, the Ilyadi are considered one of the godliest creatures on Tamriel, taller than the forests of Summerset. They are forest giants, containing many-eyes and overshadowing the land. As of now, these creatures are completely extinct on Summerset, but have left an impact on Summerset culture, bring referenced even in modern times.[2][8][9]

Gryphons are honored throughout Summerset, from Cloudrest to Sunhold.
The Gryphons, otherwise known as the Griffin are creatures revered throughout the Isle of Summerset, recognized as honored creatures by the High Elves. Since the earliest records of Summerset, the Altmer have dreamed of taming these animals and gliding through the air, from Eton Nir to the Southern Mountains, but have failed. Until in early Sunhold, an Aldmer tribesman, Ulorome had brought home a Gryphon egg back to his tribe, where it eventually hatched and was tamed by Ulorome's tribe. That baby Gryphon, as fiery as a phoenix was named Cel-himwe, and his descendants became revered throughout the Summerset Isles, becoming Sunhold's fame line of Gryphons. From then on, High Elves tamed the Gryphons. The Welkynar Gryphon Riders are sworn protectors of Summerset, being stationed in the city-state of Cloudrest. Gryphons are continued to be celebrated throughout Summerset.[10][11]
Miscellaneous creatures[]
- Alinor Ringtail
- Bright Moons Lunar Moth
- Canah
- Crystal Hannia
- Dire Wolf
- Eagle
- Goblin
- Great Yellowfin
- Lingweloce
- Nereid
- Senche Flathead
- Skaafin
- Sun Birds
- Wispmother
- Wraith-of-Crows
- Yaghra

Ebon Stadmont is a mysterious forest containing an unknown language.
The Isle of Summerset is the largest region in all of Tamriel, though the environment is not as diverse as say, the north or the province of Cyrodiil. Summerset has been described as being filled with fertile farmlands, woodland parks, and ancient manors dotting the landscape. There are several locations that are worth noting, one such is the forests of Ebon Stadmont, located along the base of Eton Nir. Ebon Stadmont is an endless maze of groves, easy for the common passersby to be lost. It is covered in a heavy shroud of mist, with ancient ruins containing an unknown language.
Across the plains of Summerset is the legendary vineyard, Russafeld, which grows the richest wine seen on the isles. Kinlords and Canonreeves from all over travel to Russafeld for their wine. Along the coastline are forests of coral, and lagoons housing the local Coral Crabs. The fields of Archon's Grove is sacred to Mara, the Goddess of Fertility. In this area grows the Rose-of-Archon. According to legend, Nenamil, the Archon of Song, who sang ballads of Mara and sought to meet the Goddess herself. And so he embarked on a journey to meet the Goddess of Love until he came upon what would become Archon's Grove, and found the Rose-of-Archon. From then on, he realized that Mara was beauty itself, and dedicated his life to spreading his teachings far and wide. The rose was named after his revelation.

The Thalmor is the governing body of the Aldmeri Dominion since its inception.
- "The Divine Prosecution stands as the highest authority of law and order on Summerset Isle, second only to the Queen and her Royal Court. And while we acquiesce to the will of the Kinlords and Kinladies, we have both the duty and power to investigate possible malfeasance even among the nobles should the need arise."
- ―High Magistrate Rinwaray[src]
Throughout the eras, the leader of Summerset has been the King/Queen of Alinor, making the province a wide-spread Kingdom. The monarch rules out of the Alinor Royal Palace that overlooks the Oleander Coast. But will the Monarch of Alinor has total control, below them, that enforces the laws of Summerset Isle, is the Office of Divine Prosecution. The Prosecution has various ranks, including the Canonreeve, the Bureaureeve, and the Vicereeve, each with different purposes. The Divine Prosecution not only deal with laws from the Court of Alinor, but they deal in stuff regarding religion and culture. Members of the Divine Prosecution are known as Justiciars, which are the high-ranking enforcers and soldiers of the faction.[12]
Leaders of Summerset cities are known as Kinlords/Kinladies, which are the equivalent to the Dukes and Counts of the mainland. These people are the nobility of Summerset and have kinhouses that overlook the entire settlement. Leaders of smaller settlements in the province are known as Canonreeves. With every iteration of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Thalmor had ruled over it. Originally a bureau of safeguarding High Elven heritage, the Thalmor is a ruling body of government consisting of the leaders of Aldmeri Dominion, which includes the leader of Valenwood, ideally someone from the Camoran Dynasty, and the leader of Elsweyr, both the Mane and the Speaker of the Mane. These people coordinate the Aldmeri Dominion from behind the lines.[13][14]

Auri-El is the chief deity of the Elven Pantheon, as well as, the soul of Anu.
- "The Elven Akatosh is Auri-El. Auri-El is the soul of Anui-El, who, in turn, is the soul of Anu the Everything. He is the chief of most Aldmeri pantheons. Most Altmeri and Bosmeri claim direct descent from Auri-El. In his only known moment of weakness, he agreed to take his part in the creation of the mortal plane, that act which forever sundered the Elves from the spirit worlds of eternity. To make up for it, Auri-El led the original Aldmer against the armies of Lorkhan in mythic times, vanquishing that tyrant and establishing the first kingdoms of the Altmer, Altmora and Old Ehlnofey."
- ―Mikhael Karkuxor[src]
The High Elves, and by extension, some of the other elven races, worship the Aldmeri Pantheon, which holds several likenesses to the Eight Divines of the Imperial Empires. More notably with the elven god, Auri-El, the Elven God of Time and chief deity of the pantheon. Auri-El's likeness can be seen in Akatosh, the Imperial Dragon God of Time. In the elven mythos, Auri-El is the soul of Anui-El and by extension, the soul of Anu, the representation of existence. The Elves have considered themselves as direct descendants of Auri-El, and because of this, they have held themselves in the utmost regard when compared to the other races. The Monastery of Serene Harmony in Shimmerene is a large temple dedicated to Auri-El and the Elven pantheon, overlooking the entire coast. Auri-El's prized artifact is Auriel's Bow, which draws the forces of Aetherius and channels it through the sun, finally unleashing an arrow of radiant energy. It was last seen in the north, in the Skyrim border.[8][15]
There are, of course, more members of the pantheon and not just Auri-El, for example, the most universally worship deity in Tamriel, Mara has a strong influence all throughout Summerset. On a certain day, the High Elves celebrate the Day of Divine Reverence, which honors Mara. Deep in the southern mountains, the sacred site of Archon's Grove holds the Rose-of-Archon, which is a flower that emphasizes Mara's beauty. The Sapiarchs near Lillandril gather the flower for a holiday, which lasts over a month. The god known as Phynaster is considered the hero-god of the Summerset Isles, teaching his people how to naturally live for another hundred years with no one breaking his stride, and nobody slowing him down. Phynaster was essentially able to live for several more years using nothing but a walking stride. The Ring of Phynaster reflects Phynaster's story. When a man needed good defense against the dangers in his adventurous walk, he was gifted the ring, and the diseases that plagued Tamriel were unable to affect the man. But Phynaster had cursed the ring and eventually, the ring disappears, only to return to Phynaster. These, of course, are not the only gods worshipped by the High Elves of Summerset Isle.[15][16][17]
Culture & economy[]

Shimmerene's harbor is found along the strait between Auridon and Summerset. It is on the east coast.
- "Welcome, dear heart, to the House of Reveries, home of the greatest players in Summerset! Perhaps aspirations of fame brought you here, or dreams of fortune. Perhaps mere curiosity or a need to belong. All who joined the House of Reveries would do [always wear masks] so only for the love of the craft, the thrill of the performance. The only thing her players would crave was the resounding applause of the crowd."
- ―Quill, House of Reveries Archivist[src]
The Isle of Summerset is the center of the Altmeri population, and so their culture is celebrated greatly within the entire continent. The High Elves are some of the brightest minds in all of Tamriel, as various groups such as the Sapiarchs and institutes such as the Illumination Academy are found here. The Sapiarchs are the greatest minds of Summerset, each studying different fields from the College of Sapiarchs located off the coast from Lillandril. These fields include but are not limited to "Arcanology," "Naval Excognition," and "Transliminal Travels." Many High Elves go to great lengths to be accepted into the College of Sapiarchs, while the monarchy of Summerset would learn at the College of Sapiarchs before becoming leaders of the province. Two Sapiarchs are tasked as Keepers of the Crystal Tower, residing at the base of Eton Nir to guard the entrance of the tower. All the while in Central Summerset, the Russafeld winery is the largest in all of the isles, and it produces the province's wine, as Russafeld Red is the most enjoyed wine in all of Summerset. It is shipped across the sub-continent. Considering the island's location, naval trading plays a big role in the Isle of Summerset as most cities, excluding Cloudrest have port yards. In fact, most cities are prime stops for the East Empire Company. The House of Reveries in the town of Rellenthil is the heart and soul of theatrical culture in Summerset. Many people, of all races, gather to Rellenthil to become one of the troupe, and they undergo various plays and other performances for the elites and commoners of Summerset. Despite what people think about the Altmer, the House of Reveries are true to their heart, and while not use the art of theatre as a stepping-stone in the universal hierarchy of the Summerset Isles. Even though the High Elves secluded themselves from Tamriel, they are a thriving and modern culture that gives the land the character is praised by its own people.[18][19][20][21]
Merethic Era[]
The Aldmeri Expansion onto Summerset[]

The Crystal Tower serves as a beacon of hope for Summerset, overlooking the entire region.
- "The Aldmer, the progenitor races of all elves, arrived in Tamriel from their original home in Aldmeris or Old Ehlnofey in ancient times. We don’t know what precipitated this exodus or even the location of Aldmeris if it still exists today. Most scholars believe that the Aldmer settled Summerset first, and then spread out across the rest of Tamriel, but there is some evidence to support the theory that Summerset was only one of several initial settlements of the earliest Aldmer."
- ―Imperial Geographic Society[src]
With their ancestral homeland of Aldmeris looming away in the distance, the Aldmer travel to the north, where they arrived on the shores of the modern-day Summerset Isles and leading the helm was High Lord Torinaan, who landed on the shores of Auridon, establishing the city-state of Firsthold, where the rest of the Elves spread across into Summerset Isle. Before they lived there, creatures of legends such as the Gheateus and the Illyadi had prospered on the land, to which the Elves had dispatched to nigh extinction. But even before Summerset was untamed, ancient ruins and structures had dotted the landscape, from the Ceporah Tower on Artaeum, to the ruins of modern-day Cloudrest. Eventually, the land had grown into a booming civilization, from lowly farmers and tribes to wealth clans and merchant lords. Settlements such as Alinor, Sunhold, and Skywatch had grown into large kingdoms, with the former becoming the modern-day capital. But out of this rising civilization, none was held more sacred than the Crystal Tower, a vast tower that overlooks the entire land from the heights of Eton Nir. In it houses the crystal known as Transparent Law, which protects the island from the threats of Oblivion, reminiscent of the Dragonfires in Cyrodiil. The Crystal Tower is considered the beacon of hope, as well as the symbol of everything the Elves hold dear. Many scale the mountain to learn from the halls of Crystal-Like-Law.[8][22][23]
The elven races of Tamriel; beyond Summerset[]

The modern-day race of the High Elves (Altmer) are the direct descendants of the Aldmeri.
- "The Aldmer changed over time culturally according to their new environments, being at first temperamentally and then physically very distinct "races" separate from one another. The ones who stayed in Summerset became known as the Altmer; in Valenwood, Bosmer; in Morrowind, Chimer and Dwemer; in Cyrodiil, Ayleid; and in High Rock, a mix between Nedic and Aldmer birthed the Bretons. The Orsimer or Orcs were also created at this time; Aldmer warped by the destruction of their leader Trinimac, who it is said became the Daedra Prince Malacath. This disparate chorus may have been crafted consciously by the Daedra or by the shifts of the earthbones, but the reason why is not necessary for this history. Change they did."
- ―Imperial Geographic Society[src]
As time went on, the Elves had grown contempt with the Blessed Isles, and so had decided to move beyond the realms of Summerset, and into the mainland of Tamriel, where the Beastfolk had reigned over since the dawn of time. Many sects of Elves had moved out the Summerset Isles and into the lands of Tamriel, with the first being the Dwarves, who moved into the wastelands of modern-day Morrowind, out of the sub-continent of Vvardenfell. The Dwemer were well ahead of their time, building automatons and steam-powered machinery that the races of Tamriel have yet to fully-utilized. Of these movements, none was more well-known than the followers of Veloth, a wealthy Chimeri noble that heeded the words of Boethiah, gathering his followers for the promised land, which is Morrowind. As time went on, the Chimer changed into the modern-day race of the Dark Elves. Part of why Veloth left Summerset was because of the nobilities ill-treatment of the unfortunate, and homeless, and so he and his people had left. But the Chimer were not the only ones to leave of the haughty nature of the Elves.[24][25]
A sect of Elves traveled across the Cape of the Blue Divide, where they settled onto the lands of Valenwood. Here, the Aldmer became the modern-day Wood Elves, following divine laws known as the Green Pact, which resulted in their exclusively-carnivorous lifestyle, protecting the Green to their death. In legends, when Boethiah defeated Trinimac and swallowed him whole, the waste that was left behind became Malacath, the Daedric Prince of Sworn Oaths. Malacath had become a vile form of his former-self, along with his followers, which became the Pariah-folk, the Orsimer. The Orcs moved north towards the Wrothgarian Mountains and the Dragontail Mountains. Another well-known movement was the Ayleids, who were the first to establish an Empire in the continent of Tamriel, ruling out of the modern-day Imperial City. The Ayleids worship the Daedra, much to the dismay of the Aldmer, and so they left Summerset and established their illustrious Kingdom, using the Nedes as slaves. The Ayleids went extinct when the Nedes rebelled in the Alessian Slave Rebellion in the first era. The Aldmer that remained on the Summerset Isles became the High Elves, who have kept their ways to this day. Other races such as the Snow Elves moved to modern-day Skyrim and others such as the Maormer traveled to the island continent of Pyandonea, beyond Tamrielic waters.[24][26][27][28]
First Era[]
The Undocumented Era of War in Summerset Isle[]

The Sload of Thras has constantly harassed Summerset, believing it was their home.
- "We know that the slug-folk of Thras practiced foul necromancy, but their involvement with that dread art may have been more prominent than previously thought, if this is an authentic text. The author expresses frequent disgust at interacting with re-animated slaves. It seems the Sload also slaughtered and revived various sea creatures—turtles, crabs, and the like—to keep as pets. His repulsion did not end there, though, as he complained about the repugnant smell of the Sload, the several inches of slime-coated water upon the floors of any land-based building, and the various molds and fungi served as food."
- ―Telenger the Artificer[src]
As the races of Tamriel flourished, with the fall of the Ayleids, the creation of the First Empire, and the Battle of Red Mountain in 1E 700, the High Elves of Summerset remained isolated, dealing with their own internal conflicts. Because of how isolated the High Elves were, the history at this time was largely undocumented, save for several conflicts. The Kingdoms of Summerset constantly waged war with each other, between Alinor and Lillandril, and between Firsthold and Skywatch, among others. But with these conflicts, the Sload of Thras would constantly attack them, hitting with the most ungodly and repulsing method they had in hand. Conflicts such as the War of the Uvichil, which lasted from 1E 2911 to 1E 2917. But beyond the warfare, none had hit Summerset more was the Thrassian Plague, which occurred in 1E 2200. The Plague was virtually unstoppable, prompting settlements such as the ancient city-state of Corgrad Wastes to utilize very questionable means of survival. The Kinlord of Corgrad had issued a decree that proclaimed that every citizen is forbidden from leaving the city-state, and eventually, Corgrad had sunken into the shores of the Sea of Pearls, where their residents remain in the underground, all the way into the second era. But out of this conflict, the Apprentice-God, Syrabane had repelled the plague and the Sload to their home of Thras, to which it was sunken into the ocean. From then on, Syrabane became a part of the Altmeri Pantheon. Along with the Sload, the Maormer of Pyandonea would fight against the High Elves, attempting to control Summerset, with King Orgnum leading their cause.[8][15][29]
Second Era[]
- Main article: Summerset (Online)
The Unforeseen Queen; the Tale of Ayrenn[]

Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri's birth had held vast significance in the Isles.
- "In due time, as ordained by the Scrolls, King Hidellith and his wife Kinlady Tuinden conceived a child, who was named Ayrenn as the Praxis dictated. Princess Ayrenn was born on the 5th of Second Seed in the year 555 of the Second Era — a very auspicious date, though I will spare you the reasons why, as you lack the context to comprehend its full significance. However, you can believe me when I tell you all Summerset, Auridon, and Artaeum celebrated her birth for fifty-five days."
- ―Headmaster Tanion[src]
The continent of Tamriel would be forever changed with the death of Reman Cyrodiil III in 1E 2920, for better or for worse, mostly the latter. However, the Summerset Isles, peace had been issued for many years. The long-running Alinor Royal Family had been observing the province well. For quite some time, Summerset Isle was ruled by King Hidellith, who like others, would soon pass the crown to his heir, and that person was Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri, whose birth has left Summerset wondering. Princess Ayrenn was born on the 5th of Second Seed, 2E 555, a very auspicious year that has left all of the Summerset Isles celebrating for fifty-five days. Ayrenn was a special as her birthdate, she was quick-nimble and brilliant, as well as a quick learner, a prodigy among prodigies. According to rumors, she would disappear on field trips, only too come back with a newly-mastered skill. But on the Evening Star of 2E 563, when her family traveled to the Crystal Tower to celebrate the beginning of her time in the College of Sapiarchs, she disappeared off of the province. The highest-ranked Thalmor and Divine Prosecution were unable to find her. With no other choice, her younger brother, Naemon enrolled in the College at her place, learning for 3,555. Naemon was to inherit the throne. But when news of Hidellith's death in 2E 580, Ayrenn reappeared from the township of Port Velyn, to reclaim her birthright of Alinor. Ayrenn had come back a changed person, ready to lead her province to glory. She was crowned on the 7th of Frostfall.[30]
The Return of Queen Ayrenn; the Aldmeri Dominion[]

The symbol of the First Aldmeri Dominion, inspired by the Eagle of Summerset.
- "Led us into the world to find new allies waiting just off our shores! The Queen's connections to the noble Wood Elves and fierce Khajiit enabled us to form the mighty Dominion that now stands astride our corner of Tamriel, poised to strike at the dark heart of Cyrodiil and ward off the depredations of the warmongering alliances of the north. Though she has her detractors, and cowards defame her courage from behind a veil, Queen Ayrenn is the living, beating heart of the Dominion. Our fortune and prosperity depend upon her."
- ―Nuulehtal of Skywatch[src]
In 2E 580, Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri returned to the Summerset Isles when news of King Hidellith had reached her. Ayrenn assumed the Throne of Alinor, with Prince Naemon at her side, and with her father's sword armed. At the time, control over the Imperial City had been sought after ever since the death of Reman Cyrodiil III. Ayrenn established an alliance with the Wood Elves of Valenwood, led by King Camoran Aeradan, and the Khajiits of Elsweyr, led by Mane Akkhuz-ri. This newly-found alliance was the First Aldmeri Dominion, and so they took to the plains of Cyrodiil seeking control over the province in the Alliance War. Because of this, Ayrenn had named the city-state of Elden Root, the capital of the Dominion. To focus on the war effort, Ayrenn took residence in Elden Root, while her older cousin, Alwinarwe taking the position of the Proxy Queen in Alinor. With her coronation as the leader of Summerset, she sought to prove herself as a worthy leader to the rest of the Dominion, leaving Summerset Isle on 2E 582 for the island of Auridon, and eventually Elden Root and Dune. Many people on Summerset were naturally opposed to this alliance, considering their disdain towards the races of the mainland. Because of this, there have been many instances of treachery, specifically with a group known as the Veiled Heritance, created by High Kinlady Estre of Skywatch. The Heritance had taken actions of taking over Firsthold, stealing the Staff of Magnus, and resurrecting a vengeful Naemon. But eventually, Ayrenn persevered and the Dominion had grown, bringing change to the Isle of Summerset.[31][32][33][34]
The Queen's Decree; A Wave of Newcomers[]

Shimmerene, under the rule of Kinlady Avinisse, opened their ports for the newcomers of Tamriel.
- "By Royal Decree of the Ceremoniarchy of Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri, Monarch of the Throne of Alinor and Eagle Primarch of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Summerset Isle's long period of isolation is declared at an end. No longer will the brave and selfless Altmer hide from the world like spoiled or frightened children. No longer will we cut ourselves off from our allies and friends. Instead, we shall welcome them as brothers and sisters as we throw open the metaphorical gates of our ancestral home and make Summerset accessible to everyone who arrives with friendship in their hearts and an unquestioned desire to engage in dialogue, commerce, and diplomacy."
- ―Queen Ayrenn[src]
During the Interregnum in 2E 583, Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri had temporarily ended Summerset's time of isolation with the Queen's Decree, a document which proclaimed that the Summerset Isle would be open to foreigners, offering a new opportunity. But naturally, the High Elves of Summerset were opposed to this statement, with some going so far as to slander the Queen, calling her a harbinger of their destruction. But out of this, the most vocal person is Kinlady Avinisse, leader of Shimmerene. Like many others, Avinisse's argument was that bringing in newcomers was illogical, considering their vast superiority to the other races and their direct connection to the Aedra and Aldmeri. Purely because of this, Kinlady Avinisse is against the Queen's Decree, but regardless, Shimmerene accepted ships from all over Tamriel. But fortunately, various Altmeri have accepted the new faces, one such person is Kinlord Andurion, a member of the Court of Summerset. When his son perished in the Alliance War, a fellow warrior of Bosmeri origins had brought his ashes back to Summerset. Because of the honor that this warrior presented, Andurion had opened up to the idea of newcomers, considering the state of the Alliance War, where High Elves, Wood Elves, and Khajiits are dying together in the war-torn realms of Cyrodiil. With the Queen's Decree, the ties that make up the Aldmeri Dominion had grown strong. But coincidentally, with the wave of new arrivals, a plot that had been festering for years had been finally put to action in Summerset, beginning in Shimmerene with the new Aldarch of the Monastery of Serene Harmony.[35][36][37][38]
From the Shadows of the Triad; the Court of Bedlam[]

Earl Tilcalar is one of three leaders in the Court of Bedlam.
- "Recent rumors heard across the island suggest that a particular type of Sload, the Sea Sload, have returned to trouble Summerset. While they haven't been seen or heard from in centuries, the Sea Sloads rule the undersea kingdom of Ul'vor Kus, located somewhere in the Sea of Pearls. Even the possibility that such creatures have infiltrated the island is cause for concern and utmost diligence. To this end, I have consulted old tomes and ancient volumes contained within our extensive libraries to gather whatever information I can. I'm sorry to say, it isn't much. The Sea Sloads are even more reclusive and mysterious than their more numerous cousins."
- ―Raavarion, Sapiarch of Aquatic Malevolence[src]
Kinlady Avinisse had given the position of Aldarch to the Altmer, Tilcalar, who is of unknown origins. Tilcalar and Avinisse took to dealing with the new wave of immigrants by taking them away but low and behold, Tilcalar had tasked the monks of the monastery with killing these newcomers, without Avinisse's knowing. Because of these missing newcomers, this brought attention to the Eyes of the Queen, a spy intelligence network that works for Queen Ayrenn. Their most esteemed member, Razum-dar had undergone investigation in Shimmerene, prompting help from an old friend, a Newcomer that was one of the new arrivals from Alinor. Eventually, their investigation involved a third party, the Psijic Order, through the Altmeri mage, Valsirenn. As time went on, it was revealed that Aldarch Tilcalar was a member of the Court of Bedlam, as well as the Earl of Clavicus Vile. Tilcalar escaped the Monastery of Serene Harmony to the Coral Forest near Sil-Var-Woad. It was there the Earl was defeated, and an Abyssal Pearl was taken to the Ceporah Tower on Artaeum. This incident had revealed a much larger scheme, which prompted twin investigations between Razum-dar and the Psijic Order. The Court of Bedlam had allied with the Abyssal Cabal, a group of Sea Sload that desire to sink Summerset Isle and claim it as their own. They, as well as, the Court had begun to make their move, with their first big strike being the Rellenthil Sinkhole.[39][40]
Nocturnal's grasp over the Crystal Tower & Aftermath[]

Nocturnal had taken over Transparent Law and the Crystal Tower.
- "Mother has made it clear to me that the path I followed was not my own. That I'd be a slave to this world's rules and laws. That I'd be forced to walk the steps of another. I should be free, and free is what I shall become. From the darkness, a new dawn is about to break over this world. With the coming of this dawn, hatred, greed, and death will be wiped away. I am so ready for this to occur and I've never been more sure about the part I want to play."
- ―Earl Tundilwen[src]
From within the shadows, the Court of Bedlam and the Abyssal Cabal worked towards the Crystal Tower. The Daedra killed one of the Keepers of the Crystal Tower. The College of Sapiarchs was raided by the Court of Bedlam, Iachesis of the Psijic Order was killed amidst the conflict, and the Heart of Transparent Law was recovered by Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Darkness. The Triad between Nocturnal, Mephala, and Clavicus Vile had been dissolved, with Nocturnal reaching nigh-infinite power, beyond the realms of Mundus. At this point, the region of Summerset was fending off the waves of Daedra storming the lands, from Alinor to the Diren Valley. With the Crystal Tower in the grasps of the Evergloam, the Sapiarchs within the tower were killed and halls of the Tower were pockets in Oblivion. With the help of a Golden Knight of Meridia, and the Earl of Mephala's Cult, a Champion, known as a Nebarra by the people had climbed the Crystal Tower, slaying the Earl of Nocturnal and restoring Transparent Law with the newly-forged Dawnbreaker. With the sword stricken into the crystal, Nocturnal was banished into Oblivion, and the Summerset Isles were saved. And so a new alliance was forged between the Psijic Order and the Sapiarchs, protecting the Crystal Tower and by extension Mundus from any other Daedric Invasion. Proxy Queen Alwinarwe continued her reign over Alinor, and the region brought newcomers into open arms. Razum-dar's investigation was over and so he returned to Queen Ayrenn with the information.[41][42][43][44]
The Second Aldmeri Dominion & The Siege of Alinor[]

Tiber Septim (center) utilized Numidium to besiege Alinor and the Aldmeri Dominion.
- "Citing a stewardship clause in a treaty from a thousand years before, the High Elves quickly established a provisional government, the Thalmor, on behalf of their own claimant, Camoran Anaxemes, whose bloodline had struck the pact with the Aldmeri Council in the first place. As the Cyrodilic Empire was still in the shambles of the Interregnum, the Colovians were quickly driven back by the Aldmeri army. The other heirs of the throne were silenced, the Wood Elves thanked their cousins for bringing back stability, and the High Elves reminded Anaxemes the price of Summerset's aid: fifty years' fealty to the King of Alinor. The Aldmeri Dominion was born."
- ―Imperial Geographic Society[src]
As time went on, the First Aldmeri Dominion created by Queen Ayrenn had dissolved, one way or the other, as did the other alliances in the Three-Banners War. Clivia Tharn, who held the position of Empress-Regent in the Imperial City had fallen, and things continued as they did before the Alliance War. Many figures had taken and lost the Ruby Throne, but finally the tides were shifting when Tiber Septim united the province of Cyrodiil, under the banner of the Septim Empire. Thus began the Tiber Wars, a series of conflicts that ultimately led to Septim's capture over the province, from the Conquest of Hammerfell to the Conquest in Morrowind, all that was left was the Second Aldmeri Dominion. Before Tiber Septim's usurpation, the Colovian Estates waged war with the Wood Elves of Valenwood under the reign of the Camoran Dynasty. With the help of the Thalmor on Summerset, on behalf of their claimant, Camoran Anaxemes, they were able to push back the Colovians out of Valenwood and establish peace in the province. Camoran Anaxemes pledged allegiance to the King of Alinor, establishing the Second Aldmeri Dominion.[45]
As time went on, the Septim Empire fought battles between the Second Aldmeri Dominion, who were each equal in power. Their battles took place primarily throughout the Abecean Sea and the Colovian West, with the Septims using Stros M'Kai as their bulwark for Dominion waters. Eventually, the battlefront pushed towards the Dominion Territory. But the conflict was officially declared over when Tiber Septim had utilized a gift from Vivec, the Warrior-Poet himself. It would have been over had the King of Alinor agreed to peace with Zurin Arctus, who had appeared before them in Alinor. Tiber Septim had activated Numidium, the Brass-God of the Dwemer near the city-state of Rimmen, to which it advanced into their homelands. Tiber Septim had already tested the Numidium at the Halls of Colossus and had used the Heart of Lorkhan to jumpstart the golem. The Summerset Isles were not ready for Numidium's divine power and were ultimately devastated by the attack. Numidium's siege was "over" when the Brass-God had reached the walls of Alinor and besieged the great city. The Aldmeri Dominion had been completely defeated, thus ushering a new epoch in time, onwards into the Third Era and the blossoming Third Empire. But after this, the Brass-God Numidium was destroyed by the Underking, becoming lost to time, or so it did.[45][46][47][48][UL 1][UL 2]
Third Era[]
The Aldmeri-Septim Alliance; the War of the Isle[]

The sigil of the Red Diamond, seen on Antiochus' fleet during the conflict.
- "The War of the Isle in 3E110, twelve years after Antiochus assumed the throne, nearly took the province of Summurset Isle away from Tamriel. The united alliance of the kings of Summurset and Antiochus only managed to defeat King Orgnum of the island-kingdom of Pyandonea due to a freak storm. Legend credits the Psijic Order of the Isle of Artaeum with the sorcery behind the tempest."
- ―Stronach k'Thojj III[src]
For many years, King Orgnum of Pyandonea attempted to invade Summerset for many years, well before the Interregnum. Orgnum's latest attack was in 3E 110 with the War of the Isle, which had started through the manipulation of Potema Septim, who hails from the Kingdom of Solitude. King Orgnum had met with Potema Septim, in regards of Orgnum's planned invasion of Tamriel, but the Psijic Order intervened. When King Orgnum's fleet crossed the Sea of Pearls, they were met with the combined forces of Summerset's Armada and the Imperial Navy under the command of Emperor Antiochus. This was Orgnum's closest attempt to capturing the Summerset Isles, as Antiochus' Navy was shoddy at best. But with the help of the Psijic Order, the Pyandonean Armada was obliterated via a freakish storm conjured from the island of Artaeum. Potema intended for that in the hypothetical situation where Orgnum conquered Tamriel, then she would be proclaimed Empress, but it had failed. This would not be the last time she would attempt to take the Ruby Throne. But out of this conflict came the Knights of the Nine, a knightly order dedicated to the Nine Divines. Sir Amiel Lannus was a veteran of the war, as where the other members.[8][49][50][51]
Summerset Isle during the Imperial Simulacrum[]

Jagar Tharn imprisoned Uriel Septim in Oblivion.
- "Uriel VII was imprisoned in a dimension of Tharn's creation, and Tharn used his magic of illusion to assume the Emperor's aspect. For the next ten years, Tharn used Imperial privileges, but did not continue Uriel VII's schedule of reconquest. It is not entirely known yet what Tharn's goals and personal accomplishments were during the ten years he imitated his liege lord."
- ―Stronach k'Thojj III[src]
During the Imperial Simulacrum from 3E 389 to 3E 399, the Imperial Battlemage named Jagar Tharn impersonated Emperor Uriel Septim VII and casted both him and Talin Warhaft into the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion. Jagar Tharn had a strong staff called the Staff of Chaos which was the key to releasing Uriel and Warhaft from the Deadlands. To secure his control, he broke the Staff of Chaos into several pieces and hid them across the provinces in Tamriel. Tharn's apprentice, Ria Silmane caught wind of this and planned to tell the Elder Council, however, Tharn killed her with his vile magic. Ria Silmane's spirit sought the aid of a warrior also kept imprisoned by Tharn. Silmane help the warrior escaped and tasked them with finding the pieces of the Staff of Chaos throughout Tamriel. At one point, this warrior traveled to the cities of Alinor and Dusk, among others during their quest to gather the pieces. The warrior defeat Jagar Tharn at the Imperial Palace and freed both Uriel VII and Talin Warhaft, this young warrior was named the Eternal Champion. The Isle of Summerset had many settlements dotting the landscape or at least the general area. Smaller townships such as Graddun Spring and Karndar Watch existed in the area.[52]
The Eternal Champion reached the city of Lillandril on their quest to find the fifth piece of the Staff. Through the visions of Ria Silmane and rumors from the people, the Champion had traveled to the northern coast, to the city of Lillandril in the province of the Summerset Isles. There the traveler ventured to the local Mages Guild where they met Corim Ashlen, the guildmaster of the local chapter. Ashlen gives the Eternal Champion a proposition where if they retrieved a diamond taken by a cult to the Temple of the Mad God, then he would reveal the location of the piece. After bringing the tablet and defeating the cultists, Ashlen showed the way to the Crystal Tower, a large tower that overlooks the province. It was there that the Eternal Champion had obtained the fifth piece of the staff. The Champion had moved on to find the sixth piece of the staff somewhere in Tamriel.[53][54]
The Youthful Revolution; the Lighter and Darker Sides[]

Morgiah and Karoodil's marriage was an example of Summerset's acceptance of foreigners.
- "With the insularity of the Summerset decisively broken, many Altmer, particularly the young (which among the High Elves is a fairly loose term), began to take a more critical view of the rigid hierarchy of Altmer society and its strict cultural xenophobia. While there had always been discontent on the fringes of Altmer society, which was traditionally resolved by exile of the malcontents, for the first time a significant element of Altmer began to agitate for social change."
- ―Imperial Geographic Society[src]
In the waning years of the Third Era, the High Elves have looked back on their past, taking a critical look at what makes, thinking to re-invent the meaning to it. The War of the Isle had left the youthful High Elves with this thought, and so they have taken upon themselves to make a change to the xenophobic and superiority that the Altmer has expressed for many years. A more constructive form of this movement was the acceptance of foreign races and cultures, more notably the rise of Queen Morgiah, who rules alongside Reman Karoodil in the city-state of Firsthold. Their children at considered the true heirs of that throne. But the movement had taken a more darker and violent method of bringing their message across. A group known as the Beautiful had appeared throughout Summerset, vandalizing and destroying the greatest monuments on the Isles. The Crystal Tower was one of the original targets of the Beautiful, though the various attempts failed. The sculptures and emblems were vandalized. But the group took to more extreme methods; one such was the assassination of the Princess of Shimmerene, which was considered both gruesome and outrageous towards the public. Summerset had grown dangerous, but another threat of immeasurable aptitudes would arrive shortly.[8]
Fourth Era[]
The Great Anguish over Summerset; Rising Threat[]

Oblivion Gates opened throughout Tamriel, from Ald'ruhn to Kvatch.
- "I was barely more than a child when the Great Anguish fell upon us. The very air was torn asunder, leaving gaping, infected wounds that spewed daedra from the bowels of Oblivion. Many flocked to the shores, seeking escape from Dagon's murderous host - but the seas betrayed our people, raising up to smash our ships and our ports, leaving us to fates so vile and wicked that death would seem a mercy."
- ―Lathenil of Sunhold[src]
In 3E 433, Uriel Septim VII was assassinated within the sewers of the Imperial City by the Mythic Dawn cult, worshippers of Mehrunes Dagon. With him or his heirs, the Dragonfires were unlit and the barrier separating Nirn, and Oblivion disappeared. Mehrunes Dagon had once again invaded Tamriel, beginning the Oblivion Crisis, known as the Great Anguish in Summerset. Many settlements, including Sunhold were besieged by the Daedra, and many refugees had escaped for the Crystal Tower. Many of them believed that the Daedra would never invade Crystal-Like-Law, but instead, the Siege of the Tower was one of the bloodiest battles of the Crisis. The wizards protecting the Tower were scorching the Daedra in waves, but it ultimately proved in vain, as the Daedra overran the Crystal Tower. The Summerset Isles had fallen, and many refugees fled for Cyrodiil, where Martin Septim had sacrificed himself to banish Mehrunes Dagon and forever seal the barrier. While Cyrodiil was celebrating Martin's sacrifice, the Thalmor themselves, claim that they ended the Crisis. The Thalmor had used this, to rally the people to their call amidst the ruined Empire. The Thalmor had become a rising threat, of which the continent has yet to have seen.[55][56]
In 4E 22, the Thalmor had garnered complete control over the Summerset Isles, becoming oppressive and ruthless as time went on. One of their more controversial moves was exiling Rynandor the Bold, who had helped many Altmeri refugees escape the Crystal Tower from the Daedra. The Thalmor went on to besmirch Rynandor's reputation to the mud until he was ultimately forced out of Summerset. On the mainland, the Altmeri refugee, Lathenil of Sunhold would preach against the rising Thalmor threat, forming a group against the Thalmor's advancements. Eventually, the Thalmor had decided to rename the entire province, naming it "Alinor", after the city-state that serves as the seat of power. In 4E 29, the Wood Elves of Valenwood were brought in, to join the Thalmor and creating the Third Aldmeri Dominion. The Third Aldmeri Dominion had grown into a force to be reckoned with, as Potentate Ocato was assassinated and the Mede Dynasty took over something later. Agents of the Blades located in Dominion Regions were killed and brought to Titus Mede II, as a threat of impending war. On the 30th of Frostfall, 4E 171, the Great War had begun, between the Dominion and the Empire.[56][57][58][59]
- Alinor
- Alinor Royal Palace
- The Golden Gryphon
- Plaza of the Hand
- Temple of the Divines
- Alinor Docks
- Oleander Coast Winery
- Outlaws Refuge
- Cloudrest
- Cloudrest Aerie
- Dusk
- Lillandril
- The Shrewd Brew
- Barra'tee
- Illumination Academy
- College of Sapiarchs
- Shimmerene
- Sunhold
- Amiglith
- Cey-Tarn Keep
- Crystal Tower
- Glenview
- Graddun Spring
- Holly Falls
- Karndar Watch
- Marbruk Brook
- Marnor Keep
- Old Falls
- Rellenthil
- Riverwatch
- Russafeld
- Sea Keep
- Sil-Var-Woad
- Sollicich-on-Ker
- White Guard
- Ald Mora Ruins
- Corgrad Wastes
- Direnni Acropolis
- Cathedral of Webs
- Ebon Sanctum
- Eldbur Ruins
- Eldbur Sanctuary
- Keep of the Eleven Forces
- Red Temple Catacombs
- Temple of the Mad God
- Tor-Hame-Khard
- Colossal Aldmeri Grotto
- Eton Nir Grotto
- Karnwasten
- King's Haven Pass
- Rellenthil Sinkhole
- Saltbreeze Cave
- Welenkin Cove
- Abecean Sea
- Alaxon'ald
- Archon's Grove
- Augury Basin
- Belport Run
- Caomus River
- Coral Forest
- Eastern Pass
- Ebon Stadmont
- Eton Nir
- Garden of the Sacred Numbers
- Gryphon Aerie
- Gryphon Run
- Oleander Coast
- Sea of Pearls
- The Vaults of Heinarwe
- Wasten Coridale
- The Elder Scrolls: Arena
- The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall (mentioned only)
- The Elder Scrolls Online (mentioned only)
- The Elder Scrolls: Legends (mentioned only)
- ↑ Originally, Southern Summerset was set to be a zone in The Elder Scrolls Online, but it was ultimately replaced with Auridon. Based on information on the cut content, the region was known as Varyllis.
- ↑ Of Jephre
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 The (Improved) Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: The Summerset Isles: Auridon
- ↑ Dialogue with Proxy Queen Alwinarwe during "The Tower Sentinels" in The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset
- ↑ The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard map
- ↑ Dialogue with Talomar
- ↑ Restoring the Welwas
- ↑ A Sailor's Guide to Sea Elves
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Summerset Isles
- ↑ The Faerie
- ↑ The Flight of Gryphons
- ↑ The Gryphons of the Welkynars
- ↑ The Divine Prosecution
- ↑ Life in the Eagle's Shadow
- ↑ Response to Citizen Inquiries Questions
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Varieties of Faith: The High Elves
- ↑ Dialogue with Justiciar Tanorian
- ↑ Tamrielic Lore
- ↑ On the College of Sapiarchs
- ↑ Our Blessed Isles: A Guide
- ↑ House of Reveries: The History
- ↑ East Empire Company Shipping Map (c. 4E 201)
- ↑ The Lay of Firsthold
- ↑ The Crystal of the Tower
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Eras
- ↑ Exodus from Summerset
- ↑ Valenwood: A Study
- ↑ Daedra Worship: The Ayleids
- ↑ Dialogue with Knight-Paladin Gelebor
- ↑ Rultari's Journal
- ↑ Ayrenn – The Unforeseen Queen
- ↑ The Rise of Queen Ayrenn
- ↑ Events in The Elder Scrolls Online
- ↑ Meet the Character — Proxy Queen Alwinarwe
- ↑ Elder Scrolls Online Lore Answers
- ↑ An End to Isolation
- ↑ A Case for Open Borders
- ↑ A Rejection of Open Borders
- ↑ Corruption of the Blood
- ↑ Events in "The Queen's Decree"
- ↑ Events in "A Pearl of Great Price"
- ↑ Events in "The Tower Sentinels"
- ↑ Events in "A Necessary Alliance"
- ↑ Events in "The Crystal Tower"
- ↑ Events in "A New Alliance"
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition: Aldmeri Dominion
- ↑ Where were you when the Dragon Broke?
- ↑ The Arcturian Heresy
- ↑ Characters: Attrebus
- ↑ Brief History of the Empire, Book I
- ↑ The Wolf Queen, Book V
- ↑ The Knights of the Nine
- ↑ Events of The Elder Scrolls: Arena
- ↑ Events in "Temple of the Mad God"
- ↑ Events in "Crystal Tower"
- ↑ Rising Threat, Vol. I
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 Rising Threat, Vol. II
- ↑ Rising Threat, Vol. III
- ↑ Rising Threat, Vol. IV
- ↑ The Great War
- ↑ Michael Kirkbride's Posts – Numidium's Siege of Alinor
- ↑ From the Many-Headed Talos
Summerset Isles Locations in Lore | |
Cities | Alinor • Cloudrest • Dusk • Firsthold • Lillandril • Shimmerene • Skywatch • Sunhold • Vulkhel Guard |
Regions | Artaeum • Auridon • Isle of Summerset (Miscellaneous: Eyevea • Wasten Coridale) |
Landmarks | Castle Rilis • Ceporah Tower • College of Sapiarchs • Crystal Tower • Direnni Acropolis • Ebon Stadmont • Errinorne Isle • Eton Nir • Glister Vale • Great Orrery • Karnwasten • Rellenthil • Russafeld • Tanzelwil • The Dreaming Cave |