Iulus Truptor is the head almoner of the Imperial cult, and tasks the Nerevarine with collecting alms from different sources to fund different charitable activities of the Imperial Cult chapter of Vvardenfell.
The Nerevarine must collect a donation of 1000 from Canctunian Ponius, who has promised to donate but has not done so yet.
Show: Alms from Skyrim Mission
"Hello. I am Iulus Truptor. I manage the volunteer almoners for our cult. If you are ready to accept a fund raising project as an almoner, let me know."
I'm ready for an almoner project."Thank Zenithar! We have so many projects, and so little gold. Go ask the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart for alms for the poor. They should give generously to support the Imperial cult. Our fund raising goal for the Skyrim mission is 100 gold. When you have reached our goal, return and deliver the gold to me."
Skyrim Mission"The Skyrim Mission is Skyrim's diplomatic embassy to Vvardenfell District. Leave the Imperial Chapels, pass through the Grand Council Chambers, cross the bridge, then down the stairs, out through the gate. As you look south from the gate, the Skyrim Mission is to the right, west of the well."
alms for the poor"The Imperial cult asks for donations from members and friends of the faith to support our good works. As a custom, we ask for alms for the poor, because most of the gifts go to feed, cloth, cure, and heal the less fortunate, but in fact the donations go to support various worthy causes and special projects. Collecting alms is just one of the many tasks our more faithful members perform in the service of the Nine."
I have something else to ask about."Then what can I do for you?"
If approached again:
"Have you reached our goal of 100 gold in donations from the Skyrim mission? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to raise the gold.
After collecting the donation:
"Have you reached our goal of 100 gold in donations from the Skyrim mission? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I've reached our goal."Very good, Nerevarine (Player name). This gold will help us serve our community of faith. Congratulations. And accept this small blessing as a token of our thanks. When you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
I have DOUBLED our goal!"Excellent! You've far exceeded our expectations. Surely you have a touch of Zenithar in your soul. Please accept this small token of our gratitude and encouragement. And when you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
Show: Alms from Argonian Mission
"Go ask the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart for alms for the poor. Their province is not so rich as Skyrim, but they are a generous and civic-minded people. Our fund raising goal for the Argonian mission is 100 gold. When you have reached our goal, return and deliver the gold to me."
Argonian Mission"The Argonian Mission is Black Marsh's diplomatic embassy to Vvardenfell District. Leave the Imperial Chapels, pass through the Grand Council Chambers, cross the bridge, then down the stairs. As you face out the gate, the Argonian Mission is to the south, on the southern side of the well."
If approached again:
"Have you reached our goal of 100 gold in donations from the Argonian mission? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to raise the gold.
After collecting the donation:
"Have you reached our goal of 100 gold in donations from the Argonian mission? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I've reached our goal."Very good, Nerevarine (Player name). Congratulations. And perhaps you'll find this useful in your work. When you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
I have DOUBLED our goal!"Excellent! Once again, you've exceeded our expectations. You are blessed with Zenithar's gift of fine words and generous sentiments. Take this, and wear it with pride. And when you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
Show: Buckmoth Alms
"The shrine at Buckmoth Legion Fort has experienced an unfortunate shortfall in alms for the poor, and funds are urgently needed to purchase food and blankets for orphans and indigents. Please go to Ald'ruhn and see if you can raise the money for the Buckmoth Fund. The fund needs at least 100 drakes immediately. It may be difficult to raise funds, since Ald'ruhn is a Redoran town, and most residents are Dunmer, but this money is very badly needed."
Ald'ruhn"Ald'ruhn is the district seat of House Redoran, and a large settlement. Travel by guild guide is the best method. Head north from Ebonheart by road, take the bridge into Vivec's Hlaalu Compound, pass through Redoran Compound, find the Guild of Mages on the upper level of the Foreign Quarter. Pay a guild guide at the Guild of Mages for transport to Ald'ruhn."
Dunmer"The Buckmoth fund, based in Fort Buckmoth, serves the citizens of nearby Ald'ruhn. But most Ald'ruhn residents are Dunmer belonging to House Redoran, and therefore members of the Tribunal Temple, so it may be hard to collect alms for the poor in Ald'ruhn on behalf of the Imperial cult."
If approached again:
"Have you reached our goal of 100 gold in donations for the Buckmoth fund? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to raise the gold.
After collecting the donation:
"Have you reached our goal of 100 gold in donations for the Buckmoth fund? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I've reached our goal."Very good, Nerevarine (Player name). Congratulations. And perhaps you'll find this useful in your work. When you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
I have DOUBLED our goal!"Excellent! Once again, you've exceeded our expectations. Take these gifts as tokens of our gratitude for your faithful and diligent service to the Imperial cult. And when you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
Show: Shirt and Vest for Harvest's End
"For our coming Harvest's End pageant, we need a red shirt with a black vest. Please visit clothiers and ask if they would donate such a shirt and vest to the cult. The combination of shirt and vest is what they call a 'common shirt.' When you have the red shirt with a black vest, return and deliver them to me."
shirt and vest"I'm told that a shirt and vest together is what they call here a 'common shirt.' There are many styles of common shirt, but we must have a red shirt with a black vest to symbolize the drake's fire that warms us in long, cold winter nights. Since the red shirt and black vest are a Western style, Dunmer clothiers may not have them. You may have better luck in Vivec's Foreign Quarter, or Balmora, Caldera, or Pelagiad."
If approached again:
"Have you brought me the red shirt and black vest? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find the shirt and vest.
After obtaining the common shirt:
"Have you brought me the red shirt and black vest? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I have the shirt and vest for you."Very good, Nerevarine (Player name). Congratulations. When you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again. But before you do, you might take a look at this book. I've found it helpful. Go ahead. Keep it. I've learned all I can from it."
shirt and vest"Thank you. Just what we were looking for."
Show: Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner
"The Balmora shrine is planning a fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. We will need food and refreshments. We've had generous offers of food, but we've had trouble getting donations of strong spirits. We've determined that we need 5 bottles of Cyrodilic brandy. Please make the rounds of the trade houses and cornerclubs in Balmora and ask if the publicans will donate Cyrodilic brandy. When you have the brandy, please deliver it to me."
donate Cyrodilic brandy"I'm afraid only Cyrodilic brandy will do for the Fort Moonmoth fund-raising dinner. The sort of person who has money to give to charity turns the nose up at the local comberry brandy they call greef."
If approached again:
"Have you brought me the five bottles of Cyrodilic brandy? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to get publicans to donate enough Cyrodilic brandy.
After obtaining the brandy:
"Have you brought me the five bottles of Cyrodilic brandy? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I have the Cyrodilic brandy for you."Very good, Nerevarine (Player name). Congratulations. This was no easy task, I'm sure. I'd like to acknowledge your faithful service with a few tokens of Zenithar's special blessing. Accept them with my thanks, and with the thanks of the Imperial cult. When you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
Show: Donation from Cunius Pelelius
"Cunius Pelelius of the Caldera Mining Company is a member in good standing, and a prominent citizen, but unfortunately he has not been forthcoming with donations to help us in our good works. Please speak with him, and see if you can persuade him to donate 500 drakes to our Widows and Orphans Fund. You'll find him in Caldera at the Governor's Hall. When you've obtained the donation, deliver it to me."
donate 500 drakes"That is a large sum, but the Widows and Orphans Fund needs it badly. And Cunius Pelelius is a part of the trust who received the exclusive Imperial charter to exploit the rich ebony deposits of Caldera Mine, so he must be a very wealthy man, and more than able to spare 500 drakes for such a worthy cause. Unfortunately, every time we ask Cunius Pelelius for the donation, he says he is very busy at the moment, but he will be happy to discuss the donation at a later date. I suppose he plans to keep deferring the obligation indefinitely until we abandon hope. We must have that money for the Widows and Orphans Fund. You'll just have to find some way to impress upon him the urgency of our cause. We have the greatest faith in you. We know you'll succeed."
Cunius Pelelius"He's dead? How unfortunate... I mean... how sad for his family and friends. But it would also be unfortunate if we were to lose his donation...."
Caldera"Caldera is a recently chartered Imperial town and mining corporation. Pay a guild guide at the Guild of Mages in the Foreign Quarter of Vivec for transport to Balmora. Then walk by road north from Balmora to Caldera. The Governor's Hall is a large building in the northeast corner of Caldera."
If approached again:
"Have you brought me Cunius Pelelius's 500-drake donation to the Widows and Orphans Fund? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't get Cunius Pelelius to make the donation.
After obtaining the gold:
"Have you brought me Cunius Pelelius's 500-drake donation to the Widows and Orphans Fund? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I have the 500-drake donation."You have succeeded where other have failed, Nerevarine (Player name). Congratulations. This money will greatly benefit the widows and orphans of Vvardenfell. I'm beginning to run out of gifts suitable to reward your diligence. Perhaps you may find this assortment of scrolls useful. We received them from an anonymous donor, but there may be some good in them. Now. When you're ready for your next almoner mission, speak to me again."
Show: Pledge from Canctunian Ponius
"Canctunian Ponius of the East Empire Company has promised to sponsor a mission to the Ashlanders. Such a long-term mission will be quite expensive -- 1000 drakes is a bare minimum. We're concerned that we haven't received the money he pledged, and that he does not reply to our correspondence. We wish you to go to him in the East Empire Company Hall in Ebonheart and persuade him to provide us with the generous pledge as he promised."
East Empire Company"The East Empire Company Hall is just northwest of Ebonheart's dragon statue. You must have seen the dragon statue. It's in the plaza all the way to the east, just before you step down to the docks."
generous pledge"When I spoke with him some time ago, Canctunian Ponius promised us a donation of 1000 drakes for a mission to the Ashlanders. Canctunian Ponius is an important and prominent member of our community, and his word is widely respected. That is why it is strange that he has not been forthcoming with his generous pledge."
If approached again:
"Have you spoken to Canctunian Ponius? Have you brought the generous pledge he promised to support a mission to the Ashlanders? Or have you come to report your failure?"
No, but I'm working on it.
I'm sorry, but I can't get Canctunian Ponius to redeem his pledge.
After obtaining the gold:
"Have you spoken to Canctunian Ponius? Have you brought the generous pledge he promised to support a mission to the Ashlanders? Or have you come to report your failure?"
Yes, I have the generous pledge."Thank you, Nerevarine (Player name). You have exceeded our greatest expectations. I'm afraid we have no more tasks to challenge your remarkable abilities. I suspect you already outstrip your teachers. Perhaps you will consider becoming one of our lay healers or shrine sergeants, if you have not already sampled these duties. I have also passed your name to our Oracle here, Lalatia Varian. She may have tasks suited to your talents. But before you go, I have one last gift for you to remember us by. Goodbye, and good luck."
If approached again:
"How good to see you again, Nerevarine (Player name). Continuing to serve the Imperial cult in your own inimitable fashion, I assume? I have no more tasks for you. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Very well. Carry on, Initiate (Rank)Nerevarine (Player name)." – After approaching again and continue working on an alms mission
"You're not trying hard enough, Nerevarine (Player name). We are disappointed. We all need to do our part for the Imperial cult. But it's your decision. Perhaps you should take some time off and decide whether your talents and temperaments are suited for fund raising. When you approach us again for an almoner's mission, be sure you want to give us your full commitment." – After quitting an alms mission
"You must take a full day to decide whether your talents and temperaments are suited for fund raising. Then when you are sure you want to give us your full commitment, come to me for another almoner's mission."" – After quitting an almoners mission and approaching again
"In our zeal to serve the needs of the Imperial cult, don't forget your own interests. Have you checked your advancement in the Imperial cult? As you serve Zenithar and the Nine, your diligent service shall bring you rise in rank."