- Not to be confused with N'Gasta.
J'Ghasta is a Khajiit Speaker of the Dark Brotherhood's Black Hand in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. He resides at his home in the city of Bruma, where he spends most of his time training himself in unarmed combat.
Broken Vows[]
- "I don't recall inviting you into my house. Leave quickly, or we will have a problem!"
- ―J'Ghasta, when the Hero breaks in to his house[src]
According to Dead Drop Orders 3, J'Ghasta is the next target for the Hero. When the Hero walks into J'Gasta's basement, they must find the hidden trap door to J'Ghasta's Secret Training Room. It is under a pile of folded cloth. When the Hero gets down to the secret room, they must kill J'Ghasta.
Broken Vows[]
"I don't recall inviting you into my house. Leave, quickly, or we will have a problem."
- We already have a problem, J'Ghasta. "What? Who are you to come into my home, to speak to me like a petulant child? Do you know who I am? Do you have any idea what you're dealing with?"
- Oh, but I was invited. By Sithis! "Sithis? What is this treachery? Who sent you? I don't know who is behind this outrage, but I will have blood! To the Void with you, assassin!"
- [Say nothing.] "So, the thief opts for the stoic approach, hmm? Oh, my friend, I'm afraid you've broken into your last house. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
- After J'Ghasta dies, the Hero can go back up to J'Ghasta's beer keg and lockpick the Very Hard lock. In the keg is a set of Black Hand Robes and a Black Hand Hood, proof of J'Ghasta's involvement with the Black Hand.