- For other uses, see Jewelry.
Jewelry are items of clothing in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Note that although some items may fit into several categories, they are mentioned only once on this page.
The following is the list of amulets found in Morrowind:
Base amulets[]
This is the list of the most common amulets:
Basic enchanted amulets[]
The following is the list of commonly found enchanted amulets:
- 6th House Amulet
- Amulet of Almsivi Intervention
- Amulet of Balyna's Antidote
- Amulet of Divine Intervention
- Amulet of Far Silence
- Amulet of Frost
- Amulet of Health
- Amulet of Light
- Amulet of Locking
- Amulet of Mighty Blows
- Amulet of Mark
- Amulet of Opening
- Amulet of Recall
- Amulet of Rest
- Amulet of Shades
- Amulet of Shield
- Amulet of Silence
- Amulet of Slowfalling
- Amulet of Soothing Balm
- Amulet of Spell Absorption
- Amulet of Stamina
- Amulet of Water Walking
- Ancestor's Amulet
- Balm Amulet
- Blood Despair Amulet
- Bone Charm
- Bonebiter Charm
- Clench Charm
- Crimson Despair Amulet
- Doze Charm
- Evil Eye Charm
- Fuddle Charm
- Ghost Charm
- Graveward Amulet
- Gripes Charm
- Hex Charm
- Light Amulet
- Red Despair Amulet
- St. Sotha's Judgement
- Silence Charm
- Sleep Amulet
- Soulpinch Charm
- Spirit Charm
- Stumble Charm
- Thunderfall
- Woe Charm
Unique enchanted amulets[]
The following is the list of unique enchanted amulets:
- Amulet of Admonition
- Amulet of Ashamanu
- Amulet of Domination
- Amulet of Flesh Made Whole
- Amulet of Gem Feeding
- Amulet of Igniis
- Amulet of Levitating
- Amulet of Shadows
- Amulet of Unity
- Arobar's Amulet
- Aundae Amulet
- Berne Amulet
- Daedric Sanctuary Amulet
- Mandas Family Locket
- Maran Amulet
- Methas Hlaalu's Amulet
- Necromancer's Amulet
- Pop's Amulet
- Quarra Amulet
- Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire
- Tel Fyr Amulet
- Zenithar Whispers
Artifact amulets[]
The following is the list of artifacts categorized as amulets:
- Amulet of Heartfire
- Amulet of Heartheal
- Amulet of Heartrime
- Amulet of Heartthrum
- Amulet of Usheeja
- Madstone of the Ahemmusa
- Teeth of the Urshilaku
- Thong of Zainab
Quest amulets[]
The following is the list of amulets that are required during certain quests:
- Amulet of Flesh Made Whole
- Amulet of Sanguine Enterprise
- Amulet of Sanguine Glib Speech
- Amulet of Sanguine Nimble Armor
- Augustus' Amulet
- Delyna's Locket
- Expensive Amulet
- Firejade Amulet
- Hlervu Locket
- Julielle Aumine's Amulet
- Linus Iulus' Maran Amulet
- Skink's Amulet
Tribunal amulets[]
The following is the list of amulets found in The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal:
Bloodmoon amulets[]
The following is the list of amulets found in The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon:
This is the list of the rings found in Morrowind:
Base rings[]
The following is the list of the most commonly found rings:
Basic enchanted rings[]
These are commonly found enchanted rings:
- Ancestor's Ring
- Blind Ring
- Caliginy Ring
- Chameleon Ring
- Cruel Flamebolt Ring
- Cruel Shardbolt Ring
- Cruel Sparkbolt Ring
- Cruel Viperbolt Ring
- Crying Ring
- Dire Flamebolt Ring
- Dire Sparkbolt Ring
- Dire Shardbolt Ring
- Dire Viperbolt Ring
- Distraction Ring
- Eye-Maze Ring
- Feather Ring
- Firestone
- First Barrier Ring
- Flamebolt Ring
- Hawkshaw Ring
- Heartstone
- Hoptoad Ring
- Juicedaw Feather Ring
- Life Ring
- Lifestone
- Light Ring
- Mark Ring
- Mother's Ring
- Murdrum Ring
- Ring of Aversion
- Ring of Exhaustion
- Ring of Fire Storm
- Ring of Fireball
- Ring of Fireballs
- Ring of Firefist
- Ring of Fleabite
- Ring of Hornhand
- Ring of Ice Bolts
- Ring of Ice Storm
- Ring of Icegrip
- Ring of Ironhand
- Ring of Knuckle Luck
- Ring of Lightning Bolt
- Ring of Lightning Storm
- Ring of Medusa's Gaze
- Ring of Night-Eye
- Ring of Nullification
- Ring of Poisonblooms
- Ring of Shadow Form
- Ring of Shockballs
- Ring of Shocking Touch
- Ring of Sphere of Negation
- Ring of Stormhand
- Ring of Tears
- Ring of the Black Hand
- Ring of Toxic Cloud
- Ring of Transcendent Wisdom
- Ring of Transfiguring Wisdom
- Ring of Vampire's Kiss
- Ring of Wildfire
- Ring of Wizard's Fire
- Ring of Wounds
- Sacrifice Ring
- Second Barrier Ring
- Shadowmask Ring
- Shadowweave Ring
- Shame Ring
- Shardbolt Ring
- Sparkbolt Ring
- Spiritstrike Ring
- Third Barrier Ring
- Viperbolt Ring
- Warden's Ring
- Wild Sty Ring
- Witch Charm
Unique rings[]
The following is the list of unique or rare enchanted rings:
- Adusamsi's Ring
- Akatosh's Ring
- Caius' Ring
- Detect Enchantment Ring
- Fathasa's Ring
- Fighter Ring
- Foe-Grinder
- Foe-Quern
- Fenrick's Doorjam Ring
- Mage Ring
- Marara's Ring
- Nuccius's Cursed Ring
- Ondusi's Key
- Othril Ring
- Recall Ring
- Ring of Azura
- Ring of Dahrk Mezalf
- Ring of Equity
- Ring of Far Reaching
- Ring of Regeneration
- Ring of the Hortator
- Ring of the Five Fingers of Pain
- Septim Ring
- Shashev's Ring
- Sheogorath's Signet Ring
- St. Felm's FireTR
- Thief Ring
- Tsiya's Ring
Artifacts rings[]
This is the list of rings classified as artifacts:
- Blood Ring
- Denstagmer's Ring
- Heart Ring
- Mentor's Ring
- Moon-and-Star
- Ring of Khajiit
- Ring of Phynaster
- Ring of Surroundings
- Ring of the Wind
- Soul Ring
- Vampiric Ring
- Warlock's Ring
Quest rings[]
The following are rings that are required to complete certain quests:
- Adusamsi's Ring
- Aundae Signet Ring
- Black Jinx
- Brallion's Exquisite Ring
- Danar's Ring
- Ebony Ring
- Engraved Ring of Healing
- Glass Ring
- Nervion Ancestor Ring
- Processus Vitellius' Ring
- Ring of Sanguine Fluid Evasion
- Ring of Sanguine Golden Wisdom
- Ring of Sanguine Green Wisdom
- Ring of Sanguine Red Wisdom
- Ring of Sanguine Silver Wisdom
- Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom
- Ring of Sanguine Transcendence
- Ring of Sanguine Transfiguring
- Ring of Sanguine Unseen Wisdom
Tribunal rings[]
The following is the list of rings found in The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal:
Bloodmoon rings[]
The following is the list of amulets found in The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon:
- Aesliip's Ring
- BlueDev's Ring of Viewing
- Erna the Quiet's Ring
- Hircine's Ring
- Ring of Raven Eye
- In game, the Ring of the Five Fingers of Pain is misspelled: Ring of the Five Fingers of Pai.
- Although the St. Felm's Fire ring is present in Morrowind, it may only be acquired with Tribunal installed.