Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Jewelry.
Main article: Clothing (Oblivion)

Jewelry consists of rings, necklaces and amulets in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.



Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold
Bronze Amulet 0.4 20
Copper Amulet 0.4 40
Gold Amulet 0.4 150
Jade Amulet 0.4 70
Jeweled Amulet 0.6 200
Silver Amulet 0.4 100
Bronze Necklace 0.3 10
Copper Necklace 0.3 20
Gold Necklace 0.3 100
Jade Necklace 0.3 35
Jeweled Necklace 0.5 200
Silver Necklace 0.3 50

Random enchanted[]

Main article: Enchanted Jewelry (Oblivion)

Quest items[]

Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold Enchantment
Dreamworld Amulet 1 1000 None
Jade Amulet 0 35 None
Necromancer's Amulet 0.4 0 Drain Endurance 25 pts
Drain Strength 25 pts
Fortify Magicka 130 pts
Fortify Intelligence 14 pts
Fortify Willpower 14 pts
Fortify Conjuration 12 pts

Quest rewards[]

Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold Enchantment
Amulet of Interrogation 0.6 200 Fortify Hand-to-Hand 6 pts
Fortify Speechcraft 6 pts
Amulet of the Ansei 0.6 50 Fortify Block 10 pts
Cruelty's Heart 1 1000 Fortify Strength 18 pts
Fortify Willpower 18 pts
Draconian Madstone 1 1500 Resist Poison 50%
Resist Disease 50%
Knights of the Thorn Medallion 0.2 225 Fortify Speechcraft 15 pts
Phylactery of Litheness 0.5 400 Fortify Speed 10 pts
Spelldrinker Amulet 0.5 50 Spell Absorption 26 pts


Main article: Unique Items (Oblivion)
Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold Enchantment
Amulet of Kings 1 1000 None
Arnora's Amulet 0.5 35 None
Arnora's True Amulet 0.5 150 None
Astia's Necklace 0.3 35 None
Eye of Sithis 0.4 150 Detect Life 30 feet
Manduin's Amulet 0.4 0 None
Mundane Amulet 0.5 3 None



Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold
Brass Pearl Ring 0.1 20
Brass Ring 0.1 5
Brass Topaz Ring 0.1 30
Copper Pearl Ring 0.1 30
Copper Ring 0.1 10
Copper Ruby Ring 0.1 60
Copper Topaz Ring 0.1 40
Ebony Diamond Ring 0.2 200
Ebony Emerald Ring 0.2 180
Ebony Ring 0.2 50
Gold Diamond Ring 0.1 180
Gold Emerald Ring 0.1 160
Gold Ring 0.1 40
Gold Sapphire Ring 0.1 140
Jade Ring 0.1 20
Jade Ruby Ring 0.1 80
Jade Sapphire Ring 0.1 100
Jade Topaz Ring 0.1 60
Silver Emerald Ring 0.1 140
Silver Ring 0.1 30
Silver Ruby Ring 0.1 100
Silver Sapphire Ring 0.1 120

Random enchanted[]

Main article: Enchanted Jewelry (Oblivion)

Quest rewards[]

Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold Enchantment
Black Band 1 200 Fortify Light Armor 18 pts
Fortify Security 18 pts
Resist Magic 18%
Mind and Body Ring 1 30 Reflect Damage 6%

Fortify Strength 6 pts

Ring of Eidolon's Edge 0.2 700 Fortify Skill: Block 15 pts
Fortify Skill: Blade 15 pts
Ring of Sunfire 0.22 750 Reflect Spell 25%

Resist Disease 35%

Ring of the Vipereye 0.3 350 Fortify Attribute: Agility 10 pts
Resist Magic 17%
Shield Ring 1 30 Shield 18%
Weatherward Circlet 0.4 600 Resist Fire 35%
Resist Frost 35%


Main article: Unique Items (Oblivion)
Name Weight WeightIcon Base Value Gold Enchantment
Ahdarji's Ring 0.2 None
Ancotar's Ring of Protection 1 150 None
Blackheart's Ring 1 5 None
Blackwood Ring of Silence 1 30 Fire Damage 150 pts on Self
Circlet of Omnipotence 1 1500 Fortify Agility 3 pts
Fortify Endurance 3 pts
Fortify Speed 3 pts
Fortify Strength 3 pts
Fortify Willpower 4 pts
Colovian Signet Ring 1 200 None
Indarys Signet Ring 0.1 150 None
Jewel of the Rumare 0.1 150 Water Breathing
Fortify Athletics 4 pts
Kylius Lonavo's Ring 0 30 None
Ring of Burden 150 0 None
Ring of Khajiiti 1 1500 Chameleon 35%
Fortify Attribute: Speed 10 pts
Ring of Namira 1 1500 Reflect Damage 12%
Reflect Spell 10%
Ring of the Gray 0.75 750 Fortify Sneak 5 pts
Fortify Security 5 pts
Fortify Marksman 5 pts
Detect Life 50 ft
Resist Poison 50%
Fortify Acrobatics 5 pts
Ring of Transmutation 0.2 2000 Drain Attribute: Strength 10 pts
Drain Attribute: Endurance 10 pts
Fortify Magicka 50 pts
Ring of Wortcraft 0.2 2100 Drain Intelligence 10 pts
Fortify Endurance 5 pts
Fortify Attribute: Luck 5 pts
Fortify Skill: Alchemy 5 pts
Spectre Ring 1 3000 Chameleon 25 pts
Drain Attribute: Strength 10 pts
Drain Attribute: Endurance 5 pts
Feather 100 pts
Fortify Skill: Sneak 5 pts
Fortify Skill: Security 5 pts
Ulfgar Family Ring 1 5 None
Wedding Ring 0.2 200 None

See also[]
