- For other uses, see Kynesgrove.
Kynesgrove is a grove that appears in the region of Eastmarch.
Abandoned House[]
Dark Water Temple[]
A hidden temple near the grove only accessible when on the quest The Dragonguard's Legacy, which is the prologue quest for the Dragonhold DLC.
Notable items[]
- Goddess of Storm, Mother of Nords – One is inside the Keeper's Home, other is inside the Abandoned House
- Huvar's Journal (quest-related)
- Keeper Ormi's Journal – Inside the Abandoned House
- Keepers of the Grove – Inside the Keeper's Home
- Letter to Marillan – Dark Water Temple
- Opusculus Lamae Bal – In front of the Abandoned House, on the cart
- Searching for the Horn of Ja'darri, Part 3 – Dark Water Temple
- The Cleansing of the Fane – North from Kynesgrove, east from its wayshrine
- Awyn Frost-Tree
- Captain Alhana
- Droi
- Fresgil
- Furykissed Soldier
- Furykissed Thrall
- Ghain
- Keeper Ormi
- Kralald
- Leifnar
- Muzzled Owl Arcanist
- Muzzled Owl Bewitcher
- Sahun (depending on choices made during quest)