Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Lady Clarisse Laurent is a Breton treasure hunter that could be found in various zones around her camp, usually accompanied by her servant and assistant Stibbons. She has a cat named Mistress Lamae.


Daggerfall Covenant quests[]

The Jeweled Crown of Anton[]

A Daggerfall noble named Lady Laurent seems to be some kind of treasure hunter. She's exploring the Tomb of Lost Kings to find something to add to her collection.

The Emerald Chalice[]

The Mages Guild have tasked Lady Laurent with recovering the Emerald Chalice from Breagha-Fin.

Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion[]

Lady Laurent and her servant Stibbons have accidentally opened a portal to the Aldmeri Dominion. She asks for the Vestige's help in closing it before the Elves use it to attack Hammerfell.

Tongues of Stone[]

Lady Laurent accidentally turned Stibbons to stone and needs the Vestige's help to turn him back.

The Weight of Three Crowns[]

Lady Clarisse is found in Stirk alongside the other experts Vanus Galerion recruited to join the Coldharbour Expeditionary Force.

Coldharbour quests[]

Through the Daedric Lens[]

Open the entrance to the Library of Dusk

The Library of Dusk[]

Save a group of scholars trapped in the Library of Dusk

Wrothgar quests[]

Sorrow's KissOR[]

Lady Clarisse Laurent has been hired by the House of Orsimer Glories to retrieve the Armlet of Torug.

Vvardenfell quests[]

A Web of TroublesO:M[]

Stibbons and the contingent of Mages Guild hired help have gone missing in Bal Fell. Clarisse seeks to find them again and reclaim the treasure inside the ruins simultaneously, with the help of the Vestige.

Murkmire quests[]

Something About StibbonsMM[]

Lady Clarisse Laurent and Stibbons came to Murkmire in search of an ancient Argonian artifact.

Blackwood quests[]

An Abundance of Stibbons[]



Show: The Jeweled Crown of Anton
In the tomb:

"Ah, another adventurer! Of course you know who I am. I'm famous, as you know. When it comes to ancient artifacts, no one in Glenumbra has more expertise than I do."

Stibbons sent me to find you. "Ah! Excellent. My other assistant has been … well, I suppose the technical term is consumed. I told her not to get so close to that giant lizard. Anyway, I could use your help."
What do you need? "I'm going to recover the legendary Jeweled Crown of Anton. Well, as soon as we can get into the locked vault. I understand the place is filthy with traps and undead creatures. You see where I'm going with this, don't you?"
You want me to get the crown for you. "Ah, you do understand! Four keys open the vault: the Keys of Flames, Blades, Strife, and Crowns. Three of the keys are hidden in this tomb. I have the fourth key. It's an heirloom. Been in my family for generations. Take it and get the other keys."

At the camp:

"Ah, you're back. And in a timely manner. Did you find the crown?"

Yes, I have it here. "That's it—the Jeweled Crown of Anton. You are quite the capable dungeon delver. Please, place the crown on the table so that I can look upon its splendor."
Show: The Emerald Chalice
At the start of the quest:

"How splendid! Look, Stibbons, it's our friend … the one from Glenumbra! What good fortune. I was just saying to Stibbons, "Stibbons, I do wish someone would come along who has proven their worth!" And then you turned up, in answer to my summons!"

Do you need help? "I'm looking for a cup. Not just any cup, mind you. A Mages Guild cup. They call it the Emerald Chalice. The Nord mage, Malofar, stole this relic. I offered my assistance and tracked Malofar here to Breagha-Fin—home to a group of Nord exiles."
What sort of help do you need? "Patience! I was just getting to that. I acquired a few hirelings and sent them in to look around. They haven't returned. Now I need someone to go in there and find the Emerald Chalice. And my lazy hirelings, as well, of course."
All right, I'll go in and look around. "I knew I could count on you! If you find that blasted cup, you will have my eternal gratitude."
You seem very concerned with the relic, but what about your hirelings? "Of course I'm worried about my hired help, as any woman of noble birth would be. But the chalice is a priceless, irreplaceable relic of historical importance. You really can't compare the two."
What's so special about this Emerald Chalice? "It possesses some kind of enchantment. But as to why they call it emerald, I have no idea. The Mages Guild was adamant about making sure it returns to them in one piece."
Who is Malofar? Why would he steal the chalice? "I don't know much. Malofar was the leader of a Nord clan back in Skyrim. He and his clanmates were banished for performing dark rituals, so they came to this forsaken wilderness. He stole the relic and the Mages Guild sent me to retrieve it."
What can you tell me about your hirelings? "Lazy, good-for-nothing loafers, if you want my honest opinion. They insisted the caves were full of Goblins. That's ridiculous! My sources tell me that Malofar and a clan of Nords moved into these caves. No one said anything about Goblins."

After retrieving the chalice:

"You've returned! Smashing! Were you able to recover the Emerald Chalice?"

Yes, I was. "Wonderful! Please, set it on the table. I want to take a good look at the thing before I pack it up and take it back to the Mages Guild."
I found your hirelings, too. "My hirelings? Oh, yes. Of course. I'm glad you found them. Now, please, put the cup right there, if you would."
One was killed and one was turned into a goblin. "Oh my goodness! How terrible for them. Positively ghastly! Well, nothing to be done about it now. The chalice, if you please?"
I learned the secret of the Emerald Chalice. "Oh really? And what, pray tell, is this secret?"
Anyone who drinks from the chalice is turned into a Goblin. "A Goblin, eh? That explains what happened to the Nords. And, I suppose, that's why they call this relic the Emerald Chalice. Goblins are greenish, you see. Well, now we know."
Can you reverse the magic of the chalice? "I suppose I might be able to. I would need a little blood. Stibbons hold out your arm. This won't hurt a bit."
Anyone who drinks from the chalice gains amazing powers. [Lie.] [?]
Show: Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion
At the start of the quest:

"Oh! Such a relief to see a familiar face in this ghastly desert! Particularly today. You helped me get the Crown of Anton. Would you consider assisting in my archeological efforts again? I've encountered something of a setback here."

What kind of setback are we talking about? "Well, I discovered this fabulous portal in the Ayleid ruins. I sent my assistant through, and … it was a mistake. The portal apparently leads to somewhere in the Grahtwood, and … basically, he returned with the Aldmeri army at his heels."
Aldmeri forces came through the portal? "Yes, and unfortunately, it seems they're now planning a full-scale invasion, establishing a base, building siege weapons …. We need to close the portal, quickly. I discovered an old tome that explains how, if I can find it again. Will you help me?"
Yes. I'll help you. "You're a true hero—and I mean that. My camp is beside the ruins. That's where I left the book we need. Get the book, use it to activate the large pillars in the ruins, then meet me inside the west door to the lower ruins. The portal's down there."
Why do I have to activate the pillars? "I suppose that's a reasonable question. As you might imagine, the Elves have locked the main entrance to the portal room. There is a back way, however, through an old prison of some sort. The pillars unlock the door into the prison."
What's inside the prison? "Oh, I haven't the foggiest notion what's in the prison. It's been centuries though—whatever was down there is surely dead. If not, well, you seem capable enough, and it can't be any worse than the damned Elves."
Can you tell me more about the ruins? "My researchers in High Rock gave me the essential background. Salas En was an Ayleid stronghold, built by human slaves in the Merethic Era. The Elves eventually got what they deserved during the Yokudan colonization of Hammerfell in the First Era."
What purpose do you think the portals served? "It's quite fascinating really. It would seem to prove that the Altmer and the Ayleids were still connected further into the Merethic Era than we believed. I actually wrote a book on the subject. Well, someone wrote it for me, but who's counting?"
So how have you been doing? "How kind of you to ask. Let's see … I was in Wrothgar for a while, but Orcish history is such a bore, so l [sic] [Do not change this to I. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] left there and visited some Dwemer ruins in Morrowind. Then I wound up coming here. Stibbons has remained with me, of course, regrettably."
Where is Stibbons now? "Who knows? Who cares? The blathering fool created such a mess here. He's become a liability, especially since the Tomb of Kings. I have a new man assisting me now. He's much more … efficient. Not as efficient as you, but you're not for hire."

In the ruins:

"You certainly made short work of those Elves. There seem to be few odd skeletons down here, no problem for you, I'm sure. Now, I assume you found the old tome in my camp?"

Yes. Here's the book. "Thank you very much. Fortunately, I can translate the ancient Ayleid, and that should tell us how to close the portal."
Where is the portal? "It's through this door right behind me. The problem is that it's locked, but … it appears that it's controlled by a switch deeper in the ruins. Would you be a dear and find the switch?"
Yes. I'll find the switch. "If only I could have someone like you around full time. If you'll get the switch, that will give me time to study up whatever words I need to speak to close the portal. Once you get it opened, I'll just go on in, so meet me in the portal room."

Upon reaching the portal:

"Arrogant Elves! They have so much faith in that seal they put on the main door, they don't even have anyone guarding the portal! I'm not complaining though. Are you ready to do this?"

Let's do this. "All right. You're going to have to protect me though. The chamber may be clear now, but as soon as I start the ritual, they'll realize it on the other side. They might try to charge through and stop us."
I'll take them as they come.

After closing the portal:

"Well that takes care of that, now doesn't it? I'm actually quite relieved. It would have been so embarrassing to have been responsible for the fall of Alik'r. After I opened the portal, I considered just leaving and denying that I was ever here."

I'm glad you stayed to close it. "I am too … now. If you would though, I still would prefer to keep this quiet. I do have a reputation to uphold, you know."
Show: Sorrow's Kiss

"Damn you, Kharsthun! How am I supposed to make a great discovery when―oh, hello! I was just thinking about you! You do have a habit of showing up whenever I need help. Perchance you've brought a small army with you as well?"

No, it's just me. "Just you? Well, I was hoping for porters and guides and all, but I suppose that I can make do. I'll need to make a few slight adjustments to my plan, but this time we'll reach the summit of Sorrow. I'm sure of it!"
What happened the last time you tried to reach the summit? "The last three times, you mean. We set up one camp, but the harpies and the icy wind cut us down each time we climbed higher. A few Orcs even wandered into a chasm because they couldn't see more than two paces ahead in the fog. It all upset me so!"
So how can I help? "To start, head up and present yourself to Kharsthun while I go check on my lazy man-servant, Stibbons. We'll meet you up there. And remind Kharsthun who it is that's actually in charge of this expedition. He can be so uncooperative at times."
I'll go present myself to Kharsthun. "Why are you still here? Do you need directions or something?"
What makes a dead Orc's shrine so important? "We're not just talking about any dead Orc. This is Torug's shrine! Not only was he the founder of the original city of Orsinium, but he was the owner of the Armlet of Torug. Do you know how high my reputation will soar once I recover that relic?"
The Armlet of Torug? "According to a scroll fragment I studied, the Armlet of Torug is a magical bracelet encrusted with gems. With its power, Torug was able to tame the savage wilderness. It allowed the ancient Orcs to establish the first city of Orsinium."
Where did you study this scroll fragment? "The museum in Orsinium has it on display. It only contains a few words in the ancient Orc tongue, but I was able to make some sense out of it. It talked about the armlet, the shrine, and something called 'Sorrow's Kiss.' Doesn't that just sound romantic?"

At the shrine of Torug:

"Ancient tombs can be tricky. Always hiding remains or treasure so as to discourage looters and genuine scholars. And then there are the ogres. My man-servant is useless in the face of such creatures. I do hope that you're made of sterner stuff!"

Did you have any trouble after I cleared the path? "A little cold and wind is a trifling compared to my other adventures. Remind me to tell you about the time Stibbons and I went to Murkmire to test the potency of Hist tree sap. Stibbon's tongue was green for a week after licking all those trees!"
Are you going to examine the shrine? "All in good time. I want to make sure the ogres don't become a problem. Stibbons and Kharsthun are both extremely frightened of the creatures. And I'd like Kharsthun to finish translating the epitaph. Who knows what hints it may provide?"

After finding the final inscription:

"Isn't this wonderful news! To protect his own tomb from looters and to ensure his legend among his people, Torug climbed to the summit. And he took his relics with him! Now be a dear and go up there and retrieve the Armlet of Torug for me."

You want me to climb to the summit? "Haven't we been over this? I swear, sometimes I think you hear one word I say out of every three. You're almost as bad as my man-servant, Stibbons!"
You really think the Armlet of Torug is at the summit? "Of course! It's written in stone. The ancients never lied when they were chiseling words into stone, you know. The new museum will be the wonder of Tamriel with such a relic as the Armlet of Torug in its collection!"
Isn't the summit dangerous? "Hyperbole to keep undesirables from venturing up. And even if there's some modicum of truth to the tale, all you need to do is grab the Armlet. Easy as eating a sweetroll! Now, the thin air might make you light-headed, but you can handle that."
What if Kharsthun's translation is wrong? "I don't agree with Kharsthun about many of his Orcish ideas, but on this point we're in perfect alignment. The proper translation is 'Sorrow's Kiss.' Now go and get the Armlet while we see what other relics we can acquire for the museum. Climb fast, brave friend! Just find the Armlet and you'll be back before you can freeze solid, I'm almost certain!"

At Sorrow Peak:

"I don't know what's gotten into Kharsthun. Why would anyone want to climb all the way up to the shrine to see an ancient relic when there's a perfectly quaint museum down in Orsinium?"

I understand that you and Kharsthun disagree about what to do with the relic. "I would say so! The museum specifically tasked us to retrieve relics and bring them to Orsinium. History is meant to be admired, not left hidden in the past! Kharsthun's plan means I will have failed in my mission. And Lady Laurent never fails."
I need to speak to Kharsthun before I make a decision. "If you insist, but please don't take too long. All this cold is doing terrible things to my poor, chafed lips."
I agree with you. The Armlet of Torug should go to the museum. "I knew I could count on you! Soon every Orc will be able to gaze upon this important relic in the comfort of Orsinium's museum. But first, I need to see what this wonder actually does! Oh, Stibbons! Be a dear and try it on, please!"

At Sorrow Peak, if given the Armlet of Torug:

"Stibbons always finds a way to turn the simplest task into an ordeal. I don't know why I continue to employ the man."

So what happens now? "The Armlet of Torug will receive a place of honor in the Orsinium museum. I believe that a prominent sign that says 'do not touch' or 'you are not worthy' would also be prudent."
What about Stibbons? "Someone at the Mages Guild will help me thaw out poor Stibbons. It may take weeks for him to warm up, but he'll be fine. But you should be pleased! The Orcs will sing my praises, and they're sure to say nice things about you, as well."

At Sorrow Peak, if not given the Armlet of Torug:

"Stibbons always finds a way to turn the simplest task into an ordeal. I don't know why I let him accompany me on my adventures. But what about you? I can't believe you agreed with Kharsthun instead of me!"

Torug's relic belongs in his shrine. "And what am I supposed to tell the House of Original Galleries or whatever it is the Orcs call their museum? That they have an annex all the way up here? Wait a moment, that's a great idea! I'm a genius! You inspired me again, my faithful friend!"
And what about Stibbons? "Someone at the Mages Guild will help me thaw out Stibbons. It may take weeks to warm him up, but he'll be fine. This didn't turn out as planned, but it'll do. Lady Laurent, founder of the Shrine of Sorrow. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Show: A Web of Troubles

"It's about damn time you Buoyant Armchairs arrived! I requested assistance almost an hour ago and—oh, hello. I was just thinking about you! You may not be a Bouncing Armiger, but you've never disappointed me before. Perchance you're here to help?" (If never met before: "It's about bloody time you Buoyant Armchairs showed up! I sent a request for assistance almost an hour ago and—oh, hello. You don't look like a Bouncing Armiger to me. Still, my man-servant is missing and I could use the help.")

What seems to be the problem? "First, my assistants from the Mages Guild disappeared without so much as a by-your-leave. Then my useless man-servant, Stibbons, vanished! Said he was going to solve the mystery but now he's disappeared as well. And it's almost tea time. Intolerable!"
What are you and your assistants doing out here? "We were the Bal Fell ruins when everyone left me. I expect such behavior from the hired help, but Stibbons? He's usually more dependable than that. Locate the mages and Stibbons, then use this signal wand so I can join you."
I'll signal you after I find Stibbons and the missing mages. "I blame the Investigator Vale books I lent to Stibbons. He was never this adventurous before he became enchanted with her admittedly thrilling stories. But what are you still doing here? I thought you were going to find Stibbons and the mages?"
What's so special about the Bal Fell ruins? "That's what we're trying to determine. Bal Fell was once a great city, built atop an ancient center of Sheogorath worship. Now only the Daedric ruins remain. Once we find the treasure, I'll be more famous than that blowhard, Narsis Dren!"
Narsis Dren? "No one of note. Just a pretentious, arrogant author and adventurer with an over-inflated sense of self-importance. He's an irritating Dark Elf who loves to hear himself talk. And the topic of conversation? The greatness of Narsis Dren. The s'wit."
You mentioned treasure? "Treasure, relic … I'm sure there's something important hidden in the ruins. According to local rumors, people disappear around Bal Fell all the time. That's what sparked my interest. Mysterious happenings often extend my fame and fortune."
Disappear? Like Stibbons and the mages? "Hmm. I suppose there could be a connection. On the other hand, never attribute to ancient curses what can be explained by greed and laziness, I always say."
Tell me more about these mages. "Oh, they were just your typical apprentices. Young, eager, hoping to make a name for themselves by working alongside a famed treasure hunter. The six of them readily broke off promptly at sunset yesterday and abandoned the camp. They abandoned me!"
Why do you think they abandoned you? "They already had my gold, so why stay and finish the work? Not the studious and well-mannered apprentices I expect from the Mages Guild. Besides, if truth be told, they were incompetent. I'm surprised they remained with us as long as they did."
Tell me about Stibbons. "My man-servant Stibbons? He's lazy, drinks too much, and requires detailed instructions to accomplish the simplest tasks. But his fish stew is delicious, I'll grant him that. I regret letting him read my collection of Investigator Vale mysteries."
What do the Investigator Vale books have to do with all this? "Have you read them? She's a brilliant detective. I fear Stibbons got the wrong idea and thinks he can find the missing mages, just like Investigator Vale. When you locate him, I shall express my disapproval for his reckless disregard of his duties."

"So tell me. What did you discover my man-servant doing when you happened upon him? Did he provide an explanation as to why I'm still waiting for my afternoon tea?"

Stibbons says a terrifying spider talked to him and he fainted. "A talking spider? Rediculous! Still, Stibbons has always been dreadfully afraid of the eight-legged pests. No excuse for shirking his responsibilities, though. And the mages? Did you stumble upon them while you tracked down my man-servant?"
I found two of them. One ran into the ruins ranting about spiders. I couldn't follow her, though. "Why not? Don't tell me you're afraid of a few spiders and a dusty old ruin?"
There was a magical barrier. I couldn't pass through it. "Interesting, spiders and a barrier! Some sort of spider magic? Regardless, such occurrences suggest there's more to these ruins than I presumed. A great treasure, perhaps? But why could the mage pass through the barrier and not you?"
Maybe it had something to do with the spiders that were talking to her. "She heard talking spiders? Incredible! I can brew a tea to keep Stibbons from fainting. Then he can listen to the spiders and lead us through the barrier. But we need to test its potency. Bring me a small spider from the ruins and meet us at my camp."
I'll get a small spider and meet you at camp.

Shortly after entering the ruins:

"Now this is intriguing! Someone set up a little workshop in these ruins."

A workshop? What kind of a workshop? "Alchemy, from the looks of it, though I see a few components related to Daedric magic. Dead spiders, vials, various alchemical components … this must be how these mind spiders were created. They certainly don't appear to be natural creatures."
Do you notice anything else? "The notes in this journal … they refer to different kinds of spiders. Mind spiders, we already know about them. It also lists "pack spiders," "light spiders," and "exploding spiders." How exciting! Someone is making spiders of nefarious purpose!"
What does all this have to do with Stibbons and the missing mages? "The journal indicates that victims controlled by the mind spiders are needed for some sort of Daedric ritual. We need to find whoever is performing this ritual and you need to make them stop. Then I can lead Stibbons and the others to safety."
Sounds like a plan.

Back in the camp:

"As much as a good run from a Daedric ruin really gets the blood pumping, I wish we had been more successful. We lost a few of the apprentices and I never did locate any relics or treasures."

And we stopped a Daedric priest and rescued Stibbons. "I suppose. I still can't figure out how the priest was able to control their minds using spiders. It's a bafflement. Maybe one of these scrolls I seized on the way out will shed some light on this final mystery."
Scrolls from a Daedric ruin? Sounds dangerous. "No need to worry. Stibbons will examine the scrolls. He's ever more durable than he appears. I know a scribe who lives near White Ridge Barrow in Skyrim. His fascination with spiders borders an obsession, but I'm sure he'll appreciate the scrolls."
You really want Stibbons to examine a Daedric scroll? "I appreciate your help and your concern, but what possible harm could glancing at a few dusty scrolls cause? Here, for your trouble. I seem to have some extra gold after adjusting my staff's compensation. Oh, Stibbons, since you like to read …"
Show: Tongues of Stone
At the start of the quest:

"My expedition is ruined! One catastrophe after another! Oh, we meet again! You wouldn't happen to be interested in performing a few light duties, would you? I'm in need of a temporary assistant."

Perhaps. What are you doing out here? "I've been researching ancient Yokudan ruins to see what light they cast on modern Redguard culture. It's quite fascinating, but not without peril. My erstwhile assistant was, er, incapacitated during one of my experiments, and I hope to recover him."
Recover? Is he alive? "Quite so. At least he should be, once I reverse the transmogrification. But all in good time! I'll need you to find where Stibbons put my alchemy supplies, and perform his other duties while he's absent. Best get started!"
All right. Where do you think he put your supplies? "All my best things are at my second camp, through these ruins. Then we'll need to make our way over to my first camp, by the dig site. Unfortunately, its overrun by Goblins."
Goblins? Is that what you're researching? "The Goblins? Certainly not! I've been studying the local gargoyles—I believe they're the key to certain Yokudan myths and legends. The Goblins are irrelevant. Their interference has been most inconvenient. Do be a dear and show them no mercy."

After getting the Alchemical Supplies:

"Let's get on with it, shall we? Stibbons isn't going to revive himself!"

Here's your alchemical equipment. "Yes, most satisfactory. Stibbons would have dusted them off as well, but one mustn't be choosy, must one? Now, off to our first camp at the dig site, where we'll find my man Stibbons. Shall we?"
Let's go.

After arriving at the second camp:

"Please, pay me no mind. I didn't expect to react so strongly to seeing poor Stibbons in this state. Now, where did he put those notes?"

Notes? "I suppose you should know the truth. Ancient inscriptions here described some unique alchemical processes, which I tried to duplicate. I fear I succeeded all too well, and Stibbons' unfortunate condition is the result."
You turned him to stone? "Yes, but I'm certain I can restore him if we find his, er, my notes. Stibbons put them in a safe place somewhere in this camp. I'm sure you can find them—you're ever so handy at that sort of thing."

After finding her notes:

"Julianos' little teapot! Where could they be?"

I found them. "Praise the Divines! You're a lifesaver, Stibbons. Er, I mean … whatever your name is. At any rate, give me a moment to read these over, and I'll know what I need next."

After she reads her notes:

"Stendarr smite them, the Goblins took my reagents! It would serve them right if they ate them, the wretches! Hmm, that gives me an idea."

What's that? "I need to develop an antidote for the Yokudan stoneflesh potion. And to be safe, I'll need to test it on other research subjects before applying it to Stibbons. So I need the original reagents back so I can make more of the stoneflesh potion."
What good would that do? "So we can use it on the Goblins, of course! Once they're petrified, they'll be the test subjects for my antidote. Let's go recover my reagents from those beasts. Then I must check my notes against the Yokudan inscriptions. If I can find them again."

After finding the inscriptions and the reagents:

"You're rather useful, in your own way. Meritorious work! Now according to my notes, I just need to combine these reagents, and shake the vial …."

And the potion is ready? "Indeed it is. It's up to you to administer it, of course. You should probably pour it into whatever noisome slumgullion they're brewing up in those cookpots. While you're attending to that, I'll consult with our hireling guide."
You have a guide? "Oh, yes—his name's Mareh. He's rather a crazy old hermit, but he certainly knows his way around these old Yokudan ruins. He lives in a nearby cave overlooking the ruins. Hermit's Climb, they call it."
Why didn't you ask him to help rescue Stibbons? "I tried, but he refused to go near the Goblins. Besides, he's quite mad—he's become entirely preoccupied with some ancient Yokudan riddle. You'll see when you meet him. Perhaps you'll be able to talk some sense into him."

After first talking with Mareh the Hermit:

"You see? Quite maddening! And all I have to go on are these similarly arcane inscriptions from the ruins."

What do you need from him? "The Yokudan inscriptions are mysterious. Frankly, I'm baffled by them. But Mareh has dropped hints that he knows what they mean. I'm sure he could tell me what I want to know, if I could only figure out how to give him what he wants."
So what does he want? "He wants the answer to the riddle of the inscriptions. He'll tell me my answer if I'll give him his answer. Or something like that. It's maddening! Stibbons would know what to do, I'm sure. He was always good at seeing what's right in front of me!"
But what do you need the inscriptions for? "They contain the key to the antidote for my stoneflesh potion. Somehow, the gargoyles inspired the early Redguards to experiment with their own flesh and bone. If I could only understand their cryptic inscriptions, I could master their alchemy."

After harvesting a Gargoyle's tongue:

"Arkay's beard! Could anything be more disgusting than this gargoyle's tongue? One must make the best of it, I suppose. Now, how to prepare the antidote?"

You don't know? "That's why I had you dose the Goblins' stew! Do pay attention. Several of them must have been petrified by now. I've prepared several versions of the antidote. I'll need you to apply it to the petrified Goblins and record the results."
What will you be doing? "I shall have to somehow drag Stibbons back to the other camp. It's a bother, but there's no help for it. Once you've observed the results of your trials, meet me back there with your report. That data should enable me to concoct the final antidote."

After testing the antidote on the goblins:

"Did you use all of them? I do hope you paid close attention to their effects."

I did. The petrified Goblins either melted or exploded. "That's … just what I was counting on! Right, now I know how to adjust the concoction to make a working antidote. Soon Stibbons will be right as rain, thanks to my brains and your brawn!"
Are you sure? "Now see here. Your lack of confidence in me is quite unjustified. I know exactly what I'm doing. All right, stand back! I've no doubt these results will be spectacular!"

After talking to Stibbons:

"There! See, I told you it would work!"

Yes, I suppose you're right. "Indeed I am! I know you may not have much experience taking risks like this, but sometimes you just have to follow your instincts! Regardless, I owe you my thanks. Why, if Stibbons were stuck as a statue forever, I don't know what I'd do!"
Are you going to continue your research? "I think I, er, we have accomplished quite a bit in this short time! With Stibbons rescued, and our notes gathered, I think it's time we returned to civilization and compiled our conclusions. It will be a scholarly sensation!"
Show: The Library of Dusk

"<Lady Laurent doesn't seem to hear you.>"

Raynor sent me to find you. "Raynor sent you? But why? I just found the most fascinating … wait, where am I?"
You were caught in a Daedric spell. "I see. I suppose I should ask whether or not you're part of this elaborate trap, but I sense that you're not an illusion.
I can feel the spell, however, crawling back, trying to slip into my mind. What an odd sensation!"
Do you know anything about these ruins? "Hmm … I remember that we discovered something or another, but the details elude me. Perhaps if I had more time to recover from the effects of the spell.
Wait a moment, Telenger said something important just before I became engrossed in this relic."
Where's Telenger now? "I wouldn't know exactly, but I'm sure Telenger's around here somewhere. He's really quite clever. And dashing, to boot! He reminds me of my … my good friend, Stibbons."
Do you remember what happened? "Well, let me see … we decided to take a look around this old library. I was sure there had to be a treasure or two to make it worth our while. Young Raynor became ensorcelled almost immediately and ran off.
After that, things kind of get fuzzy."
You should head for safety. I'll find Telenger. "Thank you. I'm going to get out of here. I need to … find someone.

[?] [?]


Show: The Jeweled Crown of Anton
If the non-cursed crown was taken:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Stibbons! Could you come and put this lovely crown away, please?" Stibbons: "Of course, my lady." Forgotten Seneschal: "Why? Why isn't he bound?" Stibbons: "There we are, my lady. Safe and sound." Forgotten Seneschal: "No! That's not the right crown!" "You betrayed me! Betrayed me!" Stibbons: "I'll go see about more fish for the stew, my lady."

Show: The Emerald Chalice
If Lady Laurent was told the truth about the Chalice's effects:

Stibbons: "Yes m'lady. Please try not to get any on my clothes. Blood is murder to get out." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Now just hold still Stibbons …. Now you, Goblin, drink from the chalice." Stibbons: "What? What's happening …?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Oh, dear … that was an unexpected side effect."

Show: Through the Daedric Lens

Projection of Kireth Vanos: "All right, I think I made the proper adjustments. Now let's see if I can spot my brother …" Telenger the Artificer: "Lady Laurent, we need to get out of here. This place is a trap. Young Raynor has already been caught in its spell." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Oh, Telenger, let's just stay here. You and I. Forever." Telenger the Artificer: "No, the glamour has taken you as well!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Come, my dear. Let us find a quiet corner among all these beautiful books." Telenger the Artificer: "She's lost. Damn! I need to escape before I also succumb to the spell. I'll leave them a note in case the effects wear off." Projection of Kireth Vanos: "A spell? Why haven't I been affected? Wait, I just heard the door unlock! It should be safe now. Come meet me in the gallery at the top of the ruins."

Show: Sorrow's Kiss
After first speaking with Kharsthun:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Stibbons, don't you dare put down that firewood! It won't do us any good if it gets wet." Stibbons: "You make a sound point, my lady."

Upon finding the second stanza:

Kharsthun: "Another stanza! Incredible! Torug took the armlet to the very summit! But this word …?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Come now, Stibbons, keep it up!" Stibbons: "Right behind you, m'lady. As always." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Brr! This cold is unbearable! Stibbons, the firewood!" Stibbons: "A fire! Splendid idea, m'lady! I'll just—oh my!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "If this is Torug's shrine, where's his body?" Stibbons: "M'lady … you need to see this." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Build the fire here. I need more light! Maybe there's a hidden door." Stibbons: "Lady Clarisse Laurent, I insist you listen to me!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "What are you going on about, Stibbons? Can't you see I'm trying to—oh. I suggest a strategic retreat." Stibbons: "I wholeheartedly agree, m'lady." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Let's stand back here and let Kharsthun and our friend work in peace, Stibbons."

Upon finding the third stanza:

Stibbons: "I think they found the third stanza, m'lady!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Quiet, Stibbons! There might still be ogres about! Quickly, Kharsthun. What does it say?" Kharsthun: "Let me take a look. Torug wasn't pleased that they built his shrine below the summit. He wanted to rest at the top." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Does it say anything about the Armlet of Torug?" Kharsthun: "He carried it to the summit. It says he "laid Sorrow's … kiss upon it." Yes, "zugka." I'm certain it's ""kiss."" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Sorrow's kiss? The same phrase from the fragment! Doesn't that sound so romantic, Stibbons?" Stibbons: "Very sentimental, m'lady. But are you sure that doesn't say "zugra?"" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Now, Stibbons, really! Leave the translating to the experts. In the meantime, I must speak to our friend."

When the Vestige regains consciousness:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Look, our friends have returned to their senses. I told you they weren't dead, Stibbons." Kharsthun: "And look! That must be the Armlet of Torug! I refuse to let you go through with your plan, Lady Laurent." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Really, Kharsthun, not that again! We clearly have more to discuss. Stibbons, see to our friends."

If the Vestige sides with Kharsthun:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "You sided with Kharsthun? After all we've been through?" Kharsthun: "It's been decided. Torug's relic stays in Torug's shrine." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "The poor Orcs have to climb up here to see a piece of their heritage? That's positively criminal!" Kharsthun: "Wait! What's Stibbons doing with the relic!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "A little faster, Stibbons. I'm anxious to see what the relic actually does!" Stibbons: "But, m'lady, what if I'm not worthy?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Nonsense! We're not afraid of legends and superstitions, are we?" Stibbons: "No, m'lady. Of course not. Well, here goes nothing." <Stibbons turns to ice> Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Oh, Stibbons, what did you do this time?" Kharsthun: "Hmm. Maybe your man-servant was right. Maybe it does say "Sorrow's curse.""

After completing the quest:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Give me a moment and I'll open a portal back to our base camp." Kharsthun: "A portal? So why did we have to make that harrowing climb?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Teleportation is a delicate business. I can't just open a portal to some place I've never seen."

Back at base camp:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Careful! Don't crack my man-servant! Honestly, you Orcs approach everything like you're going to war." Kharsthun: "Perhaps you'd like to carry him, your majesty?"

Show: A Web of Troubles

Stibbons: "I beg m'lady's pardon. I really thought I could solve the case of the missing mages." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Whatever gave you that idea? You can barely manage not to lose my collection of combs and brushes every time you pack them!" Stibbons: "But … but … Investigator Vale … I mean, would m'lady like her tea now?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "And some of those sweet biscuits I like. Let's return to camp so you can start cooking!" Stibbons: "Of course, m'lady. Right away." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "And Stibbons, I want my book back. I must find out what happens when Investigator Vale meets the innkeeper's daughter in the wine cellar. I'm sure it will be scandalous!"

After releasing the spider:

Stibbons: "Ahh! A spider!" Stibbons: "I'm … still conscious?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "My tea worked! Head for the ruins and find the spider that talked to you, Stibbons!" Stibbons: "As you command, m'lady."

Further into the ruins:

Stibbons: "Another spider! And it's talking to me!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Follow my man-servant!"

After the quest, in the camp:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Stibbons, I have something I'd like you to read." Stibbons: "What's this? The newest Investigator Vale mystery?" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Just read it out loud and tell me what it says." Stibbons: "A read-aloud? What fun!" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Just enunciate, Stibbons. And speak loudly." Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Any time now, Stibbons." Stibbons: "This isn't the newest Investigator Vale mystery …" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Read the scroll, Stibbons!" Stibbons: "Something, something … Mad God flows and ebbs. Something, something … call forth the tangled webs … Oh no, that doesn't sound good …" Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Really, Stibbons? You do manage to complicate the simplest tasks."


  • "Ah, another adventurer! Of course you know who I am. I'm famous, as you know. When it comes to ancient artifacts, no one in Glenumbra has more expertise than I do."
Show: Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion
  • "All right, let's get this started. Gol … ro … so … me-aka?" – When starting the ritual to close the portal
  • "Woo hoo! Take that, you damned Elves. Wait. I just lost my place." – During the ritual
  • "Alooo-saba … takeo? Takeeeo? Taco? How do you pronounce this?" – During the ritual
  • "All right. I think I've got it! Malla Aloo takeo!" – During the ritual
Show: Sorrow's Kiss
  • "And here we are again, at the foot of Sorrow's insidious climb. With your help, I hope we can make it farther up the mountain this time. If all goes well, we should reach Torug's shrine before Stibbons sets out our evening meal."― Before searching for expedition survivors
  • "I can't believe we're just going to leave those poor Orcs out here in the open for all the world to see. If you ask me, that's no way to treat the dead."― If spoken to in the cave
  • "Stibbons will tell you what happened. That's what he's here for, after all. In the meantime, I need to have another discussion with Kharsthun concerning the ultimate disposition of Torug's relic."― At Sorrow Peak, before settling the argument
  • "I hope Kharsthun can get Stibbons back to the Mages Guild without dropping him too many times. I'm not sure what they can do if poor Stibbons gets cracked or even shattered. Anyway, thanks again for your able assistance!"―At the end of the quest if given the Armlet of Torug
Show: A Web of Troubles
  • "Ah, good. You found Stibbons. Probably just got turned around in the ruins again." – When summoned with Lady Laurent's Signal Wand
  • "That's one of the spiders? You don't expect me to touch it, do you? I wonder why it hasn't controlled us? Too far from the ruins? Maybe it targets specific individuals? Well, release the spider and let's see if the tea keeps Stibbons from fainting." – After catching the mind spider
  • "Well, what do we have here?" – Inside the ruins
  • "Follow me, brave assistant!" – After speaking to her inside the ruins
  • "I was right! It is some kind of Daedric ritual, led by a hulking Nord priest!"
  • "Stibbons! You look ridiculous! Stop dancing this instant!" – After seeing the ritual
  • "Stibbons has a way of dropping a fetcherfly into the honey. It's a gift, I suppose. Don't worry. I'll figure out how to extract him from those webs … after I enjoy another cup of tea. Safe travels, my friend." – After the quest
Show: Tongues of Stone
  • "I'm back, Stibbons. Glad to see you haven't run off anywhere." – When first reaching Stibbons
  • "What a hodgepodge! How is one supposed to find anything in here?" – When looking for her notes
  • "Ah yes, now I recall how it was." – After giving her the notes
  • "These writings are very old indeed. How gratifying!" – When finding the first inscription
  • "This is a curious one! I must have missed it on my first pass." – When finding the second inscription
  • "I'll have this in an instant …." – When finding the third inscription
  • "The tongue! Of course!" – Upon solving Mareh the Hermit's riddles
  • "Ugh, how very disgusting!" – When cutting out a Gargoyle's tongue
  • "Now, if my calculations are correct …. This should take effect almost immediately." – When using the cure on Stibbons


