- "I trust you are here to help. Dark rituals are being performed around the island."
- ―Laganakh[src]
Laganakh is an Orsimer residing in Stonetooth Fortress, Betnikh.
Into the Hills[]
Laganakh senses evil spreading across Betnikh. After this, the Vestige begins to search for information as to the origin of the evil. A nearby totem may grant them visions that will help in its defeat.
Into the Hills[]
"I trust you are here to help. Dark rituals are being performed around the island. I first smelled corruption on the wind. Then my shaman found evidence at an Ayleid ruin nearby."
- Who is performing the rituals? "The same cult that attacked the fortress. I sense a link between the attack and the rituals. There is a way to be certain. Chief Tazgol has forbidden me from pursuing this, so I ask you to."
- How? "By the bridge to the south of the totem. Those who touch it see visions. It may show you a vision that links the attack to the rituals I feel corrupting the island. Follow wherever the vision leads you."
- I will. "You journey into danger. Choose your steps carefully."
- How can I see these visions? "The land remembers those who tread upon it, for good or for ill. The totem taps into these memories and shows us the ghosts of the past."
- I will. "You journey into danger. Choose your steps carefully."
- How? "By the bridge to the south of the totem. Those who touch it see visions. It may show you a vision that links the attack to the rituals I feel corrupting the island. Follow wherever the vision leads you."
After returning from the Bloodthorn Lair:
"You return. What did you learn of the Bloodthorn plans?"
- They are desperate to enter the spirit realm. "The fools! Did they succeed?"
- Yes, I saw it happen. "The dangers that face us become clearer. I will try to convince Chief Tazgol of this, though I doubt he will accept the word of an outsider. Your efforts on our behalf bring you honor."