- "Speak to the captain. She's the one who likes to talk"
- ―Lambur[src]
Lambur is an Orsimer residing on Kaleen's ship at the docks of Port Hunding, Stros M'Kai. She appears to be Kaleen's bodyguard.
Carzog's Demise[]
The investigations into the Bloodthorn Cult's activities have convinced Chief Tazgol that they threaten the Orcs on Betnikh. Lambur is leading the way to Carzog's Demise ruin to investigate them.
On to Glenumbra[]
After the actions made in the previous quest, Chief Tazgol has been convinced to join the Daggerfall Covenant. He ordered Captain Kaleen to sail to Daggerfall.
Tip of the Spearhead[]
Help Captain Kaleen with her heist.
The Bloodthorn Plot[]
See visions of things to come.
Lambur can later be found on a ship in Wayrest Docks along with several of Kaleen's former crew. If the Vestige interact with her, they'll know what she's been up to since leaving Betnikh and Stros M'Kai.
"Hey! The captain's looking for you."
- What's going on? "Thanks to your work, we can go ahead with the heist. We've even got a few extra sailors clamoring to join our crew.
You should talk to the captain upstairs."- I'll go speak to her.
In the fortress:
"This was part of a larger plan. I'm sure of it!"
- What happened? "The Bloodthorn Cult assaulted the fortress. They where repulsed, but they stole a Breton scroll the Orcs found here long ago. Chief Tazgol thinks the attack failed but I'm not so sure."
- What do you mean? "The cultists where retreated after the initial assault; they came here to steal the scroll, I'm sure if it. But why? Have they set a trap for us? We must know before the chief decides to attack."
- How can I help? "Start with Shaman Laganakh. She witnessed Bloodthorn rituals in the Carved Hills. She’s waiting by the longhouse south of here. Cultists where also seen at Moriseli, to the north, and Grimfield, west of here."
- What can you tell me about Moriseli? "It's an Ayleid ruin. Years ago, Breton raiders attacked us. An outnumbered patrol held there for weeks until they were wiped out. Later, our army destroyed the raiders. It's just a ruin, really. I don't know what the Bloodthorn want with it."
- What about Grimfield? That's an ominous name. "It's a graveyard. Not ours — Breton. When we conquered the island hundreds of years ago, Warchief Yzzgol left it intact out of respect for our enemies. We don't desecrate graves, but the Bloodthorn Cult will. Plenty of fresh bodies."
- What do you know about the Carved Hills? "It's mostly wilderness. There are Ayleid ruins, but they were looted long ago. I don't know what the Bloodthorns want there, but Laganakh might know more."
- How can I help? "Start with Shaman Laganakh. She witnessed Bloodthorn rituals in the Carved Hills. She’s waiting by the longhouse south of here. Cultists where also seen at Moriseli, to the north, and Grimfield, west of here."
- What do you mean? "The cultists where retreated after the initial assault; they came here to steal the scroll, I'm sure if it. But why? Have they set a trap for us? We must know before the chief decides to attack."
When returning with news of the Cult's plans:
"You're back. Good. Do you know what this cult is planning?"
- The cult seeks a powerful relic beneath Carzog's Demise "Bloodthorn Cultists were sighted at those ruins. Chieftain Tazgol has already taken the army to deal with them. They're walking into a trap!"
At the start of the quest:
"Chief Tazgol is leading the Orcs toward Carzog's. He's determined to wipe the Bloodthorn Cult off Betnikh."
- What's wrong? You sound worried. "Chief Tazgol doesn't see the danger. The Bloodthorns are after an ancient Ayleid weapon that we know nothing about. We must catch up to Tazgol and stop him from rushing in!"
- Let's get going.
After killing Vardan:
"Destroy the relic, now! Didn't you hear the screams, as those things consumed the souls of my people?"
- This is a hard decision. "It should be an easy one. You must destroy it. Do not hand it to the ones who leveled Orsinium and tried to exterminate all my kind!"
- Orsinium? What do you mean? "Orsinium used to be the Orc homeland. Breton and Redguard kings have a nasty habit of burning it to the ground. Now the Covenant will solve all our problems? You give them the relic, they'll use it to keep Orcs in line. If not now, then one day."
- How likely is that? "This object is a curse, a danger to all. It can be turned against anyone as easily as Vardan turned it against the Orcs. Unless you want me as an enemy, destroy that thing!"
- Thanks for your advice, Lambur.
- How likely is that? "This object is a curse, a danger to all. It can be turned against anyone as easily as Vardan turned it against the Orcs. Unless you want me as an enemy, destroy that thing!"
- I'm still not sure. [?]
- Orsinium? What do you mean? "Orsinium used to be the Orc homeland. Breton and Redguard kings have a nasty habit of burning it to the ground. Now the Covenant will solve all our problems? You give them the relic, they'll use it to keep Orcs in line. If not now, then one day."
Lambur: "Strange that such a small thing can cause such terror. It must be destroyed!" Captain Kaleen: "Hold on. Let's think about this." Lambur: "What's to think about? It killed hundreds of Orcs!" Captain Kaleen: "The cultists did that. In the right hands, this could defend the Covenant against invaders." Lambur: "I'm not giving that thing to the people who leveled Orsinium!"
Carzog's Demise[]
After initiating the quest:
Lambur: "Quickly, to Carzog's to deal with this threat!" Seamount Soldier: "Yes, sir!"
When arriving at Carzog's Demise:
Lambur: "Commander Kharsh, what's wrong?" Kharsh: "The Bloodthorns have raised a spectral army from the depths of the ruins. We can't defeat them!" Lambur: "Get the wounded back to the fortress. We'll put an end to this!"
After killing Vardan:
Lambur: "Strange that such a small thing can cause such terror. It must be destroyed!" Captain Kaleen: "Hold on. Let's think about this." Lambur: "What's to think about? It killed hundreds of Orcs!" Captain Kaleen: "The cultists did that. In the right hands, this could defend the Covenant against invaders." Lambur: "I'm not giving that thing to the people who leveled Orsinium!"
- "Finally, home to Betnikh! I've missed my clan." – During Tip of the Spearhead, before sailing off to Betnikh