Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"What the rebels like to forget is that the Empire's what's keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim."
―Adventus Caesennius[src]

Adventus Caesennius is a legate in the Imperial Legion. He can usually be found at Castle Dour in Solitude, unless the Stormcloaks win the Civil War and capture Solitude, after which he will completely vanish, as will Captain Aldis. He serves as liaison for General Tullius and Legate Rikke with overlooking Imperial Legion forces in Haafingar Hold.


"Not sure you belong here, citizen."

How does one join the Imperial Legion? "Think you've got the mettle, eh? Honestly, the Legion can use all the able bodies it can muster. We have our hands full. A dead king, a rebellion, and now dragons? Skyrim's a mess. If you're serious, you're in the right place. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. Here you'll find General Tullius, commanding our forces in Skyrim. But talk to Legate Rikke. She handles the local recruiting."


Adventus Caesennius has the same dialogue as a regular Imperial soldier:

  • "Keep your guard up."
  • "Can't wait to kill another of Ulfric's boys."
  • "Damn Stormcloak rebels."
  • "Keep an eye out for trouble, it's only a matter of time."
  • "I'll take my leave then."
  • "Stay sharp."
  • "Alright then."
  • "Until next time."

